| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- S I N F O . U T I L S -- |
| -- -- |
| -- B o d y -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 2020-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- |
| -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- |
| -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- |
| -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- |
| -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| with Atree; use Atree; |
| with Debug; use Debug; |
| with Output; use Output; |
| with Seinfo; |
| with Sinput; use Sinput; |
| |
| package body Sinfo.Utils is |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Debugging -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| -- Suppose you find that node 12345 is messed up. You might want to find |
| -- the code that created that node. There are two ways to do this: |
| |
| -- One way is to set a conditional breakpoint on New_Node_Debugging_Output |
| -- (nickname "nnd"): |
| -- break nnd if n = 12345 |
| -- and run gnat1 again from the beginning. |
| |
| -- The other way is to set a breakpoint near the beginning (e.g. on |
| -- gnat1drv), and run. Then set Watch_Node (nickname "ww") to 12345 in gdb: |
| -- ww := 12345 |
| -- and set a breakpoint on New_Node_Breakpoint (nickname "nn"). Continue. |
| |
| -- Either way, gnat1 will stop when node 12345 is created, or certain other |
| -- interesting operations are performed, such as Rewrite. To see exactly |
| -- which operations, search for "pragma Debug" below. |
| |
| -- The second method is much faster if the amount of Ada code being |
| -- compiled is large. |
| |
| ww : Node_Id'Base := Node_Low_Bound - 1; |
| pragma Export (Ada, ww); |
| Watch_Node : Node_Id'Base renames ww; |
| -- Node to "watch"; that is, whenever a node is created, we check if it |
| -- is equal to Watch_Node, and if so, call New_Node_Breakpoint. You have |
| -- presumably set a breakpoint on New_Node_Breakpoint. Note that the |
| -- initial value of Node_Id'First - 1 ensures that by default, no node |
| -- will be equal to Watch_Node. |
| |
| procedure nn; |
| pragma Export (Ada, nn); |
| procedure New_Node_Breakpoint renames nn; |
| -- This doesn't do anything interesting; it's just for setting breakpoint |
| -- on as explained above. |
| |
| procedure nnd (N : Node_Id); |
| pragma Export (Ada, nnd); |
| -- For debugging. If debugging is turned on, New_Node and New_Entity (etc.) |
| -- call this. If debug flag N is turned on, this prints out the new node. |
| -- |
| -- If Node = Watch_Node, this prints out the new node and calls |
| -- New_Node_Breakpoint. Otherwise, does nothing. |
| |
| procedure Node_Debug_Output (Op : String; N : Node_Id); |
| -- Called by nnd; writes Op followed by information about N |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- New_Node_Breakpoint -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| procedure nn is |
| begin |
| Write_Str ("Watched node "); |
| Write_Int (Int (Watch_Node)); |
| Write_Eol; |
| end nn; |
| |
| ------------------------------- |
| -- New_Node_Debugging_Output -- |
| ------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure nnd (N : Node_Id) is |
| Node_Is_Watched : constant Boolean := N = Watch_Node; |
| |
| begin |
| if Debug_Flag_N or else Node_Is_Watched then |
| Node_Debug_Output ("Node", N); |
| |
| if Node_Is_Watched then |
| New_Node_Breakpoint; |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| end nnd; |
| |
| procedure New_Node_Debugging_Output (N : Node_Id) is |
| begin |
| pragma Debug (nnd (N)); |
| end New_Node_Debugging_Output; |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Node_Debug_Output -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| procedure Node_Debug_Output (Op : String; N : Node_Id) is |
| begin |
| Write_Str (Op); |
| |
| if Nkind (N) in N_Entity then |
| Write_Str (" entity"); |
| else |
| Write_Str (" node"); |
| end if; |
| |
| Write_Str (" Id = "); |
| Write_Int (Int (N)); |
| Write_Str (" "); |
| Write_Location (Sloc (N)); |
| Write_Str (" "); |
| Write_Str (Node_Kind'Image (Nkind (N))); |
| Write_Eol; |
| end Node_Debug_Output; |
| |
| ------------------------------- |
| -- Parent-related operations -- |
| ------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Copy_Parent (To, From : Node_Or_Entity_Id) is |
| begin |
| if Atree.Present (To) and Atree.Present (From) then |
| Atree.Set_Parent (To, Atree.Parent (From)); |
| else |
| pragma Assert |
| (if Atree.Present (To) then Atree.No (Atree.Parent (To))); |
| end if; |
| end Copy_Parent; |
| |
| function Parent_Kind (N : Node_Id) return Node_Kind is |
| begin |
| if Atree.No (N) then |
| return N_Empty; |
| else |
| return Nkind (Atree.Parent (N)); |
| end if; |
| end Parent_Kind; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Iterator Procedures -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Next_Entity (N : in out Node_Id) is |
| begin |
| N := Next_Entity (N); |
| end Next_Entity; |
| |
| procedure Next_Named_Actual (N : in out Node_Id) is |
| begin |
| N := Next_Named_Actual (N); |
| end Next_Named_Actual; |
| |
| procedure Next_Rep_Item (N : in out Node_Id) is |
| begin |
| N := Next_Rep_Item (N); |
| end Next_Rep_Item; |
| |
| procedure Next_Use_Clause (N : in out Node_Id) is |
| begin |
| N := Next_Use_Clause (N); |
| end Next_Use_Clause; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- End_Location -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function End_Location (N : Node_Id) return Source_Ptr is |
| L : constant Valid_Uint := End_Span (N); |
| begin |
| return Source_Ptr (Int (Sloc (N)) + UI_To_Int (L)); |
| end End_Location; |
| |
| -------------------- |
| -- Get_Pragma_Arg -- |
| -------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg : Node_Id) return Node_Id is |
| begin |
| if Nkind (Arg) = N_Pragma_Argument_Association then |
| return Expression (Arg); |
| else |
| return Arg; |
| end if; |
| end Get_Pragma_Arg; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Set_End_Location -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_End_Location (N : Node_Id; S : Source_Ptr) is |
| begin |
| Set_End_Span (N, |
| UI_From_Int (Int (S) - Int (Sloc (N)))); |
| end Set_End_Location; |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- Pragma_Name_Unmapped -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| function Pragma_Name_Unmapped (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is |
| begin |
| return Chars (Pragma_Identifier (N)); |
| end Pragma_Name_Unmapped; |
| |
| ------------------------------------ |
| -- Helpers for Walk_Sinfo_Fields* -- |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| function Get_Node_Field_Union is new |
| Atree.Atree_Private_Part.Get_32_Bit_Field (Union_Id) with Inline; |
| procedure Set_Node_Field_Union is new |
| Atree.Atree_Private_Part.Set_32_Bit_Field (Union_Id) with Inline; |
| |
| use Seinfo; |
| |
| function Is_In_Union_Id (F_Kind : Field_Kind) return Boolean is |
| -- True if the field type is one that can be converted to Types.Union_Id |
| (case F_Kind is |
| when Node_Id_Field |
| | List_Id_Field |
| | Elist_Id_Field |
| | Name_Id_Field |
| | String_Id_Field |
| | Valid_Uint_Field |
| | Unat_Field |
| | Upos_Field |
| | Nonzero_Uint_Field |
| | Uint_Field |
| | Ureal_Field |
| | Union_Id_Field => True, |
| when Flag_Field |
| | Node_Kind_Type_Field |
| | Entity_Kind_Type_Field |
| | Source_Ptr_Field |
| | Small_Paren_Count_Type_Field |
| | Convention_Id_Field |
| | Component_Alignment_Kind_Field |
| | Mechanism_Type_Field => False); |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Walk_Sinfo_Fields -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| procedure Walk_Sinfo_Fields (N : Node_Id) is |
| Fields : Node_Field_Array renames |
| Node_Field_Table (Nkind (N)).all; |
| |
| begin |
| for J in Fields'Range loop |
| if Fields (J) /= F_Link then -- Don't walk Parent! |
| declare |
| Desc : Field_Descriptor renames |
| Field_Descriptors (Fields (J)); |
| pragma Assert (Desc.Type_Only = No_Type_Only); |
| -- Type_Only is for entities |
| begin |
| if Is_In_Union_Id (Desc.Kind) then |
| Action (Get_Node_Field_Union (N, Desc.Offset)); |
| end if; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| end Walk_Sinfo_Fields; |
| |
| -------------------------------- |
| -- Walk_Sinfo_Fields_Pairwise -- |
| -------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Walk_Sinfo_Fields_Pairwise (N1, N2 : Node_Id) is |
| pragma Assert (Nkind (N1) = Nkind (N2)); |
| |
| Fields : Node_Field_Array renames |
| Node_Field_Table (Nkind (N1)).all; |
| |
| begin |
| for J in Fields'Range loop |
| if Fields (J) /= F_Link then -- Don't walk Parent! |
| declare |
| Desc : Field_Descriptor renames |
| Field_Descriptors (Fields (J)); |
| pragma Assert (Desc.Type_Only = No_Type_Only); |
| -- Type_Only is for entities |
| begin |
| if Is_In_Union_Id (Desc.Kind) then |
| Set_Node_Field_Union |
| (N1, Desc.Offset, |
| Transform (Get_Node_Field_Union (N2, Desc.Offset))); |
| end if; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| end Walk_Sinfo_Fields_Pairwise; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Map_Pragma_Name -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| -- We don't want to introduce a dependence on some hash table package or |
| -- similar, so we use a simple array of Key => Value pairs, and do a linear |
| -- search. Linear search is plenty efficient, given that we don't expect |
| -- more than a couple of entries in the mapping. |
| |
| type Name_Pair is record |
| Key : Name_Id; |
| Value : Name_Id; |
| end record; |
| |
| type Pragma_Map_Index is range 1 .. 100; |
| Pragma_Map : array (Pragma_Map_Index) of Name_Pair; |
| Last_Pair : Pragma_Map_Index'Base range 0 .. Pragma_Map_Index'Last := 0; |
| |
| procedure Map_Pragma_Name (From, To : Name_Id) is |
| begin |
| if Last_Pair = Pragma_Map'Last then |
| raise Too_Many_Pragma_Mappings; |
| end if; |
| |
| Last_Pair := Last_Pair + 1; |
| Pragma_Map (Last_Pair) := (Key => From, Value => To); |
| end Map_Pragma_Name; |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- Pragma_Name -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| function Pragma_Name (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is |
| Result : constant Name_Id := Pragma_Name_Unmapped (N); |
| begin |
| for J in Pragma_Map'First .. Last_Pair loop |
| if Result = Pragma_Map (J).Key then |
| return Pragma_Map (J).Value; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return Result; |
| end Pragma_Name; |
| |
| end Sinfo.Utils; |