| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- G E T _ S C O S -- |
| -- -- |
| -- B o d y -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- |
| -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- |
| -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- |
| -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- |
| -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| pragma Ada_2005; |
| -- This unit is not part of the compiler proper, it is used in tools that |
| -- read SCO information from ALI files (Xcov and sco_test). Ada 2005 |
| -- constructs may therefore be used freely (and are indeed). |
| |
| with Namet; use Namet; |
| with SCOs; use SCOs; |
| with Types; use Types; |
| |
| with Ada.IO_Exceptions; use Ada.IO_Exceptions; |
| |
| procedure Get_SCOs is |
| Dnum : Nat; |
| C : Character; |
| Loc1 : Source_Location; |
| Loc2 : Source_Location; |
| Cond : Character; |
| Dtyp : Character; |
| |
| use ASCII; |
| -- For CR/LF |
| |
| function At_EOL return Boolean; |
| -- Skips any spaces, then checks if we are the end of a line. If so, |
| -- returns True (but does not skip over the EOL sequence). If not, |
| -- then returns False. |
| |
| procedure Check (C : Character); |
| -- Checks that file is positioned at given character, and if so skips past |
| -- it, If not, raises Data_Error. |
| |
| function Get_Int return Int; |
| -- On entry the file is positioned to a digit. On return, the file is |
| -- positioned past the last digit, and the returned result is the decimal |
| -- value read. Data_Error is raised for overflow (value greater than |
| -- Int'Last), or if the initial character is not a digit. |
| |
| procedure Get_Source_Location (Loc : out Source_Location); |
| -- Reads a source location in the form line:col and places the source |
| -- location in Loc. Raises Data_Error if the format does not match this |
| -- requirement. Note that initial spaces are not skipped. |
| |
| procedure Get_Source_Location_Range (Loc1, Loc2 : out Source_Location); |
| -- Skips initial spaces, then reads a source location range in the form |
| -- line:col-line:col and places the two source locations in Loc1 and Loc2. |
| -- Raises Data_Error if format does not match this requirement. |
| |
| procedure Skip_EOL; |
| -- Called with the current character about to be read being LF or CR. Skips |
| -- past CR/LF characters until either a non-CR/LF character is found, or |
| -- the end of file is encountered. |
| |
| procedure Skip_Spaces; |
| -- Skips zero or more spaces at the current position, leaving the file |
| -- positioned at the first non-blank character (or Types.EOF). |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- At_EOL -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| function At_EOL return Boolean is |
| begin |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| return Nextc = CR or else Nextc = LF; |
| end At_EOL; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Check -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| procedure Check (C : Character) is |
| begin |
| if Nextc = C then |
| Skipc; |
| else |
| raise Data_Error; |
| end if; |
| end Check; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Get_Int -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| function Get_Int return Int is |
| Val : Int; |
| C : Character; |
| |
| begin |
| C := Nextc; |
| Val := 0; |
| |
| if C not in '0' .. '9' then |
| raise Data_Error; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Loop to read digits of integer value |
| |
| loop |
| declare |
| pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check); |
| begin |
| Val := Val * 10 + (Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0')); |
| end; |
| |
| Skipc; |
| C := Nextc; |
| |
| exit when C not in '0' .. '9'; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return Val; |
| |
| exception |
| when Constraint_Error => |
| raise Data_Error; |
| end Get_Int; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Get_Source_Location -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Get_Source_Location (Loc : out Source_Location) is |
| pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check); |
| begin |
| Loc.Line := Logical_Line_Number (Get_Int); |
| Check (':'); |
| Loc.Col := Column_Number (Get_Int); |
| exception |
| when Constraint_Error => |
| raise Data_Error; |
| end Get_Source_Location; |
| |
| ------------------------------- |
| -- Get_Source_Location_Range -- |
| ------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Get_Source_Location_Range (Loc1, Loc2 : out Source_Location) is |
| begin |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| Get_Source_Location (Loc1); |
| Check ('-'); |
| Get_Source_Location (Loc2); |
| end Get_Source_Location_Range; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Skip_EOL -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Skip_EOL is |
| C : Character; |
| |
| begin |
| loop |
| Skipc; |
| C := Nextc; |
| exit when C /= LF and then C /= CR; |
| end loop; |
| end Skip_EOL; |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- Skip_Spaces -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| procedure Skip_Spaces is |
| begin |
| while Nextc = ' ' loop |
| Skipc; |
| end loop; |
| end Skip_Spaces; |
| |
| Buf : String (1 .. 32_768); |
| N : Natural; |
| -- Scratch buffer, and index into it |
| |
| Nam : Name_Id; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Get_SCOs |
| |
| begin |
| SCOs.Initialize; |
| |
| -- Loop through lines of SCO information |
| |
| while Nextc = 'C' loop |
| Skipc; |
| |
| C := Getc; |
| |
| -- Make sure first line is a header line |
| |
| if SCO_Unit_Table.Last = 0 and then C /= ' ' then |
| raise Data_Error; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Otherwise dispatch on type of line |
| |
| case C is |
| |
| -- Header or instance table entry |
| |
| when ' ' => |
| |
| -- Complete previous entry if any |
| |
| if SCO_Unit_Table.Last /= 0 then |
| SCO_Unit_Table.Table (SCO_Unit_Table.Last).To := |
| SCO_Table.Last; |
| end if; |
| |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| |
| case Nextc is |
| |
| -- Instance table entry |
| |
| when 'i' => |
| declare |
| Inum : SCO_Instance_Index; |
| begin |
| Skipc; |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| |
| Inum := SCO_Instance_Index (Get_Int); |
| SCO_Instance_Table.Increment_Last; |
| pragma Assert (SCO_Instance_Table.Last = Inum); |
| |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| declare |
| SIE : SCO_Instance_Table_Entry |
| renames SCO_Instance_Table.Table (Inum); |
| begin |
| SIE.Inst_Dep_Num := Get_Int; |
| C := Getc; |
| pragma Assert (C = '|'); |
| Get_Source_Location (SIE.Inst_Loc); |
| |
| if At_EOL then |
| SIE.Enclosing_Instance := 0; |
| else |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| SIE.Enclosing_Instance := |
| SCO_Instance_Index (Get_Int); |
| pragma Assert (SIE.Enclosing_Instance in |
| SCO_Instance_Table.First |
| .. SCO_Instance_Table.Last); |
| end if; |
| end; |
| end; |
| |
| -- Unit header |
| |
| when '0' .. '9' => |
| -- Scan out dependency number and file name |
| |
| Dnum := Get_Int; |
| |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| |
| N := 0; |
| while Nextc > ' ' loop |
| N := N + 1; |
| Buf (N) := Getc; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Make new unit table entry (will fill in To later) |
| |
| SCO_Unit_Table.Append ( |
| (File_Name => new String'(Buf (1 .. N)), |
| File_Index => 0, |
| Dep_Num => Dnum, |
| From => SCO_Table.Last + 1, |
| To => 0)); |
| |
| when others => |
| raise Program_Error; |
| end case; |
| |
| -- Statement entry |
| |
| when 'S' | 's' => |
| declare |
| Typ : Character; |
| Key : Character; |
| |
| begin |
| Key := 'S'; |
| |
| -- If continuation, reset Last indication in last entry stored |
| -- for previous CS or cs line. |
| |
| if C = 's' then |
| SCO_Table.Table (SCO_Table.Last).Last := False; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Initialize to scan items on one line |
| |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| |
| -- Loop through items on one line |
| |
| loop |
| Nam := No_Name; |
| Typ := Nextc; |
| |
| case Typ is |
| when '>' => |
| |
| -- Dominance marker may be present only at entry point |
| |
| pragma Assert (Key = 'S'); |
| |
| Skipc; |
| Key := '>'; |
| Typ := Getc; |
| |
| -- Sanity check on dominance marker type indication |
| |
| pragma Assert (Typ in 'A' .. 'Z'); |
| |
| when '1' .. '9' => |
| Typ := ' '; |
| |
| when others => |
| Skipc; |
| if Typ = 'P' or else Typ = 'p' then |
| if Nextc not in '1' .. '9' then |
| Name_Len := 0; |
| loop |
| Name_Len := Name_Len + 1; |
| Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Getc; |
| exit when Nextc = ':'; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Skipc; -- Past ':' |
| |
| Nam := Name_Find; |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| end case; |
| |
| if Key = '>' and then Typ /= 'E' then |
| Get_Source_Location (Loc1); |
| Loc2 := No_Source_Location; |
| else |
| Get_Source_Location_Range (Loc1, Loc2); |
| end if; |
| |
| SCO_Table.Append |
| ((C1 => Key, |
| C2 => Typ, |
| From => Loc1, |
| To => Loc2, |
| Last => At_EOL, |
| Pragma_Sloc => No_Location, |
| Pragma_Aspect_Name => Nam)); |
| |
| if Key = '>' then |
| Key := 'S'; |
| end if; |
| |
| exit when At_EOL; |
| end loop; |
| end; |
| |
| -- Decision entry |
| |
| when 'E' | 'G' | 'I' | 'P' | 'W' | 'X' | 'A' => |
| Dtyp := C; |
| |
| if C = 'A' then |
| Name_Len := 0; |
| while Nextc /= ' ' loop |
| Name_Len := Name_Len + 1; |
| Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Getc; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Nam := Name_Find; |
| |
| else |
| Nam := No_Name; |
| end if; |
| |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| |
| -- Output header |
| |
| declare |
| Loc : Source_Location; |
| |
| begin |
| -- Acquire location information |
| |
| if Dtyp = 'X' then |
| Loc := No_Source_Location; |
| else |
| Get_Source_Location (Loc); |
| end if; |
| |
| SCO_Table.Append |
| ((C1 => Dtyp, |
| C2 => ' ', |
| From => Loc, |
| To => No_Source_Location, |
| Last => False, |
| Pragma_Aspect_Name => Nam, |
| others => <>)); |
| end; |
| |
| -- Loop through terms in complex expression |
| |
| C := Nextc; |
| while C /= CR and then C /= LF loop |
| if C = 'c' or else C = 't' or else C = 'f' then |
| Cond := C; |
| Skipc; |
| Get_Source_Location_Range (Loc1, Loc2); |
| SCO_Table.Append |
| ((C2 => Cond, |
| From => Loc1, |
| To => Loc2, |
| Last => False, |
| others => <>)); |
| |
| elsif C = '!' or else |
| C = '&' or else |
| C = '|' |
| then |
| Skipc; |
| |
| declare |
| Loc : Source_Location; |
| begin |
| Get_Source_Location (Loc); |
| SCO_Table.Append |
| ((C1 => C, |
| From => Loc, |
| Last => False, |
| others => <>)); |
| end; |
| |
| elsif C = ' ' then |
| Skip_Spaces; |
| |
| elsif C = 'T' or else C = 'F' then |
| |
| -- Chaining indicator: skip for now??? |
| |
| declare |
| Loc1, Loc2 : Source_Location; |
| pragma Unreferenced (Loc1, Loc2); |
| begin |
| Skipc; |
| Get_Source_Location_Range (Loc1, Loc2); |
| end; |
| |
| else |
| raise Data_Error; |
| end if; |
| |
| C := Nextc; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Reset Last indication to True for last entry |
| |
| SCO_Table.Table (SCO_Table.Last).Last := True; |
| |
| -- No other SCO lines are possible |
| |
| when others => |
| raise Data_Error; |
| end case; |
| |
| Skip_EOL; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Here with all SCO's stored, complete last SCO Unit table entry |
| |
| SCO_Unit_Table.Table (SCO_Unit_Table.Last).To := SCO_Table.Last; |
| end Get_SCOs; |