blob: cc2422bcaa001cfe22768289c2b6108808068e5f [file] [log] [blame]
* This module provides OS specific helper function for DLL support
* Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2010 - 2012.
* License: Distributed under the
* $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0).
* (See accompanying file LICENSE)
* Authors: Rainer Schuetze
* Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC src/core/sys/windows/_dll.d)
/* NOTE: This file has been patched from the original DMD distribution to
* work with the GDC compiler.
version (Windows):
import core.stdc.string;
import core.runtime;
public import;
// support fixing implicit TLS for dynamically loaded DLLs on Windows XP
// in this special case, we have to treat _tlsstart and _tlsend as non-TLS variables
// as they are used to simulate TLS when it is not set up under XP. In this case we must
// not access tls_array[tls_index] as needed for thread local _tlsstart and _tlsend
extern (C)
version (Win32)
version (CRuntime_DigitalMars)
extern __gshared byte _tlsstart;
extern __gshared byte _tlsend;
extern __gshared void* _tls_callbacks_a;
else version (CRuntime_Microsoft)
extern __gshared byte _tls_start;
extern __gshared byte _tls_end;
extern __gshared void* __xl_a;
alias _tls_start _tlsstart;
alias _tls_end _tlsend;
alias __xl_a _tls_callbacks_a;
extern __gshared int _tls_index;
extern (C) // rt.minfo
void rt_moduleTlsCtor();
void rt_moduleTlsDtor();
struct dll_aux
// don't let symbols leak into other modules
version (Win32)
struct LdrpTlsListEntry
LdrpTlsListEntry* next;
LdrpTlsListEntry* prev;
void* tlsstart;
void* tlsend;
void* ptr_tlsindex;
void* callbacks;
void* zerofill;
int tlsindex;
alias fnRtlAllocateHeap = extern(Windows)
void* function(void* HeapHandle, uint Flags, size_t Size) nothrow;
// find a code sequence and return the address after the sequence
static void* findCodeSequence( void* adr, int len, ref ubyte[] pattern ) nothrow
if ( !adr )
return null;
ubyte* code = cast(ubyte*) adr;
for ( int p = 0; p < len; p++ )
if ( code[ p .. p + pattern.length ] == pattern[ 0 .. $ ] )
ubyte* padr = code + p + pattern.length;
return padr;
return null;
// find a code sequence and return the (relative) address that follows
static void* findCodeReference( void* adr, int len, ref ubyte[] pattern, bool relative ) nothrow
if ( !adr )
return null;
ubyte* padr = cast(ubyte*) findCodeSequence( adr, len, pattern );
if ( padr )
if ( relative )
return padr + 4 + *cast(int*) padr;
return *cast(void**) padr;
return null;
// crawl through ntdll to find function _LdrpAllocateTls@0 and references
// to _LdrpNumberOfTlsEntries, _NtdllBaseTag and _LdrpTlsList
// LdrInitializeThunk
// -> _LdrpInitialize@12
// -> _LdrpInitializeThread@4
// -> _LdrpAllocateTls@0
// -> je chunk
// _LdrpNumberOfTlsEntries - number of entries in TlsList
// _NtdllBaseTag - tag used for RtlAllocateHeap
// _LdrpTlsList - root of the double linked list with TlsList entries
static __gshared int* pNtdllBaseTag; // remembered for reusage in addTlsData
static __gshared ubyte[] jmp_LdrpInitialize = [ 0x33, 0xED, 0xE9 ]; // xor ebp,ebp; jmp _LdrpInitialize
static __gshared ubyte[] jmp__LdrpInitialize = [ 0x5D, 0xE9 ]; // pop ebp; jmp __LdrpInitialize
static __gshared ubyte[] jmp__LdrpInitialize_xp64 = [ 0x5D, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 ]; // pop ebp; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;
static __gshared ubyte[] call_LdrpInitializeThread = [ 0xFF, 0x75, 0x08, 0xE8 ]; // push [ebp+8]; call _LdrpInitializeThread
static __gshared ubyte[] call_LdrpAllocateTls = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xE8 ]; // jne 0xc3; call _LdrpAllocateTls
static __gshared ubyte[] call_LdrpAllocateTls_svr03 = [ 0x65, 0xfc, 0x00, 0xE8 ]; // and [ebp+fc], 0; call _LdrpAllocateTls
static __gshared ubyte[] jne_LdrpAllocateTls = [ 0x0f, 0x85 ]; // jne body_LdrpAllocateTls
static __gshared ubyte[] mov_LdrpNumberOfTlsEntries = [ 0x8B, 0x0D ]; // mov ecx, _LdrpNumberOfTlsEntries
static __gshared ubyte[] mov_NtdllBaseTag = [ 0x51, 0x8B, 0x0D ]; // push ecx; mov ecx, _NtdllBaseTag
static __gshared ubyte[] mov_NtdllBaseTag_srv03 = [ 0x50, 0xA1 ]; // push eax; mov eax, _NtdllBaseTag
static __gshared ubyte[] mov_LdrpTlsList = [ 0x8B, 0x3D ]; // mov edi, _LdrpTlsList
static LdrpTlsListEntry* addTlsListEntry( void** peb, void* tlsstart, void* tlsend, void* tls_callbacks_a, int* tlsindex ) nothrow
HANDLE hnd = GetModuleHandleA( "NTDLL" );
assert( hnd, "cannot get module handle for ntdll" );
ubyte* fn = cast(ubyte*) GetProcAddress( hnd, "LdrInitializeThunk" );
assert( fn, "cannot find LdrInitializeThunk in ntdll" );
void* pLdrpInitialize = findCodeReference( fn, 20, jmp_LdrpInitialize, true );
void* p_LdrpInitialize = findCodeReference( pLdrpInitialize, 40, jmp__LdrpInitialize, true );
if ( !p_LdrpInitialize )
p_LdrpInitialize = findCodeSequence( pLdrpInitialize, 40, jmp__LdrpInitialize_xp64 );
void* pLdrpInitializeThread = findCodeReference( p_LdrpInitialize, 200, call_LdrpInitializeThread, true );
void* pLdrpAllocateTls = findCodeReference( pLdrpInitializeThread, 40, call_LdrpAllocateTls, true );
if (!pLdrpAllocateTls)
pLdrpAllocateTls = findCodeReference( pLdrpInitializeThread, 100, call_LdrpAllocateTls_svr03, true );
void* pBodyAllocateTls = findCodeReference( pLdrpAllocateTls, 40, jne_LdrpAllocateTls, true );
int* pLdrpNumberOfTlsEntries = cast(int*) findCodeReference( pBodyAllocateTls, 60, mov_LdrpNumberOfTlsEntries, false );
pNtdllBaseTag = cast(int*) findCodeReference( pBodyAllocateTls, 30, mov_NtdllBaseTag, false );
if (!pNtdllBaseTag)
pNtdllBaseTag = cast(int*) findCodeReference( pBodyAllocateTls, 30, mov_NtdllBaseTag_srv03, false );
LdrpTlsListEntry* pLdrpTlsList = cast(LdrpTlsListEntry*)findCodeReference( pBodyAllocateTls, 80, mov_LdrpTlsList, false );
if ( !pLdrpNumberOfTlsEntries || !pNtdllBaseTag || !pLdrpTlsList )
return null;
fnRtlAllocateHeap fnAlloc = cast(fnRtlAllocateHeap) GetProcAddress( hnd, "RtlAllocateHeap" );
if ( !fnAlloc )
return null;
// allocate new TlsList entry (adding 0xC0000 to the tag is obviously a flag also usesd by
// the nt-loader, could be the result of HEAP_MAKE_TAG_FLAGS(0,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE|HEAP_GROWABLE)
// but this is not documented in the msdn entry for RtlAlloateHeap
void* heap = peb[6];
LdrpTlsListEntry* entry = cast(LdrpTlsListEntry*) (*fnAlloc)( heap, *pNtdllBaseTag | 0xc0000, LdrpTlsListEntry.sizeof );
if ( !entry )
return null;
// fill entry
entry.tlsstart = tlsstart;
entry.tlsend = tlsend;
entry.ptr_tlsindex = tlsindex;
entry.callbacks = tls_callbacks_a;
entry.zerofill = null;
entry.tlsindex = *pLdrpNumberOfTlsEntries;
// and add it to the end of TlsList
*tlsindex = *pLdrpNumberOfTlsEntries; = pLdrpTlsList;
entry.prev = pLdrpTlsList.prev; = entry;
pLdrpTlsList.prev = entry;
return entry;
// reallocate TLS array and create a copy of the TLS data section
static bool addTlsData( void** teb, void* tlsstart, void* tlsend, int tlsindex ) nothrow
HANDLE hnd = GetModuleHandleA( "NTDLL" );
assert( hnd, "cannot get module handle for ntdll" );
fnRtlAllocateHeap fnAlloc = cast(fnRtlAllocateHeap) GetProcAddress( hnd, "RtlAllocateHeap" );
if ( !fnAlloc || !pNtdllBaseTag )
return false;
void** peb = cast(void**) teb[12];
void* heap = peb[6];
auto sz = tlsend - tlsstart;
void* tlsdata = cast(void*) (*fnAlloc)( heap, *pNtdllBaseTag | 0xc0000, sz );
if ( !tlsdata )
return false;
// no relocations! not even self-relocations. Windows does not do them.
core.stdc.string.memcpy( tlsdata, tlsstart, sz );
// create copy of tls pointer array
void** array = cast(void**) (*fnAlloc)( heap, *pNtdllBaseTag | 0xc0000, (tlsindex + 1) * (void*).sizeof );
if ( !array )
return false;
if ( tlsindex > 0 && teb[11] )
core.stdc.string.memcpy( array, teb[11], tlsindex * (void*).sizeof);
array[tlsindex] = tlsdata;
teb[11] = cast(void*) array;
// let the old array leak, in case a oncurrent thread is still relying on it
return true;
} // Win32
alias bool BOOLEAN;
short Length;
short MaximumLength;
wchar* Buffer;
// the following structures can be found here:
// perhaps this should be same as LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, which is introduced with PEB_LDR_DATA
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
PVOID BaseAddress;
PVOID EntryPoint;
SIZE_T SizeOfImage;
ULONG Flags;
SHORT LoadCount; // obsolete after Version 6.1
SHORT TlsIndex;
LIST_ENTRY HashTableEntry;
ULONG TimeDateStamp;
PVOID EntryPointActivationContext;
PVOID PatchInformation;
LDR_DDAG_NODE *DdagNode; // starting with Version 6.2
void* ServiceTagList; // LDR_SERVICE_TAG_RECORD
ULONG LoadCount;
ULONG ReferenceCount; // Version 10: ULONG LoadWhileUnloadingCount;
ULONG DependencyCount; // Version 10: ULONG LowestLink;
ULONG Length;
BOOLEAN Initialized;
PVOID SsHandle;
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
static LDR_MODULE* findLdrModule( HINSTANCE hInstance, void** peb ) nothrow @nogc
PEB_LDR_DATA* ldrData = cast(PEB_LDR_DATA*) peb[3];
LIST_ENTRY* root = &ldrData.InLoadOrderModuleList;
for (LIST_ENTRY* entry =; entry != root; entry =
LDR_MODULE *ldrMod = cast(LDR_MODULE*) entry;
if (ldrMod.BaseAddress == hInstance)
return ldrMod;
return null;
static bool setDllTlsUsage( HINSTANCE hInstance, void** peb ) nothrow
LDR_MODULE *thisMod = findLdrModule( hInstance, peb );
if ( !thisMod )
return false;
thisMod.TlsIndex = -1; // uses TLS (not the index itself)
thisMod.LoadCount = -1; // never unload
return true;
/* *****************************************************
* Fix implicit thread local storage for the case when a DLL is loaded
* dynamically after process initialization.
* The link time variables are passed to allow placing this function into
* an RTL DLL itself.
* The problem is described in Bugzilla 3342 and
*, to quote from the latter:
* "When a DLL using implicit TLS is loaded, because the loader doesn't process the TLS
* directory, the _tls_index value is not initialized by the loader, nor is there space
* allocated for module's TLS data in the ThreadLocalStoragePointer arrays of running
* threads. The DLL continues to load, however, and things will appear to work... until the
* first access to a __declspec(thread) variable occurs, that is."
* _tls_index is initialized by the compiler to 0, so we can use this as a test.
bool dll_fixTLS( HINSTANCE hInstance, void* tlsstart, void* tlsend, void* tls_callbacks_a, int* tlsindex ) nothrow
version (GNU_EMUTLS)
return true;
else version (Win64)
return true; // fixed
else version (Win32)
/* If the OS has allocated a TLS slot for us, we don't have to do anything
* tls_index 0 means: the OS has not done anything, or it has allocated slot 0
* Vista and later Windows systems should do this correctly and not need
* this function.
if ( *tlsindex != 0 )
return true;
void** peb;
asm pure nothrow @nogc
mov EAX,FS:[0x30];
mov peb, EAX;
dll_aux.LDR_MODULE *ldrMod = dll_aux.findLdrModule( hInstance, peb );
if ( !ldrMod )
return false; // not in module list, bail out
if ( ldrMod.TlsIndex != 0 )
return true; // the OS has already setup TLS
dll_aux.LdrpTlsListEntry* entry = dll_aux.addTlsListEntry( peb, tlsstart, tlsend, tls_callbacks_a, tlsindex );
if ( !entry )
return false;
scope (failure) assert(0); // enforce nothrow, Bugzilla 13561
if ( !enumProcessThreads(
function (uint id, void* context) nothrow {
dll_aux.LdrpTlsListEntry* entry = cast(dll_aux.LdrpTlsListEntry*) context;
return dll_aux.addTlsData( getTEB( id ), entry.tlsstart, entry.tlsend, entry.tlsindex );
}, entry ) )
return false;
ldrMod.TlsIndex = -1; // flag TLS usage (not the index itself)
ldrMod.LoadCount = -1; // prevent unloading of the DLL,
// since XP does not keep track of used TLS entries
return true;
private extern (Windows) ULONGLONG VerSetConditionMask(ULONGLONG, DWORD, BYTE) nothrow @nogc;
private bool isWindows8OrLater() nothrow @nogc
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = osvi.sizeof;
DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = VerSetConditionMask(
osvi.dwMajorVersion = 6;
osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2;
osvi.wServicePackMajor = 0;
return VerifyVersionInfoW(&osvi, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION | VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR, dwlConditionMask) != FALSE;
/* *****************************************************
* Get the process reference count for the given DLL handle
* Params:
* hInstance = DLL instance handle
* Returns:
* the reference count for the DLL in the current process,
* -1 if the DLL is implicitely loaded with the process
* or -2 if the DLL handle is invalid
int dll_getRefCount( HINSTANCE hInstance ) nothrow @nogc
void** peb;
version (Win64)
version (GNU_InlineAsm)
asm pure nothrow @nogc { "movq %%gs:0x60, %0;" : "=r" (peb); }
asm pure nothrow @nogc
mov RAX, 0x60;
mov RAX,GS:[RAX];
mov peb, RAX;
else version (Win32)
version (GNU_InlineAsm)
asm pure nothrow @nogc { "movl %%fs:0x30, %0;" : "=r" (peb); }
asm pure nothrow @nogc
mov EAX,FS:[0x30];
mov peb, EAX;
dll_aux.LDR_MODULE *ldrMod = dll_aux.findLdrModule( hInstance, peb );
if ( !ldrMod )
return -2; // not in module list, bail out
if (isWindows8OrLater())
return ldrMod.DdagNode.LoadCount;
return ldrMod.LoadCount;
// fixup TLS storage, initialize runtime and attach to threads
// to be called from DllMain with reason DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
bool dll_process_attach( HINSTANCE hInstance, bool attach_threads,
void* tlsstart, void* tlsend, void* tls_callbacks_a, int* tlsindex )
version (Win32)
if ( !dll_fixTLS( hInstance, tlsstart, tlsend, tls_callbacks_a, tlsindex ) )
return false;
if ( !attach_threads )
return true;
// attach to all other threads
return enumProcessThreads(
function (uint id, void* context) {
if ( !thread_findByAddr( id ) && !findLowLevelThread( id ) )
// if the OS has not prepared TLS for us, don't attach to the thread
if ( GetTlsDataAddress( id ) )
thread_attachByAddr( id );
thread_moduleTlsCtor( id );
return true;
}, null );
// same as above, but only usable if druntime is linked statically
bool dll_process_attach( HINSTANCE hInstance, bool attach_threads = true )
version (Win64)
return dll_process_attach( hInstance, attach_threads,
null, null, null, null );
else version (Win32)
return dll_process_attach( hInstance, attach_threads,
&_tlsstart, &_tlsend, &_tls_callbacks_a, &_tls_index );
// to be called from DllMain with reason DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
void dll_process_detach( HINSTANCE hInstance, bool detach_threads = true )
// notify core.thread.joinLowLevelThread that the DLL is about to be unloaded
thread_DLLProcessDetaching = true;
// detach from all other threads
if ( detach_threads )
function (uint id, void* context)
if ( id != GetCurrentThreadId() )
if ( auto t = thread_findByAddr( id ) )
thread_moduleTlsDtor( id );
if ( !t.isMainThread() )
thread_detachByAddr( id );
return true;
}, null );
/* Make sure that tlsCtorRun is itself a tls variable
static bool tlsCtorRun;
static this() { tlsCtorRun = true; }
static ~this() { tlsCtorRun = false; }
// to be called from DllMain with reason DLL_THREAD_ATTACH
bool dll_thread_attach( bool attach_thread = true, bool initTls = true )
// if the OS has not prepared TLS for us, don't attach to the thread
// (happened when running under x64 OS)
auto tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
if ( !GetTlsDataAddress( tid ) )
return false;
if ( !thread_findByAddr( tid ) && !findLowLevelThread( tid ) )
// only attach to thread and initalize it if it is not in the thread list (so it's not created by "new Thread")
if ( attach_thread )
if ( initTls && !tlsCtorRun ) // avoid duplicate calls
return true;
// to be called from DllMain with reason DLL_THREAD_DETACH
bool dll_thread_detach( bool detach_thread = true, bool exitTls = true )
// if the OS has not prepared TLS for us, we did not attach to the thread
if ( !GetTlsDataAddress( GetCurrentThreadId() ) )
return false;
if ( thread_findByAddr( GetCurrentThreadId() ) )
if ( exitTls && tlsCtorRun ) // avoid dtors to be run twice
if ( detach_thread )
return true;
/// A simple mixin to provide a $(D DllMain) which calls the necessary
/// runtime initialization and termination functions automatically.
/// Instead of writing a custom $(D DllMain), simply write:
/// ---
/// mixin SimpleDllMain;
/// ---
mixin template SimpleDllMain()
import : HINSTANCE;
bool DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, uint ulReason, void* reserved)
import :
dll_process_attach, dll_process_detach,
dll_thread_attach, dll_thread_detach;
switch (ulReason)
default: assert(0);
return dll_process_attach( hInstance, true );
dll_process_detach( hInstance, true );
return true;
return dll_thread_attach( true, true );
return dll_thread_detach( true, true );