blob: 76a82681c2d765418d3a88e6eced86728cd6240f [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- E R R O U T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- Warning: Error messages can be generated during Gigi processing by direct
-- calls to error message routines, so it is essential that the processing
-- in this body be consistent with the requirements for the Gigi processing
-- environment, and that in particular, no disallowed table expansion is
-- allowed to occur.
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Csets; use Csets;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Einfo.Entities; use Einfo.Entities;
with Einfo.Utils; use Einfo.Utils;
with Erroutc; use Erroutc;
with Gnatvsn; use Gnatvsn;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Output; use Output;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinfo.Nodes; use Sinfo.Nodes;
with Sinfo.Utils; use Sinfo.Utils;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stylesw; use Stylesw;
with Uname; use Uname;
package body Errout is
Errors_Must_Be_Ignored : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True by procedure Set_Ignore_Errors (True), when calls to error
-- message procedures should be ignored (when parsing irrelevant text in
-- sources being preprocessed).
Finalize_Called : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if the Finalize routine has been called
Record_Compilation_Errors : Boolean := False;
-- Record that a compilation error was witnessed during a given phase of
-- analysis for gnat2why. This is needed as Warning_Mode is modified twice
-- in gnat2why, hence Erroutc.Compilation_Errors can only return a suitable
-- value for each phase of analysis separately. This is updated at each
-- call to Compilation_Errors.
Warn_On_Instance : Boolean;
-- Flag set true for warning message to be posted on instance
-- Table of Non-Instance Messages --
-- This table contains an entry for every error message processed by the
-- Error_Msg routine that is not posted on generic (or inlined) instance.
-- As explained in further detail in the Error_Msg procedure body, this
-- table is used to avoid posting redundant messages on instances.
type NIM_Record is record
Msg : String_Ptr;
Loc : Source_Ptr;
end record;
-- Type used to store text and location of one message
package Non_Instance_Msgs is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => NIM_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Int,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 100,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Non_Instance_Msgs");
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Error_Msg_Internal
(Msg : String;
Span : Source_Span;
Opan : Source_Span;
Msg_Cont : Boolean;
Node : Node_Id);
-- This is the low-level routine used to post messages after dealing with
-- the issue of messages placed on instantiations (which get broken up
-- into separate calls in Error_Msg). Span is the location on which the
-- flag will be placed in the output. In the case where the flag is on
-- the template, this points directly to the template, not to one of the
-- instantiation copies of the template. Opan is the original location
-- used to flag the error, and this may indeed point to an instantiation
-- copy. So typically we can see Opan pointing to the template location
-- in an instantiation copy when Span points to the source location of
-- the actual instantiation (i.e the line with the new). Msg_Cont is
-- set true if this is a continuation message. Node is the relevant
-- Node_Id for this message, to be used to compute the enclosing entity if
-- Opt.Include_Subprogram_In_Messages is set.
function No_Warnings (N : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if warnings should be suppressed for the given node
function OK_Node (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if a node is an OK node to place an error message on (return
-- True) or if the error message should be suppressed (return False). A
-- message is suppressed if the node already has an error posted on it,
-- or if it refers to an Etype that has an error posted on it, or if
-- it references an Entity that has an error posted on it.
procedure Output_JSON_Message (Error_Id : Error_Msg_Id);
-- Output error message Error_Id and any subsequent continuation message
-- using a JSON format similar to the one GCC uses when passed
-- -fdiagnostics-format=json.
procedure Output_Source_Line
(L : Physical_Line_Number;
Sfile : Source_File_Index;
Errs : Boolean);
-- Outputs text of source line L, in file S, together with preceding line
-- number, as described above for Output_Line_Number. The Errs parameter
-- indicates if there are errors attached to the line, which forces
-- listing on, even in the presence of pragma List (Off).
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Column;
-- Handle column number insertion (@ insertion character)
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Node;
-- Handle node (name from node) insertion (& insertion character)
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Type_Reference (Flag : Source_Ptr);
-- Handle type reference (right brace insertion character). Flag is the
-- location of the flag, which is provided for the internal call to
-- Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number,
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Unit_Name (Suffix : Boolean := True);
-- Handle unit name insertion ($ insertion character). Depending on Boolean
-- parameter Suffix, (spec) or (body) is appended after the unit name.
procedure Set_Msg_Node (Node : Node_Id);
-- Add the sequence of characters for the name associated with the given
-- node to the current message. For N_Designator, N_Selected_Component,
-- N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name, and N_Expanded_Name, the Prefix is
-- included as well.
procedure Set_Msg_Text (Text : String; Flag : Source_Ptr);
-- Add a sequence of characters to the current message. The characters may
-- be one of the special insertion characters (see documentation in spec).
-- Flag is the location at which the error is to be posted, which is used
-- to determine whether or not the # insertion needs a file name. The
-- variables Msg_Buffer are set on return Msglen.
procedure Set_Posted (N : Node_Id);
-- Sets the Error_Posted flag on the given node, and all its parents that
-- are subexpressions and then on the parent non-subexpression construct
-- that contains the original expression. If that parent is a named
-- association, the flag is further propagated to its parent. This is done
-- in order to guard against cascaded errors. Note that this call has an
-- effect for a serious error only.
procedure Set_Qualification (N : Nat; E : Entity_Id);
-- Outputs up to N levels of qualification for the given entity. For
-- example, the entity A.B.C.D will output B.C. if N = 2.
function Special_Msg_Delete
(Msg : String;
N : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
E : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- This function is called from Error_Msg_NEL, passing the message Msg,
-- node N on which the error is to be posted, and the entity or node E
-- to be used for an & insertion in the message if any. The job of this
-- procedure is to test for certain cascaded messages that we would like
-- to suppress. If the message is to be suppressed then we return True.
-- If the message should be generated (the normal case) False is returned.
procedure Unwind_Internal_Type (Ent : in out Entity_Id);
-- This procedure is given an entity id for an internal type, i.e. a type
-- with an internal name. It unwinds the type to try to get to something
-- reasonably printable, generating prefixes like "subtype of", "access
-- to", etc along the way in the buffer. The value in Ent on return is the
-- final name to be printed. Hopefully this is not an internal name, but in
-- some internal name cases, it is an internal name, and has to be printed
-- anyway (although in this case the message has been killed if possible).
-- The global variable Class_Flag is set to True if the resulting entity
-- should have 'Class appended to its name (see Add_Class procedure), and
-- is otherwise unchanged.
function Warn_Insertion return String;
-- This is called for warning messages only (so Warning_Msg_Char is set)
-- and returns a corresponding string to use at the beginning of generated
-- auxiliary messages, such as "in instantiation at ...".
-- "?" returns "??"
-- " " returns "?"
-- other trimmed, prefixed and suffixed with "?".
-- Change_Error_Text --
procedure Change_Error_Text (Error_Id : Error_Msg_Id; New_Msg : String) is
Save_Next : Error_Msg_Id;
Err_Id : Error_Msg_Id := Error_Id;
Set_Msg_Text (New_Msg, Errors.Table (Error_Id).Sptr.Ptr);
Errors.Table (Error_Id).Text := new String'(Msg_Buffer (1 .. Msglen));
-- If in immediate error message mode, output modified error message now
-- This is just a bit tricky, because we want to output just a single
-- message, and the messages we modified is already linked in. We solve
-- this by temporarily resetting its forward pointer to empty.
if Debug_Flag_OO then
Save_Next := Errors.Table (Error_Id).Next;
Errors.Table (Error_Id).Next := No_Error_Msg;
(Errors.Table (Error_Id).Line, Errors.Table (Error_Id).Sfile, True);
Output_Error_Msgs (Err_Id);
Errors.Table (Error_Id).Next := Save_Next;
end if;
end Change_Error_Text;
-- Compilation_Errors --
function Compilation_Errors return Boolean is
if not Finalize_Called then
raise Program_Error;
-- Record that a compilation error was witnessed during a given phase of
-- analysis for gnat2why. This is needed as Warning_Mode is modified
-- twice in gnat2why, hence Erroutc.Compilation_Errors can only return a
-- suitable value for each phase of analysis separately.
Record_Compilation_Errors :=
Record_Compilation_Errors or else Erroutc.Compilation_Errors;
return Record_Compilation_Errors;
end if;
end Compilation_Errors;
-- Delete_Warning_And_Continuations --
procedure Delete_Warning_And_Continuations (Msg : Error_Msg_Id) is
Id : Error_Msg_Id;
pragma Assert (not Errors.Table (Msg).Msg_Cont);
Id := Msg;
M : Error_Msg_Object renames Errors.Table (Id);
if not M.Deleted then
M.Deleted := True;
Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected - 1;
if M.Info then
Warning_Info_Messages := Warning_Info_Messages - 1;
end if;
if M.Warn_Err then
Warnings_Treated_As_Errors := Warnings_Treated_As_Errors - 1;
end if;
end if;
Id := M.Next;
exit when Id = No_Error_Msg;
exit when not Errors.Table (Id).Msg_Cont;
end loop;
end Delete_Warning_And_Continuations;
-- Error_Msg --
-- Error_Msg posts a flag at the given location, except that if the
-- Flag_Location/Flag_Span points within a generic template and corresponds
-- to an instantiation of this generic template, then the actual message
-- will be posted on the generic instantiation, along with additional
-- messages referencing the generic declaration.
procedure Error_Msg (Msg : String; Flag_Location : Source_Ptr) is
Error_Msg (Msg, To_Span (Flag_Location), Current_Node);
end Error_Msg;
procedure Error_Msg (Msg : String; Flag_Span : Source_Span) is
Error_Msg (Msg, Flag_Span, Current_Node);
end Error_Msg;
procedure Error_Msg
(Msg : String;
Flag_Location : Source_Ptr;
Is_Compile_Time_Pragma : Boolean)
Save_Is_Compile_Time_Msg : constant Boolean := Is_Compile_Time_Msg;
Is_Compile_Time_Msg := Is_Compile_Time_Pragma;
Error_Msg (Msg, To_Span (Flag_Location), Current_Node);
Is_Compile_Time_Msg := Save_Is_Compile_Time_Msg;
end Error_Msg;
procedure Error_Msg
(Msg : String;
Flag_Location : Source_Ptr;
N : Node_Id)
Error_Msg (Msg, To_Span (Flag_Location), N);
end Error_Msg;
procedure Error_Msg
(Msg : String;
Flag_Span : Source_Span;
N : Node_Id)
Flag_Location : constant Source_Ptr := Flag_Span.Ptr;
Sindex : Source_File_Index;
-- Source index for flag location
Orig_Loc : Source_Ptr;
-- Original location of Flag_Location (i.e. location in original
-- template in instantiation case, otherwise unchanged).
-- Return if all errors are to be ignored
if Get_Ignore_Errors then
end if;
-- If we already have messages, and we are trying to place a message at
-- No_Location, then just ignore the attempt since we assume that what
-- is happening is some cascaded junk. Note that this is safe in the
-- sense that proceeding will surely bomb. We will also bomb if the flag
-- location is No_Location and we don't have any messages so far, but
-- that is a real bug and a legitimate bomb, so we go ahead.
if Flag_Location = No_Location
and then Total_Errors_Detected > 0
end if;
-- Start of processing for new message
Sindex := Get_Source_File_Index (Flag_Location);
Prescan_Message (Msg);
Orig_Loc := Original_Location (Flag_Location);
-- If the current location is in an instantiation, the issue arises of
-- whether to post the message on the template or the instantiation.
-- The way we decide is to see if we have posted the same message on
-- the template when we compiled the template (the template is always
-- compiled before any instantiations). For this purpose, we use a
-- separate table of messages. The reason we do this is twofold:
-- First, the messages can get changed by various processing
-- including the insertion of tokens etc, making it hard to
-- do the comparison.
-- Second, we will suppress a warning on a template if it is not in
-- the current extended source unit. That's reasonable and means we
-- don't want the warning on the instantiation here either, but it
-- does mean that the main error table would not in any case include
-- the message.
if Flag_Location = Orig_Loc then
Non_Instance_Msgs.Append ((new String'(Msg), Flag_Location));
Warn_On_Instance := False;
-- Here we have an instance message
-- Delete if debug flag off, and this message duplicates a message
-- already posted on the corresponding template
if not Debug_Flag_GG then
for J in Non_Instance_Msgs.First .. Non_Instance_Msgs.Last loop
if Msg = Non_Instance_Msgs.Table (J).Msg.all
and then Non_Instance_Msgs.Table (J).Loc = Orig_Loc
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- No duplicate, so error/warning will be posted on instance
Warn_On_Instance := Is_Warning_Msg;
end if;
-- Ignore warning message that is suppressed for this location. Note
-- that style checks are not considered warning messages for this
-- purpose.
if Is_Warning_Msg and then Warnings_Suppressed (Orig_Loc) /= No_String
-- For style messages, check too many messages so far
elsif Is_Style_Msg
and then Maximum_Messages /= 0
and then Warnings_Detected >= Maximum_Messages
end if;
-- The idea at this stage is that we have two kinds of messages
-- First, we have those messages that are to be placed as requested at
-- Flag_Location. This includes messages that have nothing to do with
-- generics, and also messages placed on generic templates that reflect
-- an error in the template itself. For such messages we simply call
-- Error_Msg_Internal to place the message in the requested location.
if Instantiation (Sindex) = No_Location then
Error_Msg_Internal (Msg, Flag_Span, Flag_Span, False, N);
end if;
-- If we are trying to flag an error in an instantiation, we may have
-- a generic contract violation. What we generate in this case is:
-- instantiation error at ...
-- original error message
-- or
-- warning: in instantiation at ...
-- warning: original warning message
-- or
-- info: in instantiation at ...
-- info: original info message
-- All these messages are posted at the location of the top level
-- instantiation. If there are nested instantiations, then the
-- instantiation error message can be repeated, pointing to each
-- of the relevant instantiations.
-- Note: the instantiation mechanism is also shared for inlining of
-- subprogram bodies when front end inlining is done. In this case the
-- messages have the form:
-- in inlined body at ...
-- original error message
-- or
-- warning: in inlined body at ...
-- warning: original warning message
-- or
-- info: in inlined body at ...
-- info: original info message
-- OK, here we have an instantiation error, and we need to generate the
-- error on the instantiation, rather than on the template.
Actual_Error_Loc : Source_Ptr;
-- Location of outer level instantiation in instantiation case, or
-- just a copy of Flag_Location in the normal case. This is the
-- location where all error messages will actually be posted.
Save_Error_Msg_Sloc : constant Source_Ptr := Error_Msg_Sloc;
-- Save possible location set for caller's message. We need to use
-- Error_Msg_Sloc for the location of the instantiation error but we
-- have to preserve a possible original value.
X : Source_File_Index;
Msg_Cont_Status : Boolean;
-- Used to label continuation lines in instantiation case with
-- proper Msg_Cont status.
-- Loop to find highest level instantiation, where all error
-- messages will be placed.
X := Sindex;
Actual_Error_Loc := Instantiation (X);
X := Get_Source_File_Index (Actual_Error_Loc);
exit when Instantiation (X) = No_Location;
end loop;
-- Since we are generating the messages at the instantiation point in
-- any case, we do not want the references to the bad lines in the
-- instance to be annotated with the location of the instantiation.
Suppress_Instance_Location := True;
Msg_Cont_Status := False;
-- Loop to generate instantiation messages
Error_Msg_Sloc := Flag_Location;
X := Get_Source_File_Index (Flag_Location);
while Instantiation (X) /= No_Location loop
-- Suppress instantiation message on continuation lines
if Msg (Msg'First) /= '\' then
-- Case of inlined body
if Inlined_Body (X) then
if Is_Info_Msg then
(Msg => "info: in inlined body #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
elsif Is_Warning_Msg then
(Msg => Warn_Insertion & "in inlined body #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
elsif Is_Style_Msg then
(Msg => "style: in inlined body #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
(Msg => "error in inlined body #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
end if;
-- Case of generic instantiation
if Is_Info_Msg then
(Msg => "info: in instantiation #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
elsif Is_Warning_Msg then
(Msg => Warn_Insertion & "in instantiation #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
elsif Is_Style_Msg then
(Msg => "style: in instantiation #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
(Msg => "instantiation error #",
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Error_Msg_Sloc := Instantiation (X);
X := Get_Source_File_Index (Error_Msg_Sloc);
Msg_Cont_Status := True;
end loop;
Suppress_Instance_Location := False;
Error_Msg_Sloc := Save_Error_Msg_Sloc;
-- Here we output the original message on the outer instantiation
(Msg => Msg,
Span => To_Span (Actual_Error_Loc),
Opan => Flag_Span,
Msg_Cont => Msg_Cont_Status,
Node => N);
end Error_Msg;
-- Error_Msg_Ada_2005_Extension --
procedure Error_Msg_Ada_2005_Extension (Extension : String) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Token_Ptr;
if Ada_Version < Ada_2005 then
Error_Msg (Extension & " is an Ada 2005 extension", Loc);
if No (Ada_Version_Pragma) then
Error_Msg ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch", Loc);
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Ada_Version_Pragma);
Error_Msg ("\incompatible with Ada version set#", Loc);
end if;
end if;
end Error_Msg_Ada_2005_Extension;
-- Error_Msg_Ada_2012_Feature --
procedure Error_Msg_Ada_2012_Feature (Feature : String; Loc : Source_Ptr) is
if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then
Error_Msg (Feature & " is an Ada 2012 feature", Loc);
if No (Ada_Version_Pragma) then
Error_Msg ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat2012 switch", Loc);
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Ada_Version_Pragma);
Error_Msg ("\incompatible with Ada version set#", Loc);
end if;
end if;
end Error_Msg_Ada_2012_Feature;
-- Error_Msg_Ada_2022_Feature --
procedure Error_Msg_Ada_2022_Feature (Feature : String; Loc : Source_Ptr) is
if Ada_Version < Ada_2022 then
Error_Msg (Feature & " is an Ada 2022 feature", Loc);
if No (Ada_Version_Pragma) then
Error_Msg ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat2022 switch", Loc);
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Ada_Version_Pragma);
Error_Msg ("\incompatible with Ada version set#", Loc);
end if;
end if;
end Error_Msg_Ada_2022_Feature;
-- Error_Msg_AP --
procedure Error_Msg_AP (Msg : String) is
S1 : Source_Ptr;
C : Character;
-- If we had saved the Scan_Ptr value after scanning the previous
-- token, then we would have exactly the right place for putting
-- the flag immediately at hand. However, that would add at least
-- two instructions to a Scan call *just* to service the possibility
-- of an Error_Msg_AP call. So instead we reconstruct that value.
-- We have two possibilities, start with Prev_Token_Ptr and skip over
-- the current token, which is made harder by the possibility that this
-- token may be in error, or start with Token_Ptr and work backwards.
-- We used to take the second approach, but it's hard because of
-- comments, and harder still because things that look like comments
-- can appear inside strings. So now we take the first approach.
-- Note: in the case where there is no previous token, Prev_Token_Ptr
-- is set to Source_First, which is a reasonable position for the
-- error flag in this situation.
S1 := Prev_Token_Ptr;
C := Source (S1);
-- If the previous token is a string literal, we need a special approach
-- since there may be white space inside the literal and we don't want
-- to stop on that white space.
-- Note: since this is an error recovery issue anyway, it is not worth
-- worrying about special UTF_32 line terminator characters here.
if Prev_Token = Tok_String_Literal then
S1 := S1 + 1;
if Source (S1) = C then
S1 := S1 + 1;
exit when Source (S1) /= C;
elsif Source (S1) in Line_Terminator then
end if;
end loop;
-- Character literal also needs special handling
elsif Prev_Token = Tok_Char_Literal then
S1 := S1 + 3;
-- Otherwise we search forward for the end of the current token, marked
-- by a line terminator, white space, a comment symbol or if we bump
-- into the following token (i.e. the current token).
-- Again, it is not worth worrying about UTF_32 special line terminator
-- characters in this context, since this is only for error recovery.
while Source (S1) not in Line_Terminator
and then Source (S1) /= ' '
and then Source (S1) /= ASCII.HT
and then (Source (S1) /= '-' or else Source (S1 + 1) /= '-')
and then S1 /= Token_Ptr
S1 := S1 + 1;
end loop;
end if;
-- S1 is now set to the location for the flag
Error_Msg (Msg, S1);
end Error_Msg_AP;
-- Error_Msg_BC --
procedure Error_Msg_BC (Msg : String) is
-- If we are at end of file, post the flag after the previous token
if Token = Tok_EOF then
Error_Msg_AP (Msg);
-- If we are at start of file, post the flag at the current token
elsif Token_Ptr = Source_First (Current_Source_File) then
Error_Msg_SC (Msg);
-- If the character before the current token is a space or a horizontal
-- tab, then we place the flag on this character (in the case of a tab
-- we would really like to place it in the "last" character of the tab
-- space, but that it too much trouble to worry about).
elsif Source (Token_Ptr - 1) = ' '
or else Source (Token_Ptr - 1) = ASCII.HT
Error_Msg (Msg, Token_Ptr - 1);
-- If there is no space or tab before the current token, then there is
-- no room to place the flag before the token, so we place it on the
-- token instead (this happens for example at the start of a line).
Error_Msg (Msg, Token_Ptr);
end if;
end Error_Msg_BC;
-- Error_Msg_CRT --
procedure Error_Msg_CRT (Feature : String; N : Node_Id) is
CNRT : constant String := " not allowed in no run time mode";
CCRT : constant String := " not supported by configuration>";
S : String (1 .. Feature'Length + 1 + CCRT'Length);
L : Natural;
S (1) := '|';
S (2 .. Feature'Length + 1) := Feature;
L := Feature'Length + 2;
if No_Run_Time_Mode then
S (L .. L + CNRT'Length - 1) := CNRT;
L := L + CNRT'Length - 1;
else pragma Assert (Configurable_Run_Time_Mode);
S (L .. L + CCRT'Length - 1) := CCRT;
L := L + CCRT'Length - 1;
end if;
Error_Msg_N (S (1 .. L), N);
Configurable_Run_Time_Violations := Configurable_Run_Time_Violations + 1;
end Error_Msg_CRT;
-- Error_Msg_PT --
procedure Error_Msg_PT (E : Entity_Id; Iface_Prim : Entity_Id) is
("illegal overriding of subprogram inherited from interface", E);
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Iface_Prim);
if Ekind (E) = E_Function then
("\first formal of & declared # must be of mode `IN` "
& "or access-to-constant", E);
("\first formal of & declared # must be of mode `OUT`, `IN OUT` "
& "or access-to-variable", E);
end if;
end Error_Msg_PT;
-- Error_Msg_F --
procedure Error_Msg_F (Msg : String; N : Node_Id) is
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
First_And_Last_Nodes (N, Fst, Lst);
Error_Msg_NEL (Msg, N, N,
To_Span (Ptr => Sloc (Fst),
First => First_Sloc (Fst),
Last => Last_Sloc (Lst)));
end Error_Msg_F;
-- Error_Msg_FE --
procedure Error_Msg_FE
(Msg : String;
N : Node_Id;
E : Node_Or_Entity_Id)
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
First_And_Last_Nodes (N, Fst, Lst);
Error_Msg_NEL (Msg, N, E,
To_Span (Ptr => Sloc (Fst),
First => First_Sloc (Fst),
Last => Last_Sloc (Lst)));
end Error_Msg_FE;
-- Error_Msg_GNAT_Extension --
procedure Error_Msg_GNAT_Extension (Extension : String) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Token_Ptr;
if not Extensions_Allowed then
Error_Msg (Extension & " is a 'G'N'A'T specific extension", Loc);
Error_Msg ("\unit must be compiled with -gnatX switch", Loc);
end if;
end Error_Msg_GNAT_Extension;
-- Error_Msg_Internal --
procedure Error_Msg_Internal
(Msg : String;
Span : Source_Span;
Opan : Source_Span;
Msg_Cont : Boolean;
Node : Node_Id)
Sptr : constant Source_Ptr := Span.Ptr;
Optr : constant Source_Ptr := Opan.Ptr;
Next_Msg : Error_Msg_Id;
-- Pointer to next message at insertion point
Prev_Msg : Error_Msg_Id;
-- Pointer to previous message at insertion point
Temp_Msg : Error_Msg_Id;
Warn_Err : Boolean;
-- Set if warning to be treated as error
procedure Handle_Serious_Error;
-- Internal procedure to do all error message handling for a serious
-- error message, other than bumping the error counts and arranging
-- for the message to be output.
-- Handle_Serious_Error --
procedure Handle_Serious_Error is
-- Turn off code generation if not done already
if Operating_Mode = Generate_Code then
Operating_Mode := Check_Semantics;
Expander_Active := False;
end if;
-- Set the fatal error flag in the unit table unless we are in
-- Try_Semantics mode (in which case we set ignored mode if not
-- currently set. This stops the semantics from being performed
-- if we find a serious error. This is skipped if we are currently
-- dealing with the configuration pragma file.
if Current_Source_Unit /= No_Unit then
U : constant Unit_Number_Type := Get_Source_Unit (Sptr);
if Try_Semantics then
if Fatal_Error (U) = None then
Set_Fatal_Error (U, Error_Ignored);
end if;
Set_Fatal_Error (U, Error_Detected);
end if;
end if;
-- Disable warnings on unused use clauses and the like. Otherwise, an
-- error might hide a reference to an entity in a used package, so
-- after fixing the error, the use clause no longer looks like it was
-- unused.
Check_Unreferenced := False;
Check_Unreferenced_Formals := False;
end Handle_Serious_Error;
-- Start of processing for Error_Msg_Internal
-- Detect common mistake of prefixing or suffing the message with a
-- space character.
pragma Assert (Msg (Msg'First) /= ' ' and then Msg (Msg'Last) /= ' ');
if Raise_Exception_On_Error /= 0 then
raise Error_Msg_Exception;
end if;
Continuation := Msg_Cont;
Continuation_New_Line := False;
Suppress_Message := False;
Kill_Message := False;
Set_Msg_Text (Msg, Sptr);
-- Kill continuation if parent message killed
if Continuation and Last_Killed then
end if;
-- Return without doing anything if message is suppressed
if Suppress_Message
and then not All_Errors_Mode
and then not Is_Warning_Msg
and then not Is_Unconditional_Msg
if not Continuation then
Last_Killed := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Return without doing anything if message is killed and this is not
-- the first error message. The philosophy is that if we get a weird
-- error message and we already have had a message, then we hope the
-- weird message is a junk cascaded message
if Kill_Message
and then not All_Errors_Mode
and then Total_Errors_Detected /= 0
if not Continuation then
Last_Killed := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Special check for warning message to see if it should be output
if Is_Warning_Msg then
-- Immediate return if warning message and warnings are suppressed
if Warnings_Suppressed (Optr) /= No_String
or else
Warnings_Suppressed (Sptr) /= No_String
Cur_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
end if;
-- If the flag location is in the main extended source unit then for
-- sure we want the warning since it definitely belongs
if In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Sptr) then
-- If the main unit has not been read yet. The warning must be on
-- a configuration file: gnat.adc or user-defined. This means we
-- are not parsing the main unit yet, so skip following checks.
elsif No (Cunit (Main_Unit)) then
-- If the flag location is not in the main extended source unit, then
-- we want to eliminate the warning, unless it is in the extended
-- main code unit and we want warnings on the instance.
elsif In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Sptr) and then Warn_On_Instance then
-- Keep warning if debug flag G set
elsif Debug_Flag_GG then
-- Keep warning if message text contains !!
elsif Has_Double_Exclam then
-- Here is where we delete a warning from a with'ed unit
Cur_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
if not Continuation then
Last_Killed := True;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- If message is to be ignored in special ignore message mode, this is
-- where we do this special processing, bypassing message output.
if Ignore_Errors_Enable > 0 then
if Is_Serious_Error then
end if;
end if;
-- If error message line length set, and this is a continuation message
-- then all we do is to append the text to the text of the last message
-- with a comma space separator (eliminating a possible (style) or
-- info prefix).
if Error_Msg_Line_Length /= 0 and then Continuation then
Cur_Msg := Errors.Last;
Oldm : String_Ptr := Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Text;
Newm : String (1 .. Oldm'Last + 2 + Msglen);
Newl : Natural;
M : Natural;
-- First copy old message to new one and free it
Newm (Oldm'Range) := Oldm.all;
Newl := Oldm'Length;
Free (Oldm);
-- Remove (style) or info: at start of message
if Msglen > 8 and then Msg_Buffer (1 .. 8) = "(style) " then
M := 9;
elsif Msglen > 6 and then Msg_Buffer (1 .. 6) = "info: " then
M := 7;
M := 1;
end if;
-- Now deal with separation between messages. Normally this is
-- simply comma space, but there are some special cases.
-- If continuation new line, then put actual NL character in msg
if Continuation_New_Line then
Newl := Newl + 1;
Newm (Newl) := ASCII.LF;
-- If continuation message is enclosed in parentheses, then
-- special treatment (don't need a comma, and we want to combine
-- successive parenthetical remarks into a single one with
-- separating commas).
elsif Msg_Buffer (M) = '(' and then Msg_Buffer (Msglen) = ')' then
-- Case where existing message ends in right paren, remove
-- and separate parenthetical remarks with a comma.
if Newm (Newl) = ')' then
Newm (Newl) := ',';
Msg_Buffer (M) := ' ';
-- Case where we are adding new parenthetical comment
Newl := Newl + 1;
Newm (Newl) := ' ';
end if;
-- Case where continuation not in parens and no new line
Newm (Newl + 1 .. Newl + 2) := ", ";
Newl := Newl + 2;
end if;
-- Append new message
Newm (Newl + 1 .. Newl + Msglen - M + 1) :=
Msg_Buffer (M .. Msglen);
Newl := Newl + Msglen - M + 1;
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Text := new String'(Newm (1 .. Newl));
-- Update warning msg flag and message doc char if needed
if Is_Warning_Msg then
if not Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn then
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn := True;
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn_Chr := Warning_Msg_Char;
elsif Warning_Msg_Char /= " " then
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn_Chr := Warning_Msg_Char;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Here we build a new error object
((Text => new String'(Msg_Buffer (1 .. Msglen)),
Next => No_Error_Msg,
Prev => No_Error_Msg,
Sptr => Span,
Optr => Optr,
Insertion_Sloc => (if Has_Insertion_Line then Error_Msg_Sloc
else No_Location),
Sfile => Get_Source_File_Index (Sptr),
Line => Get_Physical_Line_Number (Sptr),
Col => Get_Column_Number (Sptr),
Compile_Time_Pragma => Is_Compile_Time_Msg,
Warn => Is_Warning_Msg,
Info => Is_Info_Msg,
Check => Is_Check_Msg,
Warn_Err => False, -- reset below
Warn_Chr => Warning_Msg_Char,
Style => Is_Style_Msg,
Serious => Is_Serious_Error,
Uncond => Is_Unconditional_Msg,
Msg_Cont => Continuation,
Deleted => False,
Node => Node));
Cur_Msg := Errors.Last;
-- Test if warning to be treated as error
Warn_Err :=
(Is_Warning_Msg or Is_Style_Msg)
and then (Warning_Treated_As_Error (Msg_Buffer (1 .. Msglen))
or else
Warning_Treated_As_Error (Get_Warning_Tag (Cur_Msg)));
-- Propagate Warn_Err to this message and preceding continuations
for J in reverse 1 .. Errors.Last loop
Errors.Table (J).Warn_Err := Warn_Err;
exit when not Errors.Table (J).Msg_Cont;
end loop;
-- If immediate errors mode set, output error message now. Also output
-- now if the -d1 debug flag is set (so node number message comes out
-- just before actual error message)
if Debug_Flag_OO or else Debug_Flag_1 then
(Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Line, Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Sfile, True);
Temp_Msg := Cur_Msg;
Output_Error_Msgs (Temp_Msg);
-- If not in immediate errors mode, then we insert the message in the
-- error chain for later output by Finalize. The messages are sorted
-- first by unit (main unit comes first), and within a unit by source
-- location (earlier flag location first in the chain).
-- First a quick check, does this belong at the very end of the chain
-- of error messages. This saves a lot of time in the normal case if
-- there are lots of messages.
if Last_Error_Msg /= No_Error_Msg
and then Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Sfile =
Errors.Table (Last_Error_Msg).Sfile
and then (Sptr > Errors.Table (Last_Error_Msg).Sptr.Ptr
or else
(Sptr = Errors.Table (Last_Error_Msg).Sptr.Ptr
and then
Optr > Errors.Table (Last_Error_Msg).Optr))
Prev_Msg := Last_Error_Msg;
Next_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
-- Otherwise do a full sequential search for the insertion point
Prev_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
Next_Msg := First_Error_Msg;
while Next_Msg /= No_Error_Msg loop
exit when
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Sfile < Errors.Table (Next_Msg).Sfile;
if Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Sfile = Errors.Table (Next_Msg).Sfile
exit when Sptr < Errors.Table (Next_Msg).Sptr.Ptr
or else (Sptr = Errors.Table (Next_Msg).Sptr.Ptr
and then Optr < Errors.Table (Next_Msg).Optr);
end if;
Prev_Msg := Next_Msg;
Next_Msg := Errors.Table (Next_Msg).Next;
end loop;
end if;
-- Now we insert the new message in the error chain.
-- The possible insertion point for the new message is after Prev_Msg
-- and before Next_Msg. However, this is where we do a special check
-- for redundant parsing messages, defined as messages posted on the
-- same line. The idea here is that probably such messages are junk
-- from the parser recovering. In full errors mode, we don't do this
-- deletion, but otherwise such messages are discarded at this stage.
if Prev_Msg /= No_Error_Msg
and then Errors.Table (Prev_Msg).Line =
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Line
and then Errors.Table (Prev_Msg).Sfile =
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Sfile
and then Compiler_State = Parsing
and then not All_Errors_Mode
-- Don't delete unconditional messages and at this stage, don't
-- delete continuation lines; we attempted to delete those earlier
-- if the parent message was deleted.
if not Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Uncond
and then not Continuation
-- Don't delete if prev msg is warning and new msg is an error.
-- This is because we don't want a real error masked by a
-- warning. In all other cases (that is parse errors for the
-- same line that are not unconditional) we do delete the
-- message. This helps to avoid junk extra messages from
-- cascaded parsing errors
if not (Errors.Table (Prev_Msg).Warn
or else
Errors.Table (Prev_Msg).Style)
or else
(Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn
or else
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Style)
-- All tests passed, delete the message by simply returning
-- without any further processing.
pragma Assert (not Continuation);
Last_Killed := True;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Come here if message is to be inserted in the error chain
if not Continuation then
Last_Killed := False;
end if;
if Prev_Msg = No_Error_Msg then
First_Error_Msg := Cur_Msg;
Errors.Table (Prev_Msg).Next := Cur_Msg;
end if;
Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Next := Next_Msg;
if Next_Msg = No_Error_Msg then
Last_Error_Msg := Cur_Msg;
end if;
end if;
-- Bump appropriate statistics counts
if Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Info then
-- Could be (usually is) both "info" and "warning"
if Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn then
Warning_Info_Messages := Warning_Info_Messages + 1;
Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected + 1;
Report_Info_Messages := Report_Info_Messages + 1;
end if;
elsif Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn
or else Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Style
Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected + 1;
elsif Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Check then
Check_Messages := Check_Messages + 1;
Total_Errors_Detected := Total_Errors_Detected + 1;
if Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Serious then
Serious_Errors_Detected := Serious_Errors_Detected + 1;
-- If not serious error, set Fatal_Error to indicate ignored error
U : constant Unit_Number_Type := Get_Source_Unit (Sptr);
if Fatal_Error (U) = None then
Set_Fatal_Error (U, Error_Ignored);
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Record warning message issued
if Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Warn
and then not Errors.Table (Cur_Msg).Msg_Cont
Warning_Msg := Cur_Msg;
end if;
-- If too many warnings turn off warnings
if Maximum_Messages /= 0 then
if Warnings_Detected = Maximum_Messages then
Warning_Mode := Suppress;
end if;
-- If too many errors abandon compilation
if Total_Errors_Detected = Maximum_Messages then
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
end if;
end Error_Msg_Internal;
-- Error_Msg_N --
procedure Error_Msg_N (Msg : String; N : Node_Or_Entity_Id) is
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
First_And_Last_Nodes (N, Fst, Lst);
Error_Msg_NEL (Msg, N, N,
To_Span (Ptr => Sloc (N),
First => First_Sloc (Fst),
Last => Last_Sloc (Lst)));
end Error_Msg_N;
-- Error_Msg_NE --
procedure Error_Msg_NE
(Msg : String;
N : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
E : Node_Or_Entity_Id)
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
First_And_Last_Nodes (N, Fst, Lst);
Error_Msg_NEL (Msg, N, E,
To_Span (Ptr => Sloc (N),
First => First_Sloc (Fst),
Last => Last_Sloc (Lst)));
end Error_Msg_NE;
-- Error_Msg_NEL --
procedure Error_Msg_NEL
(Msg : String;
N : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
E : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
Flag_Location : Source_Ptr)
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
First_And_Last_Nodes (N, Fst, Lst);
(Msg, N, E,
To_Span (Ptr => Flag_Location,
First => Source_Ptr'Min (Flag_Location, First_Sloc (Fst)),
Last => Source_Ptr'Max (Flag_Location, Last_Sloc (Lst))));
end Error_Msg_NEL;
procedure Error_Msg_NEL
(Msg : String;
N : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
E : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
Flag_Span : Source_Span)
if Special_Msg_Delete (Msg, N, E) then
end if;
Prescan_Message (Msg);
-- Special handling for warning messages
if Is_Warning_Msg then
-- Suppress if no warnings set for either entity or node
if No_Warnings (N) or else No_Warnings (E) then
-- Disable any continuation messages as well
Last_Killed := True;
end if;
-- Suppress if inside loop that is known to be null or is probably
-- null (case where loop executes only if invalid values present).
-- In either case warnings in the loop are likely to be junk.
P : Node_Id;
P := Parent (N);
while Present (P) loop
if Nkind (P) = N_Loop_Statement
and then Suppress_Loop_Warnings (P)
end if;
P := Parent (P);
end loop;
end if;
-- Test for message to be output
if All_Errors_Mode
or else Is_Unconditional_Msg
or else Is_Warning_Msg
or else OK_Node (N)
or else (Msg (Msg'First) = '\' and then not Last_Killed)
Debug_Output (N);
Error_Msg_Node_1 := E;
Error_Msg (Msg, Flag_Span, N);
Last_Killed := True;
end if;
if not Get_Ignore_Errors then
Set_Posted (N);
end if;
end Error_Msg_NEL;
-- Error_Msg_NW --
procedure Error_Msg_NW
(Eflag : Boolean;
Msg : String;
N : Node_Or_Entity_Id)
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
if Eflag
and then In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (N)
and then Comes_From_Source (N)
First_And_Last_Nodes (N, Fst, Lst);
Error_Msg_NEL (Msg, N, N,
To_Span (Ptr => Sloc (N),
First => First_Sloc (Fst),
Last => Last_Sloc (Lst)));
end if;
end Error_Msg_NW;
-- Error_Msg_S --
procedure Error_Msg_S (Msg : String) is
Error_Msg (Msg, Scan_Ptr);
end Error_Msg_S;
-- Error_Msg_SC --
procedure Error_Msg_SC (Msg : String) is
-- If we are at end of file, post the flag after the previous token
if Token = Tok_EOF then
Error_Msg_AP (Msg);
-- For all other cases the message is posted at the current token
-- pointer position
Error_Msg (Msg, Token_Ptr);
end if;
end Error_Msg_SC;
-- Error_Msg_SP --
procedure Error_Msg_SP (Msg : String) is
-- Note: in the case where there is no previous token, Prev_Token_Ptr
-- is set to Source_First, which is a reasonable position for the
-- error flag in this situation
Error_Msg (Msg, Prev_Token_Ptr);
end Error_Msg_SP;
-- Finalize --
procedure Finalize (Last_Call : Boolean) is
Cur : Error_Msg_Id;
Nxt : Error_Msg_Id;
F : Error_Msg_Id;
procedure Delete_Warning (E : Error_Msg_Id);
-- Delete a warning msg if not already deleted and adjust warning count
-- Delete_Warning --
procedure Delete_Warning (E : Error_Msg_Id) is
if not Errors.Table (E).Deleted then
Errors.Table (E).Deleted := True;
Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected - 1;
if Errors.Table (E).Info then
Warning_Info_Messages := Warning_Info_Messages - 1;
end if;
end if;
end Delete_Warning;
-- Start of processing for Finalize
-- Set Prev pointers
Cur := First_Error_Msg;
while Cur /= No_Error_Msg loop
Nxt := Errors.Table (Cur).Next;
exit when Nxt = No_Error_Msg;
Errors.Table (Nxt).Prev := Cur;
Cur := Nxt;
end loop;
-- Eliminate any duplicated error messages from the list. This is
-- done after the fact to avoid problems with Change_Error_Text.
Cur := First_Error_Msg;
while Cur /= No_Error_Msg loop
Nxt := Errors.Table (Cur).Next;
F := Nxt;
while F /= No_Error_Msg
and then Errors.Table (F).Sptr.Ptr = Errors.Table (Cur).Sptr.Ptr
Check_Duplicate_Message (Cur, F);
F := Errors.Table (F).Next;
end loop;
Cur := Nxt;
end loop;
-- Mark any messages suppressed by specific warnings as Deleted
Cur := First_Error_Msg;
while Cur /= No_Error_Msg loop
CE : Error_Msg_Object renames Errors.Table (Cur);
Tag : constant String := Get_Warning_Tag (Cur);
if (CE.Warn and not CE.Deleted)
and then
(Warning_Specifically_Suppressed (CE.Sptr.Ptr, CE.Text, Tag)
/= No_String
or else
Warning_Specifically_Suppressed (CE.Optr, CE.Text, Tag) /=
Delete_Warning (Cur);
-- If this is a continuation, delete previous parts of message
F := Cur;
while Errors.Table (F).Msg_Cont loop
F := Errors.Table (F).Prev;
exit when F = No_Error_Msg;
Delete_Warning (F);
end loop;
-- Delete any following continuations
F := Cur;
F := Errors.Table (F).Next;
exit when F = No_Error_Msg;
exit when not Errors.Table (F).Msg_Cont;
Delete_Warning (F);
end loop;
end if;
Cur := Errors.Table (Cur).Next;
end loop;
Finalize_Called := True;
-- Check consistency of specific warnings (may add warnings). We only
-- do this on the last call, after all possible warnings are posted.
if Last_Call then
Validate_Specific_Warnings (Error_Msg'Access);
end if;
end Finalize;
-- First_Node --
function First_Node (C : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
First_And_Last_Nodes (C, Fst, Lst);
return Fst;
end First_Node;
-- First_And_Last_Nodes --
procedure First_And_Last_Nodes
(C : Node_Id;
First_Node, Last_Node : out Node_Id)
Orig : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (C);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Orig);
Sfile : constant Source_File_Index := Get_Source_File_Index (Loc);
Earliest : Node_Id;
Latest : Node_Id;
Eloc : Source_Ptr;
Lloc : Source_Ptr;
function Test_First_And_Last (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-- Function applied to every node in the construct
procedure Search_Tree_First_And_Last is new
Traverse_Proc (Test_First_And_Last);
-- Create traversal procedure
-- Test_First_And_Last --
function Test_First_And_Last (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
Norig : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (N);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Norig);
-- Check for earlier
if Loc < Eloc
-- Ignore nodes with no useful location information
and then Loc /= Standard_Location
and then Loc /= No_Location
-- Ignore nodes from a different file. This ensures against cases
-- of strange foreign code somehow being present. We don't want
-- wild placement of messages if that happens.
and then Get_Source_File_Index (Loc) = Sfile
Earliest := Norig;
Eloc := Loc;
end if;
-- Check for later
if Loc > Lloc
-- Ignore nodes with no useful location information
and then Loc /= Standard_Location
and then Loc /= No_Location
-- Ignore nodes from a different file. This ensures against cases
-- of strange foreign code somehow being present. We don't want
-- wild placement of messages if that happens.
and then Get_Source_File_Index (Loc) = Sfile
Latest := Norig;
Lloc := Loc;
end if;
return OK_Orig;
end Test_First_And_Last;
-- Start of processing for First_And_Last_Nodes
if Nkind (Orig) in N_Subexpr
| N_Declaration
| N_Access_To_Subprogram_Definition
| N_Generic_Instantiation
| N_Later_Decl_Item
| N_Use_Package_Clause
| N_Array_Type_Definition
| N_Renaming_Declaration
| N_Generic_Renaming_Declaration
| N_Assignment_Statement
| N_Raise_Statement
| N_Simple_Return_Statement
| N_Exit_Statement
| N_Pragma
| N_Use_Type_Clause
| N_With_Clause
| N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
| N_Subtype_Indication
Earliest := Orig;
Eloc := Loc;
Latest := Orig;
Lloc := Loc;
Search_Tree_First_And_Last (Orig);
First_Node := Earliest;
Last_Node := Latest;
First_Node := Orig;
Last_Node := Orig;
end if;
end First_And_Last_Nodes;
-- First_Sloc --
function First_Sloc (N : Node_Id) return Source_Ptr is
SI : constant Source_File_Index := Source_Index (Get_Source_Unit (N));
SF : constant Source_Ptr := Source_First (SI);
SL : constant Source_Ptr := Source_Last (SI);
F : Node_Id;
S : Source_Ptr;
F := First_Node (N);
S := Sloc (F);
if S not in SF .. SL then
return S;
end if;
-- The following circuit is a bit subtle. When we have parenthesized
-- expressions, then the Sloc will not record the location of the paren,
-- but we would like to post the flag on the paren. So what we do is to
-- crawl up the tree from the First_Node, adjusting the Sloc value for
-- any parentheses we know are present. Yes, we know this circuit is not
-- 100% reliable (e.g. because we don't record all possible paren level
-- values), but this is only for an error message so it is good enough.
Node_Loop : loop
Paren_Loop : for J in 1 .. Paren_Count (F) loop
-- We don't look more than 12 characters behind the current
-- location, and in any case not past the front of the source.
Search_Loop : for K in 1 .. 12 loop
exit Search_Loop when S = SF;
if Source_Text (SI) (S - 1) = '(' then
S := S - 1;
exit Search_Loop;
elsif Source_Text (SI) (S - 1) <= ' ' then
S := S - 1;
exit Search_Loop;
end if;
end loop Search_Loop;
end loop Paren_Loop;
exit Node_Loop when F = N;
F := Parent (F);
exit Node_Loop when Nkind (F) not in N_Subexpr;
end loop Node_Loop;
return S;
end First_Sloc;
-- Get_Ignore_Errors --
function Get_Ignore_Errors return Boolean is
return Errors_Must_Be_Ignored;
end Get_Ignore_Errors;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
First_Error_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
Last_Error_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
Serious_Errors_Detected := 0;
Total_Errors_Detected := 0;
Cur_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
-- Reset counts for warnings
-- Initialize warnings tables
end Initialize;
-- Is_Size_Too_Small_Message --
function Is_Size_Too_Small_Message (S : String) return Boolean is
Size_For : constant String := "size for";
pragma Assert (Size_Too_Small_Message (1 .. Size_For'Last) = Size_For);
-- Assert that Size_Too_Small_Message starts with Size_For
return S'Length >= Size_For'Length
and then S (S'First .. S'First + Size_For'Length - 1) = Size_For;
-- True if S starts with Size_For
end Is_Size_Too_Small_Message;
-- Last_Node --
function Last_Node (C : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Fst, Lst : Node_Id;
First_And_Last_Nodes (C, Fst, Lst);
return Lst;
end Last_Node;
-- Last_Sloc --
function Last_Sloc (N : Node_Id) return Source_Ptr is
SI : constant Source_File_Index := Source_Index (Get_Source_Unit (N));
SF : constant Source_Ptr := Source_First (SI);
SL : constant Source_Ptr := Source_Last (SI);
F : Node_Id;
S : Source_Ptr;
F := Last_Node (N);
S := Sloc (F);
if S not in SF .. SL then
return S;
end if;
-- Skip past an identifier
while S in SF .. SL - 1
and then Source_Text (SI) (S + 1)
'0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '.' | '_'
S := S + 1;
end loop;
-- The following circuit attempts at crawling up the tree from the
-- Last_Node, adjusting the Sloc value for any parentheses we know
-- are present, similarly to what is done in First_Sloc.
Node_Loop : loop
Paren_Loop : for J in 1 .. Paren_Count (F) loop
-- We don't look more than 12 characters after the current
-- location
Search_Loop : for K in 1 .. 12 loop
exit Node_Loop when S = SL;
if Source_Text (SI) (S + 1) = ')' then
S := S + 1;
exit Search_Loop;
elsif Source_Text (SI) (S + 1) <= ' ' then
S := S + 1;
exit Search_Loop;
end if;
end loop Search_Loop;
end loop Paren_Loop;
exit Node_Loop when F = N;
F := Parent (F);
exit Node_Loop when Nkind (F) not in N_Subexpr;
end loop Node_Loop;
-- Remove any trailing space
while S in SF + 1 .. SL
and then Source_Text (SI) (S) = ' '
S := S - 1;
end loop;
return S;
end Last_Sloc;
-- No_Warnings --
function No_Warnings (N : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean is
if Error_Posted (N) then
return True;
elsif Nkind (N) in N_Entity and then Has_Warnings_Off (N) then
return True;
elsif Is_Entity_Name (N)
and then Present (Entity (N))
and then Has_Warnings_Off (Entity (N))
return True;
return False;
end if;
end No_Warnings;
-- OK_Node --
function OK_Node (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
K : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (N);
if Error_Posted (N) then
return False;
elsif K in N_Has_Etype
and then Present (Etype (N))
and then Error_Posted (Etype (N))
return False;
elsif (K in N_Op
or else K = N_Attribute_Reference
or else K = N_Character_Literal
or else K = N_Expanded_Name
or else K = N_Identifier
or else K = N_Operator_Symbol)
and then Present (Entity (N))
and then Error_Posted (Entity (N))
return False;
return True;
end if;
end OK_Node;
-- Output_JSON_Message --
procedure Output_JSON_Message (Error_Id : Error_Msg_Id) is
function Is_Continuation (E : Error_Msg_Id) return Boolean;
-- Return True if E is a continuation message.
procedure Write_JSON_Escaped_String (Str : String_Ptr);
-- Write each character of Str, taking care of preceding each quote and
-- backslash with a backslash. Note that this escaping differs from what
-- GCC does.
-- Indeed, the JSON specification mandates encoding wide characters
-- either as their direct UTF-8 representation or as their escaped
-- UTF-16 surrogate pairs representation. GCC seems to prefer escaping -
-- we choose to use the UTF-8 representation instead.
procedure Write_JSON_Location (Sptr : Source_Ptr);
-- Write Sptr as a JSON location, an object containing a file attribute,
-- a line number and a column number.
procedure Write_JSON_Span (Span : Source_Span);
-- Write Span as a JSON span, an object containing a "caret" attribute
-- whose value is the JSON location of Span.Ptr. If Span.First and
-- Span.Last are different from Span.Ptr, they will be printed as JSON
-- locations under the names "start" and "finish".
-- Is_Continuation --
function Is_Continuation (E : Error_Msg_Id) return Boolean is
return E <= Last_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (E).Msg_Cont;
end Is_Continuation;
-- Write_JSON_Escaped_String --
procedure Write_JSON_Escaped_String (Str : String_Ptr) is
for C of Str.all loop
if C = '"' or else C = '\' then
Write_Char ('\');
end if;
Write_Char (C);
end loop;
end Write_JSON_Escaped_String;
-- Write_JSON_Location --
procedure Write_JSON_Location (Sptr : Source_Ptr) is
Write_Str ("{""file"":""");
Write_Name (Full_Ref_Name (Get_Source_File_Index (Sptr)));
Write_Str (""",""line"":");
Write_Int (Pos (Get_Physical_Line_Number (Sptr)));
Write_Str (", ""column"":");
Write_Int (Nat (Get_Column_Number (Sptr)));
Write_Str ("}");
end Write_JSON_Location;
-- Write_JSON_Span --
procedure Write_JSON_Span (Span : Source_Span) is
Write_Str ("{""caret"":");
Write_JSON_Location (Span.Ptr);
if Span.Ptr /= Span.First then
Write_Str (",""start"":");
Write_JSON_Location (Span.First);
end if;
if Span.Ptr /= Span.Last then
Write_Str (",""finish"":");
Write_JSON_Location (Span.Last);
end if;
Write_Str ("}");
end Write_JSON_Span;
-- Local Variables
E : Error_Msg_Id := Error_Id;
Print_Continuations : constant Boolean := not Is_Continuation (E);
-- Do not print continuations messages as children of the current
-- message if the current message is a continuation message.
-- Start of processing for Output_JSON_Message
-- Print message kind
Write_Str ("{""kind"":");
if Errors.Table (E).Warn and then not Errors.Table (E).Warn_Err then
Write_Str ("""warning""");
elsif Errors.Table (E).Info or else Errors.Table (E).Check then
Write_Str ("""note""");
Write_Str ("""error""");
end if;
-- Print message location
Write_Str (",""locations"":[");
Write_JSON_Span (Errors.Table (E).Sptr);
if Errors.Table (E).Optr /= Errors.Table (E).Sptr.Ptr then
Write_Str (",{""caret"":");
Write_JSON_Location (Errors.Table (E).Optr);
Write_Str ("}");
end if;
-- Print message content
Write_Str ("],""message"":""");
Write_JSON_Escaped_String (Errors.Table (E).Text);
Write_Str ("""");
E := E + 1;
if Print_Continuations and then Is_Continuation (E) then
Write_Str (",""children"": [");
Output_JSON_Message (E);
E := E + 1;
while Is_Continuation (E) loop
Write_Str (", ");
Output_JSON_Message (E);
E := E + 1;
end loop;
Write_Str ("]");
end if;
Write_Str ("}");
end Output_JSON_Message;
-- Output_Messages --
procedure Output_Messages is
-- Local subprograms
procedure Write_Error_Summary;
-- Write error summary
procedure Write_Header (Sfile : Source_File_Index);
-- Write header line (compiling or checking given file)
procedure Write_Max_Errors;
-- Write message if max errors reached
procedure Write_Source_Code_Lines
(Span : Source_Span;
SGR_Span : String);
-- Write the source code line corresponding to Span, as follows when
-- Span in on one line:
-- line | actual code line here with Span somewhere
-- | ~~~~~^~~~
-- where the caret on the line points to location Span.Ptr, and the
-- range Span.First..Span.Last is underlined.
-- or when the span is over multiple lines:
-- line | beginning of the Span on this line
-- ... | ...
-- line>| actual code line here with Span.Ptr somewhere
-- ... | ...
-- line | end of the Span on this line
-- or when the span is a simple location, as follows:
-- line | actual code line here with Span somewhere
-- | ^ here
-- where the caret on the line points to location Span.Ptr
-- SGR_Span is the SGR string to start the section of code in the span,
-- that should be closed with SGR_Reset.
-- Write_Error_Summary --
procedure Write_Error_Summary is
-- Extra blank line if error messages or source listing were output
if Total_Errors_Detected + Warnings_Detected > 0 or else Full_List
end if;
-- Message giving number of lines read and number of errors detected.
-- This normally goes to Standard_Output. The exception is when brief
-- mode is not set, verbose mode (or full list mode) is set, and
-- there are errors. In this case we send the message to standard
-- error to make sure that *something* appears on standard error
-- in an error situation.
if Total_Errors_Detected + Warnings_Detected /= 0
and then not Brief_Output
and then (Verbose_Mode or Full_List)
end if;
-- Message giving total number of lines. Don't give this message if
-- the Main_Source line is unknown (this happens in error situations,
-- e.g. when integrated preprocessing fails).
if Main_Source_File > No_Source_File then
Write_Str (" ");
Write_Int (Num_Source_Lines (Main_Source_File));
if Num_Source_Lines (Main_Source_File) = 1 then
Write_Str (" line: ");
Write_Str (" lines: ");
end if;
end if;
if Total_Errors_Detected = 0 then
Write_Str ("No errors");
elsif Total_Errors_Detected = 1 then
Write_Str ("1 error");
Write_Int (Total_Errors_Detected);
Write_Str (" errors");
end if;
-- We now need to output warnings. When using -gnatwe, all warnings
-- should be treated as errors, except for warnings originating from
-- the use of the Compile_Time_Warning pragma. Another situation
-- where a warning might be treated as an error is when the source
-- code contains a Warning_As_Error pragma.
-- When warnings are treated as errors, we still log them as
-- warnings, but we add a message denoting how many of these warnings
-- are also errors.
Warnings_Count : constant Int :=
Warnings_Detected - Warning_Info_Messages;
Compile_Time_Warnings : Int;
-- Number of warnings that come from a Compile_Time_Warning
-- pragma.
Non_Compile_Time_Warnings : Int;
-- Number of warnings that do not come from a Compile_Time_Warning
-- pragmas.
if Warnings_Count > 0 then
Write_Str (", ");
Write_Int (Warnings_Count);
Write_Str (" warning");
if Warnings_Count > 1 then
Write_Char ('s');
end if;
Compile_Time_Warnings := Count_Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings;
Non_Compile_Time_Warnings :=
Warnings_Count - Compile_Time_Warnings;
if Warning_Mode = Treat_As_Error
and then Non_Compile_Time_Warnings > 0
Write_Str (" (");
if Compile_Time_Warnings > 0 then
Write_Int (Non_Compile_Time_Warnings);
Write_Str (" ");
end if;
Write_Str ("treated as error");
if Non_Compile_Time_Warnings > 1 then
Write_Char ('s');
end if;
Write_Char (')');
elsif Warnings_Treated_As_Errors > 0 then
Write_Str (" (");
if Warnings_Treated_As_Errors /= Warnings_Count then
Write_Int (Warnings_Treated_As_Errors);
Write_Str (" ");
end if;
Write_Str ("treated as error");
if Warnings_Treated_As_Errors > 1 then
Write_Str ("s");
end if;
Write_Str (")");
end if;
end if;
if Warning_Info_Messages + Report_Info_Messages /= 0 then
Write_Str (", ");
Write_Int (Warning_Info_Messages + Report_Info_Messages);
Write_Str (" info message");
if Warning_Info_Messages + Report_Info_Messages > 1 then
Write_Char ('s');
end if;
end if;
end Write_Error_Summary;
-- Write_Header --
procedure Write_Header (Sfile : Source_File_Index) is
if Verbose_Mode or Full_List then
if Original_Operating_Mode = Generate_Code then
Write_Str ("Compiling: ");
Write_Str ("Checking: ");
end if;
Write_Name (Full_File_Name (Sfile));
if not Debug_Flag_7 then
Write_Str ("Source file time stamp: ");
Write_Time_Stamp (Sfile);
Write_Str ("Compiled at: " & Compilation_Time);
end if;
end if;
end Write_Header;
-- Write_Max_Errors --
procedure Write_Max_Errors is
if Maximum_Messages /= 0 then
if Warnings_Detected >= Maximum_Messages then
Write_Line ("maximum number of warnings output");
Write_Line ("any further warnings suppressed");
end if;
-- If too many errors print message
if Total_Errors_Detected >= Maximum_Messages then
Write_Line ("fatal error: maximum number of errors detected");
end if;
end if;
end Write_Max_Errors;
-- Write_Source_Code_Lines --
procedure Write_Source_Code_Lines
(Span : Source_Span;
SGR_Span : String)
function Get_Line_End
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Loc : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr;
-- Get the source location for the end of the line in Buf for Loc. If
-- Loc is past the end of Buf already, return Buf'Last.
function Get_Line_Start
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Loc : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr;
-- Get the source location for the start of the line in Buf for Loc
function Image (X : Positive; Width : Positive) return String;
-- Output number X over Width characters, with whitespace padding.
-- Only output the low-order Width digits of X, if X is larger than
-- Width digits.
procedure Write_Buffer
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
First : Source_Ptr;
Last : Source_Ptr);
-- Output the characters from First to Last position in Buf, using
-- Write_Buffer_Char.
procedure Write_Buffer_Char
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Loc : Source_Ptr);
-- Output the characters at position Loc in Buf, translating ASCII.HT
-- in a suitable number of spaces so that the output is not modified
-- by starting in a different column that 1.
procedure Write_Line_Marker
(Num : Pos;
Mark : Boolean;
Width : Positive);
-- Output the line number Num over Width characters, with possibly
-- a Mark to denote the line with the main location when reporting
-- a span over multiple lines.
-- Get_Line_End --
function Get_Line_End
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Loc : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr
Cur_Loc : Source_Ptr := Source_Ptr'Min (Loc, Buf'Last);
while Cur_Loc < Buf'Last
and then Buf (Cur_Loc) /= ASCII.LF
Cur_Loc := Cur_Loc + 1;
end loop;
return Cur_Loc;
end Get_Line_End;
-- Get_Line_Start --
function Get_Line_Start
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Loc : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr
Cur_Loc : Source_Ptr := Loc;
while Cur_Loc > Buf'First
and then Buf (Cur_Loc - 1) /= ASCII.LF
Cur_Loc := Cur_Loc - 1;
end loop;
return Cur_Loc;
end Get_Line_Start;
-- Image --
function Image (X : Positive; Width : Positive) return String is
Str : String (1 .. Width);
Curr : Natural := X;
for J in reverse 1 .. Width loop
if Curr > 0 then
Str (J) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + Curr mod 10);
Curr := Curr / 10;
Str (J) := ' ';
end if;
end loop;
return Str;
end Image;
-- Write_Buffer --
procedure Write_Buffer
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
First : Source_Ptr;
Last : Source_Ptr)
for Loc in First .. Last loop
Write_Buffer_Char (Buf, Loc);
end loop;
end Write_Buffer;
-- Write_Buffer_Char --
procedure Write_Buffer_Char
(Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Loc : Source_Ptr)
-- If the character ASCII.HT is not the last one in the file,
-- output as many spaces as the character represents in the
-- original source file.
if Buf (Loc) = ASCII.HT
and then Loc < Buf'Last
for X in Get_Column_Number (Loc) ..
Get_Column_Number (Loc + 1) - 1
Write_Char (' ');
end loop;
-- Otherwise output the character itself
Write_Char (Buf (Loc));
end if;
end Write_Buffer_Char;
-- Write_Line_Marker --
procedure Write_Line_Marker
(Num : Pos;
Mark : Boolean;
Width : Positive)
Write_Str (Image (Positive (Num), Width => Width));
Write_Str ((if Mark then ">" else " ") & "|");
end Write_Line_Marker;
-- Local variables
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Span.Ptr;
Line : constant Pos := Pos (Get_Physical_Line_Number (Loc));
Col : constant Natural := Natural (Get_Column_Number (Loc));
Fst : constant Source_Ptr := Span.First;
Line_Fst : constant Pos :=
Pos (Get_Physical_Line_Number (Fst));
Col_Fst : constant Natural :=
Natural (Get_Column_Number (Fst));
Lst : constant Source_Ptr := Span.Last;
Line_Lst : constant Pos :=
Pos (Get_Physical_Line_Number (Lst));
Col_Lst : constant Natural :=
Natural (Get_Column_Number (Lst));
Width : constant := 5;
Buf : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Cur_Loc : Source_Ptr := Fst;
Cur_Line : Pos := Line_Fst;
-- Start of processing for Write_Source_Code_Lines
if Loc >= First_Source_Ptr then
Buf := Source_Text (Get_Source_File_Index (Loc));
-- First line of the span with actual source code. We retrieve
-- the beginning of the line instead of relying on Col_Fst, as
-- ASCII.HT characters change column numbers by possibly more
-- than one.
Line_Fst /= Line_Lst and then Cur_Line = Line,
Write_Buffer (Buf, Get_Line_Start (Buf, Cur_Loc), Cur_Loc - 1);
-- Output the first/caret/last lines of the span, as well as
-- lines that are directly above/below the caret if they complete
-- the gap with first/last lines, otherwise use ... to denote
-- intermediate lines.
-- If the span is on one line and not a simple source location,
-- color it appropriately.
if Line_Fst = Line_Lst
and then Col_Fst /= Col_Lst
Write_Str (SGR_Span);
end if;
function Do_Write_Line (Cur_Line : Pos) return Boolean is
(Cur_Line in Line_Fst | Line | Line_Lst
or else
(Cur_Line = Line_Fst + 1 and then Cur_Line = Line - 1)
or else
(Cur_Line = Line + 1 and then Cur_Line = Line_Lst - 1));
while Cur_Loc <= Buf'Last
and then Cur_Loc <= Lst
if Do_Write_Line (Cur_Line) then
Write_Buffer_Char (Buf, Cur_Loc);
end if;
if Buf (Cur_Loc) = ASCII.LF then
Cur_Line := Cur_Line + 1;
-- Output ... for skipped lines
if (Cur_Line = Line
and then not Do_Write_Line (Cur_Line - 1))
or else
(Cur_Line = Line + 1
and then not Do_Write_Line (Cur_Line))
Write_Str ((1 .. Width - 3 => ' ') & "... | ...");
end if;
-- Display the line marker if the line should be
-- displayed.
if Do_Write_Line (Cur_Line) then
Line_Fst /= Line_Lst and then Cur_Line = Line,
end if;
end if;
Cur_Loc := Cur_Loc + 1;
end loop;
if Line_Fst = Line_Lst
and then Col_Fst /= Col_Lst
Write_Str (SGR_Reset);
end if;
-- Output the rest of the last line of the span
Write_Buffer (Buf, Cur_Loc, Get_Line_End (Buf, Cur_Loc));
-- If the span is on one line, output a second line with caret
-- sign pointing to location Loc
if Line_Fst = Line_Lst then
Write_Str (String'(1 .. Width => ' '));
Write_Str (" |");
Write_Str (String'(1 .. Col_Fst - 1 => ' '));
Write_Str (SGR_Span);
Write_Str (String'(Col_Fst .. Col - 1 => '~'));
Write_Str ("^");
Write_Str (String'(Col + 1 .. Col_Lst => '~'));
-- If the span is really just a location, add the word "here"
-- to clarify this is the location for the message.
if Col_Fst = Col_Lst then
Write_Str (" here");
end if;
Write_Str (SGR_Reset);
end if;
end if;
end Write_Source_Code_Lines;
-- Local variables
E : Error_Msg_Id;
Err_Flag : Boolean;
Use_Prefix : Boolean;
-- Start of processing for Output_Messages
-- Error if Finalize has not been called
if not Finalize_Called then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
-- Reset current error source file if the main unit has a pragma
-- Source_Reference. This ensures outputting the proper name of
-- the source file in this situation.
if Main_Source_File <= No_Source_File
or else Num_SRef_Pragmas (Main_Source_File) /= 0
Current_Error_Source_File := No_Source_File;
end if;
if Opt.JSON_Output then
E := First_Error_Msg;
-- Find first printable message
while E /= No_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (E).Deleted loop
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
end loop;
Write_Char ('[');
if E /= No_Error_Msg then
Output_JSON_Message (E);
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
-- Skip deleted messages.
-- Also skip continuation messages, as they have already been
-- printed along the message they're attached to.
while E /= No_Error_Msg
and then not Errors.Table (E).Deleted
and then not Errors.Table (E).Msg_Cont
Write_Char (',');
Output_JSON_Message (E);
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
end loop;
end if;
Write_Char (']');
-- Brief Error mode
elsif Brief_Output or (not Full_List and not Verbose_Mode) then
E := First_Error_Msg;
while E /= No_Error_Msg loop
-- If -gnatdF is used, separate main messages from previous
-- messages with a newline (unless it is an info message) and
-- make continuation messages follow the main message with only
-- an indentation of two space characters, without repeating
-- file:line:col: prefix.
Use_Prefix :=
not (Debug_Flag_FF and then Errors.Table (E).Msg_Cont);
if not Errors.Table (E).Deleted and then not Debug_Flag_KK then
if Debug_Flag_FF then
if Errors.Table (E).Msg_Cont then
Write_Str (" ");
elsif not Errors.Table (E).Info then
end if;
end if;
if Use_Prefix then
Write_Str (SGR_Locus);
if Full_Path_Name_For_Brief_Errors then
Write_Name (Full_Ref_Name (Errors.Table (E).Sfile));
Write_Name (Reference_Name (Errors.Table (E).Sfile));
end if;
Write_Char (':');
Write_Int (Int (Physical_To_Logical
(Errors.Table (E).Line,
Errors.Table (E).Sfile)));
Write_Char (':');
if Errors.Table (E).Col < 10 then
Write_Char ('0');
end if;
Write_Int (Int (Errors.Table (E).Col));
Write_Str (": ");
Write_Str (SGR_Reset);
end if;
Output_Msg_Text (E);
-- If -gnatdF is used, write the source code line corresponding
-- to the location of the main message (unless it is an info
-- message). Also write the source code line corresponding to
-- an insertion location inside continuation messages.
if Debug_Flag_FF
and then not Errors.Table (E).Info
if Errors.Table (E).Msg_Cont then
Loc : constant Source_Ptr :=
Errors.Table (E).Insertion_Sloc;
if Loc /= No_Location then
(To_Span (Loc), SGR_Span => SGR_Note);
end if;
SGR_Span : constant String :=
(if Errors.Table (E).Info then SGR_Note
elsif Errors.Table (E).Warn
and then not Errors.Table (E).Warn_Err
then SGR_Warning
else SGR_Error);
(Errors.Table (E).Sptr, SGR_Span);
end if;
end if;
end if;
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
end loop;
end if;
-- Full source listing case
if Full_List then
List_Pragmas_Index := 1;
List_Pragmas_Mode := True;
E := First_Error_Msg;
-- Normal case, to stdout (copyright notice already output)
if Full_List_File_Name = null then
if not Debug_Flag_7 then
end if;
-- Output to file
Create_List_File_Access.all (Full_List_File_Name.all);
Set_Special_Output (Write_List_Info_Access.all'Access);
-- Write copyright notice to file
if not Debug_Flag_7 then
Write_Str ("GNAT ");
Write_Str (Gnat_Version_String);
Write_Str ("Copyright 1992-" &
Current_Year &
", Free Software Foundation, Inc.");
end if;
end if;
-- First list extended main source file units with errors
for U in Main_Unit .. Last_Unit loop
if In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Cunit_Entity (U))
-- If debug flag d.m is set, only the main source is listed
and then (U = Main_Unit or else not Debug_Flag_Dot_M)
-- If the unit of the entity does not come from source, it is
-- an implicit subprogram declaration for a child subprogram.
-- Do not emit errors for it, they are listed with the body.
and then
(No (Cunit_Entity (U))
or else Comes_From_Source (Cunit_Entity (U))
or else not Is_Subprogram (Cunit_Entity (U)))
-- If the compilation unit associated with this unit does not
-- come from source, it means it is an instantiation that should
-- not be included in the source listing.
and then Comes_From_Source (Cunit (U))
Sfile : constant Source_File_Index := Source_Index (U);
-- Only write the header if Sfile is known
if Sfile > No_Source_File then
Write_Header (Sfile);
end if;
-- Normally, we don't want an "error messages from file"
-- message when listing the entire file, so we set the
-- current source file as the current error source file.
-- However, the old style of doing things was to list this
-- message if pragma Source_Reference is present, even for
-- the main unit. Since the purpose of the -gnatd.m switch
-- is to duplicate the old behavior, we skip the reset if
-- this debug flag is set.
if not Debug_Flag_Dot_M then
Current_Error_Source_File := Sfile;
end if;
-- Only output the listing if Sfile is known, to avoid
-- crashing the compiler.
if Sfile > No_Source_File then
for N in 1 .. Last_Source_Line (Sfile) loop
while E /= No_Error_Msg
and then Errors.Table (E).Deleted
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
end loop;
Err_Flag :=
E /= No_Error_Msg
and then Errors.Table (E).Line = N
and then Errors.Table (E).Sfile = Sfile;
Output_Source_Line (N, Sfile, Err_Flag);
if Err_Flag then
Output_Error_Msgs (E);
if not Debug_Flag_2 then
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- Then output errors, if any, for subsidiary units not in the
-- main extended unit.
-- Note: if debug flag d.m set, include errors for any units other
-- than the main unit in the extended source unit (e.g. spec and
-- subunits for a body).
while E /= No_Error_Msg
and then (not In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit
(Errors.Table (E).Sptr.Ptr)
or else
and then Get_Source_Unit
(Errors.Table (E).Sptr.Ptr) /= Main_Unit))
if Errors.Table (E).Deleted then
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
(Errors.Table (E).Line, Errors.Table (E).Sfile, True);
Output_Error_Msgs (E);
end if;
end loop;
-- If output to file, write extra copy of error summary to the
-- output file, and then close it.
if Full_List_File_Name /= null then
end if;
end if;
-- Verbose mode (error lines only with error flags). Normally this is
-- ignored in full list mode, unless we are listing to a file, in which
-- case we still generate -gnatv output to standard output.
if Verbose_Mode
and then (not Full_List or else Full_List_File_Name /= null)
-- Output the header only when Main_Source_File is known
if Main_Source_File > No_Source_File then
Write_Header (Main_Source_File);
end if;
E := First_Error_Msg;
-- Loop through error lines
while E /= No_Error_Msg loop
if Errors.Table (E).Deleted then
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
(Errors.Table (E).Line, Errors.Table (E).Sfile, True);
Output_Error_Msgs (E);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Output error summary if verbose or full list mode
if Verbose_Mode or else Full_List then
end if;
if not Opt.JSON_Output then
end if;
-- Even though Warning_Info_Messages are a subclass of warnings, they
-- must not be treated as errors when -gnatwe is in effect.
if Warning_Mode = Treat_As_Error then
Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings : constant Int :=
Total_Errors_Detected := Total_Errors_Detected + Warnings_Detected
- Warning_Info_Messages - Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings;
Warnings_Detected :=
Warning_Info_Messages + Compile_Time_Pragma_Warnings;
end if;
end Output_Messages;
-- Output_Source_Line --
procedure Output_Source_Line
(L : Physical_Line_Number;
Sfile : Source_File_Index;
Errs : Boolean)
S : Source_Ptr;
C : Character;
Line_Number_Output : Boolean := False;
-- Set True once line number is output
Empty_Line : Boolean := True;
-- Set False if line includes at least one character
if Sfile /= Current_Error_Source_File then
Write_Str ("==============Error messages for ");
case Sinput.File_Type (Sfile) is
when Sinput.Src =>
Write_Str ("source");
when Sinput.Config =>
Write_Str ("configuration pragmas");
when Sinput.Def =>
Write_Str ("symbol definition");
when Sinput.Preproc =>
Write_Str ("preprocessing data");
end case;
Write_Str (" file: ");
Write_Name (Full_File_Name (Sfile));
if Num_SRef_Pragmas (Sfile) > 0 then
Write_Str ("--------------Line numbers from file: ");
Write_Name (Full_Ref_Name (Sfile));
Write_Str (" (starting at line ");
Write_Int (Int (First_Mapped_Line (Sfile)));
Write_Char (')');
end if;
Current_Error_Source_File := Sfile;
end if;
if Errs or List_Pragmas_Mode then
Output_Line_Number (Physical_To_Logical (L, Sfile));
Line_Number_Output := True;
end if;
S := Line_Start (L, Sfile);
C := Source_Text (Sfile) (S);
exit when C = ASCII.LF or else C = ASCII.CR or else C = EOF;
-- Deal with matching entry in List_Pragmas table
if Full_List
and then List_Pragmas_Index <= List_Pragmas.Last
and then S = List_Pragmas.Table (List_Pragmas_Index).Ploc
case List_Pragmas.Table (List_Pragmas_Index).Ptyp is
when Page =>
Write_Char (C);
-- Ignore if on line with errors so that error flags
-- get properly listed with the error line .
if not Errs then
Write_Char (ASCII.FF);
end if;
when List_On =>
List_Pragmas_Mode := True;
if not Line_Number_Output then
Output_Line_Number (Physical_To_Logical (L, Sfile));
Line_Number_Output := True;
end if;
Write_Char (C);
when List_Off =>
Write_Char (C);
List_Pragmas_Mode := False;
end case;
List_Pragmas_Index := List_Pragmas_Index + 1;
-- Normal case (no matching entry in List_Pragmas table)
if Errs or List_Pragmas_Mode then
Write_Char (C);
end if;
end if;
Empty_Line := False;
S := S + 1;
end loop;
-- If we have output a source line, then add the line terminator, with
-- training spaces preserved (so we output the line exactly as input).
if Line_Number_Output then
if Empty_Line then
end if;
end if;
end Output_Source_Line;
-- Remove_Warning_Messages --
procedure Remove_Warning_Messages (N : Node_Id) is
function Check_For_Warning (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-- This function checks one node for a possible warning message
function Check_All_Warnings is new Traverse_Func (Check_For_Warning);
-- This defines the traversal operation
-- Check_For_Warning --
function Check_For_Warning (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
E : Error_Msg_Id;
function To_Be_Removed (E : Error_Msg_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns True for a message that is to be removed. Also adjusts
-- warning count appropriately.
-- To_Be_Removed --
function To_Be_Removed (E : Error_Msg_Id) return Boolean is
if E /= No_Error_Msg
-- Don't remove if location does not match
and then Errors.Table (E).Optr = Loc
-- Don't remove if not warning/info message. Note that we do
-- not remove style messages here. They are warning messages
-- but not ones we want removed in this context.
and then Errors.Table (E).Warn
-- Don't remove unconditional messages
and then not Errors.Table (E).Uncond
Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected - 1;
if Errors.Table (E).Info then
Warning_Info_Messages := Warning_Info_Messages - 1;
end if;
return True;
-- No removal required
return False;
end if;
end To_Be_Removed;
-- Start of processing for Check_For_Warnings
while To_Be_Removed (First_Error_Msg) loop
First_Error_Msg := Errors.Table (First_Error_Msg).Next;
end loop;
if First_Error_Msg = No_Error_Msg then
Last_Error_Msg := No_Error_Msg;
end if;
E := First_Error_Msg;
while E /= No_Error_Msg loop
while To_Be_Removed (Errors.Table (E).Next) loop
Errors.Table (E).Next :=
Errors.Table (Errors.Table (E).Next).Next;
if Errors.Table (E).Next = No_Error_Msg then
Last_Error_Msg := E;
end if;
end loop;
E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
end loop;
if Nkind (N) = N_Raise_Constraint_Error
and then Is_Rewrite_Substitution (N)
and then No (Condition (N))
-- Warnings may have been posted on subexpressions of the original
-- tree. We place the original node back on the tree to remove
-- those warnings, whose sloc do not match those of any node in
-- the current tree. Given that we are in unreachable code, this
-- modification to the tree is harmless.
Status : Traverse_Final_Result;
if Is_List_Member (N) then
Set_Condition (N, Original_Node (N));
Status := Check_All_Warnings (Condition (N));
Rewrite (N, Original_Node (N));
Status := Check_All_Warnings (N);
end if;
return Status;
return OK;
end if;
end Check_For_Warning;
-- Start of processing for Remove_Warning_Messages
if Warnings_Detected /= 0 then
Discard : Traverse_Final_Result;
pragma Warnings (Off, Discard);
Discard := Check_All_Warnings (N);
end if;
end Remove_Warning_Messages;
procedure Remove_Warning_Messages (L : List_Id) is
Stat : Node_Id;
if Is_Non_Empty_List (L) then
Stat := First (L);
while Present (Stat) loop
Remove_Warning_Messages (Stat);
Next (Stat);
end loop;
end if;
end Remove_Warning_Messages;
-- Reset_Warnings --
procedure Reset_Warnings is
Warnings_Treated_As_Errors := 0;
Warnings_Detected := 0;
Warning_Info_Messages := 0;
Warnings_As_Errors_Count := 0;
end Reset_Warnings;
-- Adjust_Name_Case --
procedure Adjust_Name_Case
(Buf : in out Bounded_String;
Loc : Source_Ptr)
-- We have an all lower case name from Namet, and now we want to set
-- the appropriate case. If possible we copy the actual casing from
-- the source. If not we use standard identifier casing.
Src_Ind : constant Source_File_Index := Get_Source_File_Index (Loc);
Sbuffer : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Ref_Ptr : Integer;
Src_Ptr : Source_Ptr;
Ref_Ptr := 1;
Src_Ptr := Loc;
-- For standard locations, always use mixed case
if Loc <= No_Location then
Set_Casing (Buf, Mixed_Case);
-- Determine if the reference we are dealing with corresponds to
-- text at the point of the error reference. This will often be
-- the case for simple identifier references, and is the case
-- where we can copy the casing from the source.
Sbuffer := Source_Text (Src_Ind);
while Ref_Ptr <= Buf.Length loop
exit when
Fold_Lower (Sbuffer (Src_Ptr)) /=
Fold_Lower (Buf.Chars (Ref_Ptr));
Ref_Ptr := Ref_Ptr + 1;
Src_Ptr := Src_Ptr + 1;
end loop;
-- If we get through the loop without a mismatch, then output the
-- name the way it is cased in the source program
if Ref_Ptr > Buf.Length then
Src_Ptr := Loc;
for J in 1 .. Buf.Length loop
Buf.Chars (J) := Sbuffer (Src_Ptr);
Src_Ptr := Src_Ptr + 1;
end loop;
-- Otherwise set the casing using the default identifier casing
Set_Casing (Buf, Identifier_Casing (Src_Ind));
end if;
end if;
end Adjust_Name_Case;
-- Set_Identifier_Casing --
procedure Set_Identifier_Casing
(Identifier_Name : System.Address;
File_Name : System.Address)
Ident : constant Big_String_Ptr := To_Big_String_Ptr (Identifier_Name);
File : constant Big_String_Ptr := To_Big_String_Ptr (File_Name);
Flen : Natural;
Desired_Case : Casing_Type := Mixed_Case;
-- Casing required for result. Default value of Mixed_Case is used if
-- for some reason we cannot find the right file name in the table.
-- Get length of file name
Flen := 0;
while File (Flen + 1) /= ASCII.NUL loop
Flen := Flen + 1;
end loop;
-- Loop through file names to find matching one. This is a bit slow, but
-- we only do it in error situations so it is not so terrible. Note that
-- if the loop does not exit, then the desired case will be left set to
-- Mixed_Case, this can happen if the name was not in canonical form.
for J in 1 .. Last_Source_File loop
Get_Name_String (Full_Debug_Name (J));
if Name_Len = Flen
and then Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) = String (File (1 .. Flen))
Desired_Case := Identifier_Casing (J);
end if;
end loop;
-- Copy identifier as given to Name_Buffer
for J in Name_Buffer'Range loop
Name_Buffer (J) := Ident (J);
if Name_Buffer (J) = ASCII.NUL then
Name_Len := J - 1;
end if;
end loop;
Set_Casing (Desired_Case);
end Set_Identifier_Casing;
-- Set_Ignore_Errors --
procedure Set_Ignore_Errors (To : Boolean) is
Errors_Must_Be_Ignored := To;
end Set_Ignore_Errors;
-- Set_Msg_Insertion_Column --
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Column is
if RM_Column_Check then
Set_Msg_Str (" in column ");
Set_Msg_Int (Int (Error_Msg_Col) + 1);
end if;
end Set_Msg_Insertion_Column;
-- Set_Msg_Insertion_Node --
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Node is
K : Node_Kind;
Suppress_Message :=
Error_Msg_Node_1 = Error
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Type;
if Error_Msg_Node_1 = Empty then
Set_Msg_Str ("<empty>");
elsif Error_Msg_Node_1 = Error then
Set_Msg_Str ("<error>");
elsif Error_Msg_Node_1 = Standard_Void_Type then
Set_Msg_Str ("procedure name");
elsif Nkind (Error_Msg_Node_1) in N_Entity
and then Ekind (Error_Msg_Node_1) = E_Anonymous_Access_Subprogram_Type
Set_Msg_Str ("access to subprogram");
-- Output name
K := Nkind (Error_Msg_Node_1);
-- If we have operator case, skip quotes since name of operator
-- itself will supply the required quotations. An operator can be an
-- applied use in an expression or an explicit operator symbol, or an
-- identifier whose name indicates it is an operator.
if K in N_Op
or else K = N_Operator_Symbol
or else K = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol
or else ((K = N_Identifier or else K = N_Defining_Identifier)
and then Is_Operator_Name (Chars (Error_Msg_Node_1)))
Set_Msg_Node (Error_Msg_Node_1);
-- Normal case, not an operator, surround with quotes
Set_Qualification (Error_Msg_Qual_Level, Error_Msg_Node_1);
Set_Msg_Node (Error_Msg_Node_1);
end if;
end if;
-- The following assignment ensures that a second ampersand insertion
-- character will correspond to the Error_Msg_Node_2 parameter.
Error_Msg_Node_1 := Error_Msg_Node_2;
end Set_Msg_Insertion_Node;
-- Set_Msg_Insertion_Type_Reference --
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Type_Reference (Flag : Source_Ptr) is
Ent : Entity_Id;
if Error_Msg_Node_1 = Standard_Void_Type then
Set_Msg_Str ("package or procedure name");
elsif Error_Msg_Node_1 = Standard_Exception_Type then
Set_Msg_Str ("exception name");
elsif Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Access
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Array
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Boolean
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Character
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Composite
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Discrete
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Fixed
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Integer
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Modular
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Numeric
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Real
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_Scalar
or else Error_Msg_Node_1 = Any_String
Get_Unqualified_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Error_Msg_Node_1));
elsif Error_Msg_Node_1 = Universal_Real then
Set_Msg_Str ("type universal real");
elsif Error_Msg_Node_1 = Universal_Integer then
Set_Msg_Str ("type universal integer");
elsif Error_Msg_Node_1 = Universal_Fixed then
Set_Msg_Str ("type universal fixed");
end if;
-- Special case of anonymous array
if Nkind (Error_Msg_Node_1) in N_Entity
and then Is_Array_Type (Error_Msg_Node_1)
and then Present (Related_Array_Object (Error_Msg_Node_1))
Set_Msg_Str ("type of ");
Set_Msg_Node (Related_Array_Object (Error_Msg_Node_1));
Set_Msg_Str (" declared");
(Sloc (Related_Array_Object (Error_Msg_Node_1)), Flag);
end if;
-- If we fall through, it is not a special case, so first output
-- the name of the type, preceded by private for a private type
if Is_Private_Type (Error_Msg_Node_1) then
Set_Msg_Str ("private type ");
Set_Msg_Str ("type ");
end if;
Ent := Error_Msg_Node_1;
if Is_Internal_Name (Chars (Ent)) then
Unwind_Internal_Type (Ent);
end if;
-- Types in Standard are displayed as ""
if Sloc (Ent) <= Standard_Location then
Set_Msg_Str ("Standard.");
Set_Msg_Node (Ent);
-- Types in other language defined units are displayed as
-- "package-name.type-name"
elsif Is_Predefined_Unit (Get_Source_Unit (Ent)) then
(Unit_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Ent)));
Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
Set_Msg_Char ('.');
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
Set_Msg_Node (Ent);
-- All other types display as "type name" defined at line xxx
-- possibly qualified if qualification is requested.
Set_Qualification (Error_Msg_Qual_Level, Ent);
Set_Msg_Node (Ent);
-- If we did not print a name (e.g. in the case of an anonymous
-- subprogram type), there is no name to print, so remove quotes.
if Buffer_Ends_With ('"') then
Buffer_Remove ('"');
end if;
end if;
-- If the original type did not come from a predefined file, add the
-- location where the type was defined.
if Sloc (Error_Msg_Node_1) > Standard_Location
and then
not Is_Predefined_Unit (Get_Source_Unit (Error_Msg_Node_1))
Get_Name_String (Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Error_Msg_Node_1)));
Set_Msg_Str (" defined");
Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number (Sloc (Error_Msg_Node_1), Flag);
-- If it did come from a predefined file, deal with the case where
-- this was a file with a generic instantiation from elsewhere.
if Sloc (Error_Msg_Node_1) > Standard_Location then
Iloc : constant Source_Ptr :=
Instantiation_Location (Sloc (Error_Msg_Node_1));
if Iloc /= No_Location
and then not Suppress_Instance_Location
Set_Msg_Str (" from instance");
Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number (Iloc, Flag);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Set_Msg_Insertion_Type_Reference;
-- Set_Msg_Insertion_Unit_Name --
procedure Set_Msg_Insertion_Unit_Name (Suffix : Boolean := True) is
if Error_Msg_Unit_1 = No_Unit_Name then
elsif Error_Msg_Unit_1 = Error_Unit_Name then
Set_Msg_Str ("<error>");
Get_Unit_Name_String (Error_Msg_Unit_1, Suffix);
end if;
-- The following assignment ensures that a second percent insertion
-- character will correspond to the Error_Msg_Unit_2 parameter.
Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Error_Msg_Unit_2;
end Set_Msg_Insertion_Unit_Name;
-- Set_Msg_Node --
procedure Set_Msg_Node (Node : Node_Id) is
Loc : Source_Ptr;
Ent : Entity_Id;
Nam : Name_Id;
case Nkind (Node) is
when N_Designator =>
Set_Msg_Node (Name (Node));
Set_Msg_Char ('.');
Set_Msg_Node (Identifier (Node));
when N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name =>
Set_Msg_Node (Name (Node));
Set_Msg_Char ('.');
Set_Msg_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
when N_Expanded_Name
| N_Selected_Component
Set_Msg_Node (Prefix (Node));
Set_Msg_Char ('.');
Set_Msg_Node (Selector_Name (Node));
when others =>
end case;
-- The only remaining possibilities are identifiers, defining
-- identifiers, pragmas, and pragma argument associations.
if Nkind (Node) = N_Pragma then
Nam := Pragma_Name (Node);
Loc := Sloc (Node);
-- The other cases have Chars fields
-- First deal with internal names, which generally represent something
-- gone wrong. First attempt: if this is a rewritten node that rewrites
-- something with a Chars field that is not an internal name, use that.
elsif Is_Internal_Name (Chars (Node))
and then Nkind (Original_Node (Node)) in N_Has_Chars
and then not Is_Internal_Name (Chars (Original_Node (Node)))
Nam := Chars (Original_Node (Node));
Loc := Sloc (Original_Node (Node));
-- Another shot for internal names, in the case of internal type names,
-- we try to find a reasonable representation for the external name.
elsif Is_Internal_Name (Chars (Node))
and then
((Is_Entity_Name (Node)
and then Present (Entity (Node))
and then Is_Type (Entity (Node)))
or else
(Nkind (Node) = N_Defining_Identifier and then Is_Type (Node)))
if Nkind (Node) = N_Identifier then
Ent := Entity (Node);
Ent := Node;
end if;
Loc := Sloc (Ent);
-- If the type is the designated type of an access_to_subprogram,
-- then there is no name to provide in the call.
if Ekind (Ent) = E_Subprogram_Type then
-- Otherwise, we will be able to find some kind of name to output
Unwind_Internal_Type (Ent);
Nam := Chars (Ent);
end if;
-- If not internal name, or if we could not find a reasonable possible
-- substitution for the internal name, just use name in Chars field.
Nam := Chars (Node);
Loc := Sloc (Node);
end if;
-- At this stage, the name to output is in Nam
Get_Unqualified_Decoded_Name_String (Nam);
-- Remove trailing upper case letters from the name (useful for
-- dealing with some cases of internal names).
while Name_Len > 1 and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len) in 'A' .. 'Z' loop
Name_Len := Name_Len - 1;
end loop;
-- If we have any of the names from standard that start with the
-- characters "any " (e.g. Any_Type), then kill the message since
-- almost certainly it is a junk cascaded message.
if Name_Len > 4
and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 4) = "any "
Kill_Message := True;
end if;
-- If we still have an internal name, kill the message (will only
-- work if we already had errors!)
if Is_Internal_Name then
Kill_Message := True;
end if;
-- Remaining step is to adjust casing and possibly add 'Class
Adjust_Name_Case (Global_Name_Buffer, Loc);
end Set_Msg_Node;
-- Set_Msg_Text --
procedure Set_Msg_Text (Text : String; Flag : Source_Ptr) is
C : Character; -- Current character
P : Natural; -- Current index;
procedure Skip_Msg_Insertion_Warning (C : Character);
-- Skip the ? ?? ?x? ?*? ?$? insertion sequences (and the same
-- sequences using < instead of ?). The caller has already bumped
-- the pointer past the initial ? or < and C is set to this initial
-- character (? or <). This procedure skips past the rest of the
-- sequence. We do not need to set Msg_Insertion_Char, since this
-- was already done during the message prescan.
-- No validity check is performed as the insertion sequence is
-- supposed to be sane. See Prescan_Message.Parse_Message_Class in
-- erroutc.adb for the validity checks.
-- Skip_Msg_Insertion_Warning --
procedure Skip_Msg_Insertion_Warning (C : Character) is
if P <= Text'Last and then Text (P) = C then
P := P + 1;
elsif P < Text'Last and then Text (P + 1) = C
and then Text (P) in 'a' .. 'z' | '*' | '$'
P := P + 2;
elsif P + 1 < Text'Last and then Text (P + 2) = C
and then Text (P) in '.' | '_'
and then Text (P + 1) in 'a' .. 'z'
P := P + 3;
end if;
end Skip_Msg_Insertion_Warning;
-- Start of processing for Set_Msg_Text
Manual_Quote_Mode := False;
Msglen := 0;
Flag_Source := Get_Source_File_Index (Flag);
-- Skip info: at start, we have recorded this in Is_Info_Msg, and this
-- will be used (Info field in error message object) to put back the
-- string when it is printed. We need to do this, or we get confused
-- with instantiation continuations.
if Text'Length > 6
and then Text (Text'First .. Text'First + 5) = "info: "
P := Text'First + 6;
P := Text'First;
end if;
-- Loop through characters of message
while P <= Text'Last loop
C := Text (P);
P := P + 1;
-- Check for insertion character or sequence
case C is
when '%' =>
if P <= Text'Last and then Text (P) = '%' then
P := P + 1;
end if;
when '$' =>
if P <= Text'Last and then Text (P) = '$' then
P := P + 1;
Set_Msg_Insertion_Unit_Name (Suffix => False);
end if;
when '{' =>
when '}' =>
Set_Msg_Insertion_Type_Reference (Flag);
when '*' =>
when '&' =>
when '#' =>
Set_Msg_Insertion_Line_Number (Error_Msg_Sloc, Flag);
when '\' =>
Continuation := True;
if P <= Text'Last and then Text (P) = '\' then
Continuation_New_Line := True;
P := P + 1;
end if;
when '@' =>
when '>' =>
when '^' =>
when '`' =>
Manual_Quote_Mode := not Manual_Quote_Mode;
Set_Msg_Char ('"');
when '!' =>
null; -- already dealt with
when '?' =>
Skip_Msg_Insertion_Warning ('?');
when '<' =>
Skip_Msg_Insertion_Warning ('<');
when '|' =>
null; -- already dealt with
when ''' =>
Set_Msg_Char (Text (P));
P := P + 1;
when '~' =>
Set_Msg_Str (Error_Msg_String (1 .. Error_Msg_Strlen));
-- Upper case letter
when 'A' .. 'Z' =>
-- Start of reserved word if two or more
if P <= Text'Last and then Text (P) in 'A' .. 'Z' then
P := P - 1;
Set_Msg_Insertion_Reserved_Word (Text, P);
-- Single upper case letter is just inserted
Set_Msg_Char (C);
end if;
-- '[' (will be/would have been raised at run time)
when '[' =>
-- Switch the message from a warning to an error if the flag
-- -gnatwE is specified to treat run-time exception warnings
-- as errors.
if Is_Warning_Msg
and then Warning_Mode = Treat_Run_Time_Warnings_As_Errors
Is_Warning_Msg := False;
end if;
if Is_Warning_Msg then
Set_Msg_Str ("will be raised at run time");
Set_Msg_Str ("would have been raised at run time");
end if;
-- ']' (may be/might have been raised at run time)
when ']' =>
if Is_Warning_Msg then
Set_Msg_Str ("may be raised at run time");
Set_Msg_Str ("might have been raised at run time");
end if;
-- Normal character with no special treatment
when others =>
Set_Msg_Char (C);
end case;
end loop;
end Set_Msg_Text;
-- Set_Posted --
procedure Set_Posted (N : Node_Id) is
P : Node_Id;
if Is_Serious_Error then
-- We always set Error_Posted on the node itself
Set_Error_Posted (N);
-- If it is a subexpression, then set Error_Posted on parents up to
-- and including the first non-subexpression construct. This helps
-- avoid cascaded error messages within a single expression.
P := N;
P := Parent (P);
exit when No (P);
Set_Error_Posted (P);
exit when Nkind (P) not in N_Subexpr;
end loop;
if Nkind (P) in N_Pragma_Argument_Association
| N_Component_Association
| N_Discriminant_Association
| N_Generic_Association
| N_Parameter_Association
Set_Error_Posted (Parent (P));
end if;
-- A special check, if we just posted an error on an attribute
-- definition clause, then also set the entity involved as posted.
-- For example, this stops complaining about the alignment after
-- complaining about the size, which is likely to be useless.
if Nkind (P) = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause then
if Is_Entity_Name (Name (P)) then
Set_Error_Posted (Entity (Name (P)));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Set_Posted;
-- Set_Qualification --
procedure Set_Qualification (N : Nat; E : Entity_Id) is
if N /= 0 and then Scope (E) /= Standard_Standard then
Set_Qualification (N - 1, Scope (E));
Set_Msg_Node (Scope (E));
Set_Msg_Char ('.');
end if;
end Set_Qualification;
-- Special_Msg_Delete --
-- Is it really right to have all this specialized knowledge in errout?
function Special_Msg_Delete
(Msg : String;
N : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
E : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean
-- Never delete messages in -gnatdO mode
if Debug_Flag_OO then
return False;
-- Processing for "Size too small" messages
elsif Is_Size_Too_Small_Message (Msg) then
-- Suppress "size too small" errors in CodePeer mode, since code may
-- be analyzed in a different configuration than the one used for
-- compilation. Even when the configurations match, this message
-- may be issued on correct code, because pragma Pack is ignored
-- in CodePeer mode.
if CodePeer_Mode then
return True;
-- When a size is wrong for a frozen type there is no explicit size
-- clause, and other errors have occurred, suppress the message,
-- since it is likely that this size error is a cascaded result of
-- other errors. The reason we eliminate unfrozen types is that
-- messages issued before the freeze type are for sure OK.
elsif Nkind (N) in N_Entity
and then Is_Frozen (E)
and then Serious_Errors_Detected > 0
and then Nkind (N) /= N_Component_Clause
and then Nkind (Parent (N)) /= N_Component_Clause
and then
No (Get_Attribute_Definition_Clause (E, Attribute_Size))
and then
No (Get_Attribute_Definition_Clause (E, Attribute_Object_Size))
and then
No (Get_Attribute_Definition_Clause (E, Attribute_Value_Size))
return True;
end if;
end if;
-- All special tests complete, so go ahead with message
return False;
end Special_Msg_Delete;
-- SPARK_Msg_N --
procedure SPARK_Msg_N (Msg : String; N : Node_Or_Entity_Id) is
if SPARK_Mode /= Off then
Error_Msg_N (Msg, N);
end if;
end SPARK_Msg_N;
-- SPARK_Msg_NE --
procedure SPARK_Msg_NE
(Msg : String;
N : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
E : Node_Or_Entity_Id)
if SPARK_Mode /= Off then
Error_Msg_NE (Msg, N, E);
end if;
end SPARK_Msg_NE;
-- Unwind_Internal_Type --
procedure Unwind_Internal_Type (Ent : in out Entity_Id) is
Derived : Boolean := False;
Mchar : Character;
Old_Ent : Entity_Id;
-- Undo placement of a quote, since we will put it back later
Mchar := Msg_Buffer (Msglen);
if Mchar = '"' then
Msglen := Msglen - 1;
end if;
-- The loop here deals with recursive types, we are trying to find a
-- related entity that is not an implicit type. Note that the check with
-- Old_Ent stops us from getting "stuck". Also, we don't output the
-- "type derived from" message more than once in the case where we climb
-- up multiple levels.
Find : loop
Old_Ent := Ent;
-- Implicit access type, use directly designated type In Ada 2005,
-- the designated type may be an anonymous access to subprogram, in
-- which case we can only point to its definition.
if Is_Access_Type (Ent) then
if Ekind (Ent) = E_Access_Subprogram_Type
or else Ekind (Ent) = E_Anonymous_Access_Subprogram_Type
or else Is_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type (Ent)
Ent := Directly_Designated_Type (Ent);
if not Comes_From_Source (Ent) then
if Buffer_Ends_With ("type ") then
Buffer_Remove ("type ");
end if;
end if;
if Ekind (Ent) = E_Function then
Set_Msg_Str ("access to function ");
elsif Ekind (Ent) = E_Procedure then
Set_Msg_Str ("access to procedure ");
Set_Msg_Str ("access to subprogram");
end if;
exit Find;
-- Type is access to object, named or anonymous
Set_Msg_Str ("access to ");
Ent := Directly_Designated_Type (Ent);
end if;
-- Classwide type
elsif Is_Class_Wide_Type (Ent) then
Class_Flag := True;
Ent := Root_Type (Ent);
-- Use base type if this is a subtype
elsif Ent /= Base_Type (Ent) then
Buffer_Remove ("type ");
-- Avoid duplication "subtype of subtype of", and also replace
-- "derived from subtype of" simply by "derived from"
if not Buffer_Ends_With ("subtype of ")
and then not Buffer_Ends_With ("derived from ")
Set_Msg_Str ("subtype of ");
end if;
Ent := Base_Type (Ent);
-- If this is a base type with a first named subtype, use the first
-- named subtype instead. This is not quite accurate in all cases,
-- but it makes too much noise to be accurate and add 'Base in all