| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- G N A T D L L -- |
| -- -- |
| -- B o d y -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 1997-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- |
| -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- |
| -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- |
| -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- |
| -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| -- GNATDLL is a Windows specific tool for building a DLL. |
| -- Both relocatable and non-relocatable DLL's are supported |
| |
| with Gnatvsn; |
| with MDLL.Fil; use MDLL.Fil; |
| with MDLL.Utl; |
| with Switch; use Switch; |
| |
| with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; |
| with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; |
| with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; |
| with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; |
| |
| with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; |
| with GNAT.Command_Line; use GNAT.Command_Line; |
| |
| procedure Gnatdll is |
| |
| procedure Syntax; |
| -- Print out usage |
| |
| procedure Check (Filename : String); |
| -- Check that the file whose name is Filename exists |
| |
| procedure Parse_Command_Line; |
| -- Parse the command line arguments passed to gnatdll |
| |
| procedure Check_Context; |
| -- Check the context before running any commands to build the library |
| |
| Syntax_Error : exception; |
| -- Raised when a syntax error is detected, in this case a usage info will |
| -- be displayed. |
| |
| Context_Error : exception; |
| -- Raised when some files (specified on the command line) are missing to |
| -- build the DLL. |
| |
| Help : Boolean := False; |
| -- Help will be set to True the usage information is to be displayed |
| |
| Version : constant String := Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String; |
| -- Why should it be necessary to make a copy of this |
| |
| Default_DLL_Address : constant String := "0x11000000"; |
| -- Default address for non relocatable DLL (Win32) |
| |
| Lib_Filename : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; |
| -- The DLL filename that will be created (.dll) |
| |
| Def_Filename : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; |
| -- The definition filename (.def) |
| |
| List_Filename : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; |
| -- The name of the file containing the objects file to put into the DLL |
| |
| DLL_Address : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (Default_DLL_Address); |
| -- The DLL's base address |
| |
| Gen_Map_File : Boolean := False; |
| -- Set to True if a map file is to be generated |
| |
| Objects_Files : Argument_List_Access := MDLL.Null_Argument_List_Access; |
| -- List of objects to put inside the library |
| |
| Ali_Files : Argument_List_Access := MDLL.Null_Argument_List_Access; |
| -- For each Ada file specified, we keep a record of the corresponding |
| -- ALI file. This list of SLI files is used to build the binder program. |
| |
| Options : Argument_List_Access := MDLL.Null_Argument_List_Access; |
| -- A list of options set in the command line |
| |
| Largs_Options : Argument_List_Access := MDLL.Null_Argument_List_Access; |
| Bargs_Options : Argument_List_Access := MDLL.Null_Argument_List_Access; |
| -- GNAT linker and binder args options |
| |
| type Build_Mode_State is (Import_Lib, Dynamic_Lib, Dynamic_Lib_Only, Nil); |
| -- Import_Lib means only the .a file will be created, Dynamic_Lib means |
| -- that both the DLL and the import library will be created. |
| -- Dynamic_Lib_Only means that only the DLL will be created (no import |
| -- library). |
| |
| Build_Mode : Build_Mode_State := Nil; |
| -- Will be set when parsing the command line |
| |
| Must_Build_Relocatable : Boolean := True; |
| -- True means build a relocatable DLL, will be set to False if a |
| -- non-relocatable DLL must be built. |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Syntax -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| procedure Syntax is |
| procedure P (Str : String) renames Put_Line; |
| begin |
| P ("Usage : gnatdll [options] [list-of-files]"); |
| New_Line; |
| P ("[list-of-files] a list of Ada libraries (.ali) and/or " & |
| "foreign object files"); |
| New_Line; |
| P ("[options] can be"); |
| P (" -h Help - display this message"); |
| P (" -v Verbose"); |
| P (" -q Quiet"); |
| P (" -k Remove @nn suffix from exported names"); |
| P (" -g Generate debugging information"); |
| P (" -Idir Specify source and object files search path"); |
| P (" -l file File contains a list-of-files to be added to " |
| & "the library"); |
| P (" -e file Definition file containing exports"); |
| P (" -d file Put objects in the relocatable dynamic " |
| & "library <file>"); |
| P (" -b addr Set base address for the relocatable DLL"); |
| P (" default address is " & Default_DLL_Address); |
| P (" -a[addr] Build non-relocatable DLL at address <addr>"); |
| P (" if <addr> is not specified use " |
| & Default_DLL_Address); |
| P (" -m Generate map file"); |
| P (" -n No-import - do not create the import library"); |
| P (" -bargs opts opts are passed to the binder"); |
| P (" -largs opts opts are passed to the linker"); |
| end Syntax; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Check -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| procedure Check (Filename : String) is |
| begin |
| if not Is_Regular_File (Filename) then |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Context_Error'Identity, "Error: " & Filename & " not found."); |
| end if; |
| end Check; |
| |
| ------------------------ |
| -- Parse_Command_Line -- |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| procedure Parse_Command_Line is |
| |
| procedure Add_File (Filename : String); |
| -- Add one file to the list of file to handle |
| |
| procedure Add_Files_From_List (List_Filename : String); |
| -- Add the files listed in List_Filename (one by line) to the list |
| -- of file to handle |
| |
| Max_Files : constant := 50_000; |
| Max_Options : constant := 1_000; |
| |
| Ofiles : Argument_List (1 .. Max_Files); |
| O : Positive := Ofiles'First; |
| -- List of object files to put in the library. O is the next entry |
| -- to be used. |
| |
| Afiles : Argument_List (1 .. Max_Files); |
| A : Positive := Afiles'First; |
| -- List of ALI files. A is the next entry to be used |
| |
| Gopts : Argument_List (1 .. Max_Options); |
| G : Positive := Gopts'First; |
| -- List of gcc options. G is the next entry to be used |
| |
| Lopts : Argument_List (1 .. Max_Options); |
| L : Positive := Lopts'First; |
| -- A list of -largs options (L is next entry to be used) |
| |
| Bopts : Argument_List (1 .. Max_Options); |
| B : Positive := Bopts'First; |
| -- A list of -bargs options (B is next entry to be used) |
| |
| Build_Import : Boolean := True; |
| -- Set to False if option -n if specified (no-import) |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Add_File -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_File (Filename : String) is |
| begin |
| if Is_Ali (Filename) then |
| Check (Filename); |
| |
| -- Record it to generate the binder program when |
| -- building dynamic library |
| |
| Afiles (A) := new String'(Filename); |
| A := A + 1; |
| |
| elsif Is_Obj (Filename) then |
| Check (Filename); |
| |
| -- Just record this object file |
| |
| Ofiles (O) := new String'(Filename); |
| O := O + 1; |
| |
| else |
| -- Unknown file type |
| |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| "don't know what to do with " & Filename & " !"); |
| end if; |
| end Add_File; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Add_Files_From_List -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_Files_From_List (List_Filename : String) is |
| File : File_Type; |
| Buffer : String (1 .. 500); |
| Last : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| Open (File, In_File, List_Filename); |
| |
| while not End_Of_File (File) loop |
| Get_Line (File, Buffer, Last); |
| Add_File (Buffer (1 .. Last)); |
| end loop; |
| |
| Close (File); |
| |
| exception |
| when Name_Error => |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| "list-of-files file " & List_Filename & " not found."); |
| end Add_Files_From_List; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Parse_Command_Line |
| |
| begin |
| Initialize_Option_Scan ('-', False, "bargs largs"); |
| |
| -- scan gnatdll switches |
| |
| loop |
| case Getopt ("g h v q k a? b: d: e: l: n m I:") is |
| when ASCII.NUL => |
| exit; |
| |
| when 'h' => |
| Help := True; |
| |
| when 'g' => |
| Gopts (G) := new String'("-g"); |
| G := G + 1; |
| |
| when 'v' => |
| |
| -- Turn verbose mode on |
| |
| MDLL.Verbose := True; |
| if MDLL.Quiet then |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| "impossible to use -q and -v together."); |
| end if; |
| |
| when 'q' => |
| |
| -- Turn quiet mode on |
| |
| MDLL.Quiet := True; |
| if MDLL.Verbose then |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| "impossible to use -v and -q together."); |
| end if; |
| |
| when 'k' => |
| MDLL.Kill_Suffix := True; |
| |
| when 'a' => |
| if Parameter = "" then |
| |
| -- Default address for a relocatable dynamic library. |
| -- address for a non relocatable dynamic library. |
| |
| DLL_Address := To_Unbounded_String (Default_DLL_Address); |
| |
| else |
| DLL_Address := To_Unbounded_String (Parameter); |
| end if; |
| |
| Must_Build_Relocatable := False; |
| |
| when 'b' => |
| DLL_Address := To_Unbounded_String (Parameter); |
| Must_Build_Relocatable := True; |
| |
| when 'e' => |
| Def_Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Parameter); |
| |
| when 'd' => |
| |
| -- Build a non relocatable DLL |
| |
| Lib_Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Parameter); |
| |
| if Def_Filename = Null_Unbounded_String then |
| Def_Filename := To_Unbounded_String |
| (Ext_To (Parameter, "def")); |
| end if; |
| |
| Build_Mode := Dynamic_Lib; |
| |
| when 'm' => |
| Gen_Map_File := True; |
| |
| when 'n' => |
| Build_Import := False; |
| |
| when 'l' => |
| List_Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Parameter); |
| |
| when 'I' => |
| Gopts (G) := new String'("-I" & Parameter); |
| G := G + 1; |
| |
| when others => |
| raise Invalid_Switch; |
| end case; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Get parameters |
| |
| loop |
| declare |
| File : constant String := Get_Argument (Do_Expansion => True); |
| begin |
| exit when File'Length = 0; |
| Add_File (File); |
| end; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Get largs parameters |
| |
| Goto_Section ("largs"); |
| |
| loop |
| case Getopt ("*") is |
| when ASCII.NUL => |
| exit; |
| |
| when others => |
| Lopts (L) := new String'(Full_Switch); |
| L := L + 1; |
| end case; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Get bargs parameters |
| |
| Goto_Section ("bargs"); |
| |
| loop |
| case Getopt ("*") is |
| when ASCII.NUL => |
| exit; |
| |
| when others => |
| Bopts (B) := new String'(Full_Switch); |
| B := B + 1; |
| end case; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- if list filename has been specified, parse it |
| |
| if List_Filename /= Null_Unbounded_String then |
| Add_Files_From_List (To_String (List_Filename)); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Check if the set of parameters are compatible |
| |
| if Build_Mode = Nil and then not Help and then not MDLL.Verbose then |
| Raise_Exception (Syntax_Error'Identity, "nothing to do."); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- -n option but no file specified |
| |
| if not Build_Import |
| and then A = Afiles'First |
| and then O = Ofiles'First |
| then |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| "-n specified but there are no objects to build the library."); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Check if we want to build an import library (option -e and |
| -- no file specified) |
| |
| if Build_Mode = Dynamic_Lib |
| and then A = Afiles'First |
| and then O = Ofiles'First |
| then |
| Build_Mode := Import_Lib; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- If map file is to be generated, add linker option here |
| |
| if Gen_Map_File and then Build_Mode = Import_Lib then |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| "Can't generate a map file for an import library."); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Check if only a dynamic library must be built |
| |
| if Build_Mode = Dynamic_Lib and then not Build_Import then |
| Build_Mode := Dynamic_Lib_Only; |
| end if; |
| |
| if O /= Ofiles'First then |
| Objects_Files := new Argument_List'(Ofiles (1 .. O - 1)); |
| end if; |
| |
| if A /= Afiles'First then |
| Ali_Files := new Argument_List'(Afiles (1 .. A - 1)); |
| end if; |
| |
| if G /= Gopts'First then |
| Options := new Argument_List'(Gopts (1 .. G - 1)); |
| end if; |
| |
| if L /= Lopts'First then |
| Largs_Options := new Argument_List'(Lopts (1 .. L - 1)); |
| end if; |
| |
| if B /= Bopts'First then |
| Bargs_Options := new Argument_List'(Bopts (1 .. B - 1)); |
| end if; |
| |
| exception |
| when Invalid_Switch => |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| Message => "Invalid Switch " & Full_Switch); |
| |
| when Invalid_Parameter => |
| Raise_Exception |
| (Syntax_Error'Identity, |
| Message => "No parameter for " & Full_Switch); |
| end Parse_Command_Line; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Check_Context -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| procedure Check_Context is |
| begin |
| Check (To_String (Def_Filename)); |
| |
| -- Check that each object file specified exists and raise exception |
| -- Context_Error if it does not. |
| |
| for F in Objects_Files'Range loop |
| Check (Objects_Files (F).all); |
| end loop; |
| end Check_Context; |
| |
| procedure Check_Version_And_Help is new Check_Version_And_Help_G (Syntax); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Gnatdll |
| |
| begin |
| Check_Version_And_Help ("GNATDLL", "1997"); |
| |
| if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count = 0 then |
| Help := True; |
| else |
| Parse_Command_Line; |
| end if; |
| |
| if MDLL.Verbose or else Help then |
| New_Line; |
| Put_Line ("GNATDLL " & Version & " - Dynamic Libraries Builder"); |
| New_Line; |
| end if; |
| |
| MDLL.Utl.Locate; |
| |
| if Help |
| or else (MDLL.Verbose and then Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count = 1) |
| then |
| Syntax; |
| else |
| Check_Context; |
| |
| case Build_Mode is |
| when Import_Lib => |
| MDLL.Build_Import_Library |
| (To_String (Lib_Filename), |
| To_String (Def_Filename)); |
| |
| when Dynamic_Lib => |
| MDLL.Build_Dynamic_Library |
| (Objects_Files.all, |
| Ali_Files.all, |
| Options.all, |
| Bargs_Options.all, |
| Largs_Options.all, |
| To_String (Lib_Filename), |
| To_String (Def_Filename), |
| To_String (DLL_Address), |
| Build_Import => True, |
| Relocatable => Must_Build_Relocatable, |
| Map_File => Gen_Map_File); |
| |
| when Dynamic_Lib_Only => |
| MDLL.Build_Dynamic_Library |
| (Objects_Files.all, |
| Ali_Files.all, |
| Options.all, |
| Bargs_Options.all, |
| Largs_Options.all, |
| To_String (Lib_Filename), |
| To_String (Def_Filename), |
| To_String (DLL_Address), |
| Build_Import => False, |
| Relocatable => Must_Build_Relocatable, |
| Map_File => Gen_Map_File); |
| |
| when Nil => |
| null; |
| end case; |
| end if; |
| |
| Set_Exit_Status (Success); |
| |
| exception |
| when SE : Syntax_Error => |
| Put_Line ("Syntax error : " & Exception_Message (SE)); |
| New_Line; |
| Syntax; |
| Set_Exit_Status (Failure); |
| |
| when E : MDLL.Tools_Error | Context_Error => |
| Put_Line (Exception_Message (E)); |
| Set_Exit_Status (Failure); |
| |
| when others => |
| Put_Line ("gnatdll: INTERNAL ERROR. Please report"); |
| Set_Exit_Status (Failure); |
| end Gnatdll; |