blob: f16094d93f1f724580f4ebc0aec913c9b61685f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
// Search std, __cxxabiv1, and global namespaces, plus two more,
// breadth first
// { dg-options "--param cxx-max-namespaces-for-diagnostic-help=5" }
// ::, std and __cxxabiv1
namespace A
int foo; // { dg-message "A::foo" "suggested alternative" }
namespace A0
int foo; // not me
namespace B
inline namespace I
int foo; // { dg-message "B::I::foo" "suggested alternative" }
namespace C
int foo;
namespace D
int foo;
namespace E
int foo;
int bar()
return foo; // { dg-error "was not declared" }
// { dg-message "maximum limit of 5 namespaces" "maximum limit" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
// { dg-message "suggested alternative" "suggested alternative" { target *-*-* } .-2 }