blob: ead4e0847befe0bceddaa947ee35677d3084fb0f [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-options "-fdiagnostics-show-caret" }
#include <memory>
void* allocate(std::size_t n)
return std::allocate<char>().allocate(n); // { dg-error ".allocate. is not a member of .std.; did you mean 'allocator'\\?" }
/* { dg-begin-multiline-output "" }
return std::allocate<char>().allocate(n);
{ dg-end-multiline-output "" } */
// Various errors follow that we don't care about; suppress them:
// { dg-excess-errors "7: " }
void* test_2(std::size_t n)
return std::alocator<char>().allocate(n); // { dg-error ".alocator. is not a member of .std.; did you mean 'allocator'\\?" }
/* { dg-begin-multiline-output "" }
return std::alocator<char>().allocate(n);
{ dg-end-multiline-output "" } */
// Various errors follow that we don't care about; suppress them:
// { dg-excess-errors "25: " }