| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- X R _ T A B L S -- |
| -- -- |
| -- B o d y -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 1998-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- |
| -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- |
| -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- |
| -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- |
| -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| with Types; use Types; |
| with Osint; |
| |
| with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; |
| with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; |
| with Ada.Strings.Fixed; |
| with Ada.Strings; |
| with Ada.Text_IO; |
| with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; |
| with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; |
| |
| with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; |
| with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations; |
| with GNAT.HTable; |
| with GNAT.Heap_Sort_G; |
| |
| package body Xr_Tabls is |
| |
| type HTable_Headers is range 1 .. 10000; |
| |
| procedure Set_Next (E : File_Reference; Next : File_Reference); |
| function Next (E : File_Reference) return File_Reference; |
| function Get_Key (E : File_Reference) return Cst_String_Access; |
| function Hash (F : Cst_String_Access) return HTable_Headers; |
| function Equal (F1, F2 : Cst_String_Access) return Boolean; |
| -- The five subprograms above are used to instantiate the static |
| -- htable to store the files that should be processed. |
| |
| package File_HTable is new GNAT.HTable.Static_HTable |
| (Header_Num => HTable_Headers, |
| Element => File_Record, |
| Elmt_Ptr => File_Reference, |
| Null_Ptr => null, |
| Set_Next => Set_Next, |
| Next => Next, |
| Key => Cst_String_Access, |
| Get_Key => Get_Key, |
| Hash => Hash, |
| Equal => Equal); |
| -- A hash table to store all the files referenced in the |
| -- application. The keys in this htable are the name of the files |
| -- themselves, therefore it is assumed that the source path |
| -- doesn't contain twice the same source or ALI file name |
| |
| type Unvisited_Files_Record; |
| type Unvisited_Files_Access is access Unvisited_Files_Record; |
| type Unvisited_Files_Record is record |
| File : File_Reference; |
| Next : Unvisited_Files_Access; |
| end record; |
| -- A special list, in addition to File_HTable, that only stores |
| -- the files that haven't been visited so far. Note that the File |
| -- list points to some data in File_HTable, and thus should never be freed. |
| |
| function Next (E : Declaration_Reference) return Declaration_Reference; |
| procedure Set_Next (E, Next : Declaration_Reference); |
| function Get_Key (E : Declaration_Reference) return Cst_String_Access; |
| -- The subprograms above are used to instantiate the static |
| -- htable to store the entities that have been found in the application |
| |
| package Entities_HTable is new GNAT.HTable.Static_HTable |
| (Header_Num => HTable_Headers, |
| Element => Declaration_Record, |
| Elmt_Ptr => Declaration_Reference, |
| Null_Ptr => null, |
| Set_Next => Set_Next, |
| Next => Next, |
| Key => Cst_String_Access, |
| Get_Key => Get_Key, |
| Hash => Hash, |
| Equal => Equal); |
| -- A hash table to store all the entities defined in the |
| -- application. For each entity, we store a list of its reference |
| -- locations as well. |
| -- The keys in this htable should be created with Key_From_Ref, |
| -- and are the file, line and column of the declaration, which are |
| -- unique for every entity. |
| |
| Entities_Count : Natural := 0; |
| -- Number of entities in Entities_HTable. This is used in the end |
| -- when sorting the table. |
| |
| Longest_File_Name_In_Table : Natural := 0; |
| -- The length of the longest file name stored |
| |
| Unvisited_Files : Unvisited_Files_Access := null; |
| -- Linked list of unvisited files |
| |
| Directories : Project_File_Ptr; |
| -- Store the list of directories to visit |
| |
| Default_Match : Boolean := False; |
| -- Default value for match in declarations |
| |
| function Parse_Gnatls_Src return String; |
| -- Return the standard source directories (taking into account the |
| -- ADA_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable, if Osint.Add_Default_Search_Dirs |
| -- was called first). |
| |
| function Parse_Gnatls_Obj return String; |
| -- Return the standard object directories (taking into account the |
| -- ADA_OBJECTS_PATH environment variable). |
| |
| function Key_From_Ref |
| (File_Ref : File_Reference; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural) |
| return String; |
| -- Return a key for the symbol declared at File_Ref, Line, |
| -- Column. This key should be used for lookup in Entity_HTable |
| |
| function Is_Less_Than (Decl1, Decl2 : Declaration_Reference) return Boolean; |
| -- Compare two declarations (the comparison is case-insensitive) |
| |
| function Is_Less_Than (Ref1, Ref2 : Reference) return Boolean; |
| -- Compare two references |
| |
| procedure Store_References |
| (Decl : Declaration_Reference; |
| Get_Writes : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Reads : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Bodies : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Declaration : Boolean := False; |
| Arr : in out Reference_Array; |
| Index : in out Natural); |
| -- Store in Arr, starting at Index, all the references to Decl. The Get_* |
| -- parameters can be used to indicate which references should be stored. |
| -- Constraint_Error will be raised if Arr is not big enough. |
| |
| procedure Sort (Arr : in out Reference_Array); |
| -- Sort an array of references (Arr'First must be 1) |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Set_Next -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Next (E : File_Reference; Next : File_Reference) is |
| begin |
| E.Next := Next; |
| end Set_Next; |
| |
| procedure Set_Next |
| (E : Declaration_Reference; Next : Declaration_Reference) is |
| begin |
| E.Next := Next; |
| end Set_Next; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Get_Key -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| function Get_Key (E : File_Reference) return Cst_String_Access is |
| begin |
| return E.File; |
| end Get_Key; |
| |
| function Get_Key (E : Declaration_Reference) return Cst_String_Access is |
| begin |
| return E.Key; |
| end Get_Key; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Hash -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Hash (F : Cst_String_Access) return HTable_Headers is |
| function H is new GNAT.HTable.Hash (HTable_Headers); |
| |
| begin |
| return H (F.all); |
| end Hash; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Equal -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function Equal (F1, F2 : Cst_String_Access) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return F1.all = F2.all; |
| end Equal; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Key_From_Ref -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Key_From_Ref |
| (File_Ref : File_Reference; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural) |
| return String |
| is |
| begin |
| return File_Ref.File.all & Natural'Image (Line) & Natural'Image (Column); |
| end Key_From_Ref; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Add_Declaration -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Add_Declaration |
| (File_Ref : File_Reference; |
| Symbol : String; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural; |
| Decl_Type : Character; |
| Is_Parameter : Boolean := False; |
| Remove_Only : Boolean := False; |
| Symbol_Match : Boolean := True) |
| return Declaration_Reference |
| is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Declaration_Record, Declaration_Reference); |
| |
| Key : aliased constant String := Key_From_Ref (File_Ref, Line, Column); |
| |
| New_Decl : Declaration_Reference := |
| Entities_HTable.Get (Key'Unchecked_Access); |
| |
| Is_Param : Boolean := Is_Parameter; |
| |
| begin |
| -- Insert the Declaration in the table. There might already be a |
| -- declaration in the table if the entity is a parameter, so we |
| -- need to check that first. |
| |
| if New_Decl /= null and then New_Decl.Symbol_Length = 0 then |
| Is_Param := Is_Parameter or else New_Decl.Is_Parameter; |
| Entities_HTable.Remove (Key'Unrestricted_Access); |
| Entities_Count := Entities_Count - 1; |
| Free (New_Decl.Key); |
| Unchecked_Free (New_Decl); |
| New_Decl := null; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- The declaration might also already be there for parent types. In |
| -- this case, we should keep the entry, since some other entries are |
| -- pointing to it. |
| |
| if New_Decl = null |
| and then not Remove_Only |
| then |
| New_Decl := |
| new Declaration_Record' |
| (Symbol_Length => Symbol'Length, |
| Symbol => Symbol, |
| Key => new String'(Key), |
| Decl => new Reference_Record' |
| (File => File_Ref, |
| Line => Line, |
| Column => Column, |
| Source_Line => null, |
| Next => null), |
| Is_Parameter => Is_Param, |
| Decl_Type => Decl_Type, |
| Body_Ref => null, |
| Ref_Ref => null, |
| Modif_Ref => null, |
| Match => Symbol_Match |
| and then |
| (Default_Match |
| or else Match (File_Ref, Line, Column)), |
| Par_Symbol => null, |
| Next => null); |
| |
| Entities_HTable.Set (New_Decl); |
| Entities_Count := Entities_Count + 1; |
| |
| if New_Decl.Match then |
| Longest_File_Name_In_Table := |
| Natural'Max (File_Ref.File'Length, Longest_File_Name_In_Table); |
| end if; |
| |
| elsif New_Decl /= null |
| and then not New_Decl.Match |
| then |
| New_Decl.Match := Default_Match |
| or else Match (File_Ref, Line, Column); |
| New_Decl.Is_Parameter := New_Decl.Is_Parameter or Is_Param; |
| |
| elsif New_Decl /= null then |
| New_Decl.Is_Parameter := New_Decl.Is_Parameter or Is_Param; |
| end if; |
| |
| return New_Decl; |
| end Add_Declaration; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Add_To_Xref_File -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function Add_To_Xref_File |
| (File_Name : String; |
| Visited : Boolean := True; |
| Emit_Warning : Boolean := False; |
| Gnatchop_File : String := ""; |
| Gnatchop_Offset : Integer := 0) return File_Reference |
| is |
| Base : aliased constant String := Base_Name (File_Name); |
| Dir : constant String := Dir_Name (File_Name); |
| Dir_Acc : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access := null; |
| Ref : File_Reference; |
| |
| begin |
| -- Do we have a directory name as well? |
| |
| if File_Name /= Base then |
| Dir_Acc := new String'(Dir); |
| end if; |
| |
| Ref := File_HTable.Get (Base'Unchecked_Access); |
| if Ref = null then |
| Ref := new File_Record' |
| (File => new String'(Base), |
| Dir => Dir_Acc, |
| Lines => null, |
| Visited => Visited, |
| Emit_Warning => Emit_Warning, |
| Gnatchop_File => new String'(Gnatchop_File), |
| Gnatchop_Offset => Gnatchop_Offset, |
| Next => null); |
| File_HTable.Set (Ref); |
| |
| if not Visited then |
| |
| -- Keep a separate list for faster access |
| |
| Set_Unvisited (Ref); |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| return Ref; |
| end Add_To_Xref_File; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Add_Line -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_Line |
| (File : File_Reference; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural) |
| is |
| begin |
| File.Lines := new Ref_In_File'(Line => Line, |
| Column => Column, |
| Next => File.Lines); |
| end Add_Line; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Add_Parent -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_Parent |
| (Declaration : in out Declaration_Reference; |
| Symbol : String; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural; |
| File_Ref : File_Reference) |
| is |
| begin |
| Declaration.Par_Symbol := |
| Add_Declaration |
| (File_Ref, Symbol, Line, Column, |
| Decl_Type => ' ', |
| Symbol_Match => False); |
| end Add_Parent; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Add_Reference -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_Reference |
| (Declaration : Declaration_Reference; |
| File_Ref : File_Reference; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural; |
| Ref_Type : Character; |
| Labels_As_Ref : Boolean) |
| is |
| New_Ref : Reference; |
| New_Decl : Declaration_Reference; |
| pragma Unreferenced (New_Decl); |
| |
| begin |
| case Ref_Type is |
| when ' ' | 'b' | 'c' | 'H' | 'i' | 'm' | 'o' | 'r' | 'R' | 's' | 'x' |
| => |
| null; |
| |
| when 'l' | 'w' => |
| if not Labels_As_Ref then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| when '=' | '<' | '>' | '^' => |
| |
| -- Create dummy declaration in table to report it as a parameter |
| |
| -- In a given ALI file, the declaration of the subprogram comes |
| -- before the declaration of the parameter. However, it is |
| -- possible that another ALI file has been parsed that also |
| -- references the parameter (for instance a named parameter in |
| -- a call), so we need to check whether there already exists a |
| -- declaration for the parameter. |
| |
| New_Decl := |
| Add_Declaration |
| (File_Ref => File_Ref, |
| Symbol => "", |
| Line => Line, |
| Column => Column, |
| Decl_Type => ' ', |
| Is_Parameter => True); |
| |
| when 'd' | 'e' | 'E' | 'k' | 'p' | 'P' | 't' | 'z' => |
| return; |
| |
| when others => |
| Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unknown reference type: " & Ref_Type); |
| return; |
| end case; |
| |
| New_Ref := new Reference_Record' |
| (File => File_Ref, |
| Line => Line, |
| Column => Column, |
| Source_Line => null, |
| Next => null); |
| |
| -- We can insert the reference into the list directly, since all the |
| -- references will appear only once in the ALI file corresponding to the |
| -- file where they are referenced. This saves a lot of time compared to |
| -- checking the list to check if it exists. |
| |
| case Ref_Type is |
| when 'b' | 'c' => |
| New_Ref.Next := Declaration.Body_Ref; |
| Declaration.Body_Ref := New_Ref; |
| |
| when ' ' | 'H' | 'i' | 'l' | 'o' | 'r' | 'R' | 's' | 'w' | 'x' => |
| New_Ref.Next := Declaration.Ref_Ref; |
| Declaration.Ref_Ref := New_Ref; |
| |
| when 'm' => |
| New_Ref.Next := Declaration.Modif_Ref; |
| Declaration.Modif_Ref := New_Ref; |
| |
| when others => |
| null; |
| end case; |
| |
| if not Declaration.Match then |
| Declaration.Match := Match (File_Ref, Line, Column); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Declaration.Match then |
| Longest_File_Name_In_Table := |
| Natural'Max (File_Ref.File'Length, Longest_File_Name_In_Table); |
| end if; |
| end Add_Reference; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- ALI_File_Name -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| function ALI_File_Name (Ada_File_Name : String) return String is |
| -- Should ideally be based on the naming scheme defined in |
| -- project files but this is too late for an obsolescent feature. |
| |
| Index : constant Natural := |
| Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index |
| (Ada_File_Name, ".", Going => Ada.Strings.Backward); |
| |
| begin |
| if Index /= 0 then |
| return Ada_File_Name (Ada_File_Name'First .. Index) |
| & Osint.ALI_Suffix.all; |
| else |
| return Ada_File_Name & "." & Osint.ALI_Suffix.all; |
| end if; |
| end ALI_File_Name; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Is_Less_Than -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Is_Less_Than (Ref1, Ref2 : Reference) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| if Ref1 = null then |
| return False; |
| elsif Ref2 = null then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Ref1.File.File.all < Ref2.File.File.all then |
| return True; |
| |
| elsif Ref1.File.File.all = Ref2.File.File.all then |
| return (Ref1.Line < Ref2.Line |
| or else (Ref1.Line = Ref2.Line |
| and then Ref1.Column < Ref2.Column)); |
| end if; |
| |
| return False; |
| end Is_Less_Than; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Is_Less_Than -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Is_Less_Than (Decl1, Decl2 : Declaration_Reference) return Boolean |
| is |
| -- We cannot store the data case-insensitive in the table, |
| -- since we wouldn't be able to find the right casing for the |
| -- display later on. |
| |
| S1 : constant String := To_Lower (Decl1.Symbol); |
| S2 : constant String := To_Lower (Decl2.Symbol); |
| |
| begin |
| if S1 < S2 then |
| return True; |
| elsif S1 > S2 then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| return Decl1.Key.all < Decl2.Key.all; |
| end Is_Less_Than; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Create_Project_File -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Create_Project_File (Name : String) is |
| Obj_Dir : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; |
| Src_Dir : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; |
| Build_Dir : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access := new String'(""); |
| |
| F : File_Descriptor; |
| Len : Positive; |
| File_Name : aliased String := Name & ASCII.NUL; |
| |
| begin |
| -- Read the size of the file |
| |
| F := Open_Read (File_Name'Address, Text); |
| |
| -- Project file not found |
| |
| if F /= Invalid_FD then |
| Len := Positive (File_Length (F)); |
| |
| declare |
| Buffer : String (1 .. Len); |
| Index : Positive := Buffer'First; |
| Last : Positive; |
| |
| begin |
| Len := Read (F, Buffer'Address, Len); |
| Close (F); |
| |
| -- First, look for Build_Dir, since all the source and object |
| -- path are relative to it. |
| |
| while Index <= Buffer'Last loop |
| |
| -- Find the end of line |
| |
| Last := Index; |
| while Last <= Buffer'Last |
| and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.LF |
| and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.CR |
| loop |
| Last := Last + 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Index <= Buffer'Last - 9 |
| and then Buffer (Index .. Index + 9) = "build_dir=" |
| then |
| Index := Index + 10; |
| while Index <= Last |
| and then (Buffer (Index) = ' ' |
| or else Buffer (Index) = ASCII.HT) |
| loop |
| Index := Index + 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Free (Build_Dir); |
| Build_Dir := new String'(Buffer (Index .. Last - 1)); |
| end if; |
| |
| Index := Last + 1; |
| |
| -- In case we had a ASCII.CR/ASCII.LF end of line, skip the |
| -- remaining symbol |
| |
| if Index <= Buffer'Last |
| and then Buffer (Index) = ASCII.LF |
| then |
| Index := Index + 1; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Now parse the source and object paths |
| |
| Index := Buffer'First; |
| while Index <= Buffer'Last loop |
| |
| -- Find the end of line |
| |
| Last := Index; |
| while Last <= Buffer'Last |
| and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.LF |
| and then Buffer (Last) /= ASCII.CR |
| loop |
| Last := Last + 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Index <= Buffer'Last - 7 |
| and then Buffer (Index .. Index + 7) = "src_dir=" |
| then |
| Append (Src_Dir, Normalize_Pathname |
| (Name => Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim |
| (Buffer (Index + 8 .. Last - 1), Ada.Strings.Both), |
| Directory => Build_Dir.all) & Path_Separator); |
| |
| elsif Index <= Buffer'Last - 7 |
| and then Buffer (Index .. Index + 7) = "obj_dir=" |
| then |
| Append (Obj_Dir, Normalize_Pathname |
| (Name => Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim |
| (Buffer (Index + 8 .. Last - 1), Ada.Strings.Both), |
| Directory => Build_Dir.all) & Path_Separator); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- In case we had a ASCII.CR/ASCII.LF end of line, skip the |
| -- remaining symbol |
| Index := Last + 1; |
| |
| if Index <= Buffer'Last |
| and then Buffer (Index) = ASCII.LF |
| then |
| Index := Index + 1; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| |
| Osint.Add_Default_Search_Dirs; |
| |
| declare |
| Src : constant String := Parse_Gnatls_Src; |
| Obj : constant String := Parse_Gnatls_Obj; |
| |
| begin |
| Directories := new Project_File' |
| (Src_Dir_Length => Length (Src_Dir) + Src'Length, |
| Obj_Dir_Length => Length (Obj_Dir) + Obj'Length, |
| Src_Dir => To_String (Src_Dir) & Src, |
| Obj_Dir => To_String (Obj_Dir) & Obj, |
| Src_Dir_Index => 1, |
| Obj_Dir_Index => 1, |
| Last_Obj_Dir_Start => 0); |
| end; |
| |
| Free (Build_Dir); |
| end Create_Project_File; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Current_Obj_Dir -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Current_Obj_Dir return String is |
| begin |
| return Directories.Obj_Dir |
| (Directories.Last_Obj_Dir_Start .. Directories.Obj_Dir_Index - 2); |
| end Current_Obj_Dir; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Get_Column -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| function Get_Column (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is |
| begin |
| return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Decl.Decl.Column), |
| Ada.Strings.Left); |
| end Get_Column; |
| |
| function Get_Column (Ref : Reference) return String is |
| begin |
| return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Ref.Column), |
| Ada.Strings.Left); |
| end Get_Column; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Get_Declaration -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Declaration |
| (File_Ref : File_Reference; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural) |
| return Declaration_Reference |
| is |
| Key : aliased constant String := Key_From_Ref (File_Ref, Line, Column); |
| |
| begin |
| return Entities_HTable.Get (Key'Unchecked_Access); |
| end Get_Declaration; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Get_Emit_Warning -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Emit_Warning (File : File_Reference) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return File.Emit_Warning; |
| end Get_Emit_Warning; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Get_File -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function Get_File |
| (Decl : Declaration_Reference; |
| With_Dir : Boolean := False) return String |
| is |
| begin |
| return Get_File (Decl.Decl.File, With_Dir); |
| end Get_File; |
| |
| function Get_File |
| (Ref : Reference; |
| With_Dir : Boolean := False) return String |
| is |
| begin |
| return Get_File (Ref.File, With_Dir); |
| end Get_File; |
| |
| function Get_File |
| (File : File_Reference; |
| With_Dir : Boolean := False; |
| Strip : Natural := 0) return String |
| is |
| pragma Annotate (CodePeer, Skip_Analysis); |
| -- Disable CodePeer false positives |
| |
| Tmp : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access; |
| |
| function Internal_Strip (Full_Name : String) return String; |
| -- Internal function to process the Strip parameter |
| |
| -------------------- |
| -- Internal_Strip -- |
| -------------------- |
| |
| function Internal_Strip (Full_Name : String) return String is |
| Unit_End : Natural; |
| Extension_Start : Natural; |
| S : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| if Strip = 0 then |
| return Full_Name; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Isolate the file extension |
| |
| Extension_Start := Full_Name'Last; |
| while Extension_Start >= Full_Name'First |
| and then Full_Name (Extension_Start) /= '.' |
| loop |
| Extension_Start := Extension_Start - 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Strip the right number of subunit_names |
| |
| S := Strip; |
| Unit_End := Extension_Start - 1; |
| while Unit_End >= Full_Name'First |
| and then S > 0 |
| loop |
| if Full_Name (Unit_End) = '-' then |
| S := S - 1; |
| end if; |
| |
| Unit_End := Unit_End - 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Unit_End < Full_Name'First then |
| return ""; |
| else |
| return Full_Name (Full_Name'First .. Unit_End) |
| & Full_Name (Extension_Start .. Full_Name'Last); |
| end if; |
| end Internal_Strip; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Get_File; |
| |
| begin |
| -- If we do not want the full path name |
| |
| if not With_Dir then |
| return Internal_Strip (File.File.all); |
| end if; |
| |
| if File.Dir = null then |
| if Ada.Strings.Fixed.Tail (File.File.all, 3) = |
| Osint.ALI_Suffix.all |
| then |
| Tmp := Locate_Regular_File |
| (Internal_Strip (File.File.all), Directories.Obj_Dir); |
| else |
| Tmp := Locate_Regular_File |
| (File.File.all, Directories.Src_Dir); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Tmp = null then |
| File.Dir := new String'(""); |
| else |
| File.Dir := new String'(Dir_Name (Tmp.all)); |
| Free (Tmp); |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| |
| return Internal_Strip (File.Dir.all & File.File.all); |
| end Get_File; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Get_File_Ref -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Get_File_Ref (Ref : Reference) return File_Reference is |
| begin |
| return Ref.File; |
| end Get_File_Ref; |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Get_Gnatchop_File -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Gnatchop_File |
| (File : File_Reference; |
| With_Dir : Boolean := False) |
| return String |
| is |
| begin |
| if File.Gnatchop_File.all = "" then |
| return Get_File (File, With_Dir); |
| else |
| return File.Gnatchop_File.all; |
| end if; |
| end Get_Gnatchop_File; |
| |
| function Get_Gnatchop_File |
| (Ref : Reference; |
| With_Dir : Boolean := False) |
| return String |
| is |
| begin |
| return Get_Gnatchop_File (Ref.File, With_Dir); |
| end Get_Gnatchop_File; |
| |
| function Get_Gnatchop_File |
| (Decl : Declaration_Reference; |
| With_Dir : Boolean := False) |
| return String |
| is |
| begin |
| return Get_Gnatchop_File (Decl.Decl.File, With_Dir); |
| end Get_Gnatchop_File; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Get_Line -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function Get_Line (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is |
| begin |
| return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Decl.Decl.Line), |
| Ada.Strings.Left); |
| end Get_Line; |
| |
| function Get_Line (Ref : Reference) return String is |
| begin |
| return Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Natural'Image (Ref.Line), |
| Ada.Strings.Left); |
| end Get_Line; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Get_Parent -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| function Get_Parent |
| (Decl : Declaration_Reference) |
| return Declaration_Reference |
| is |
| begin |
| return Decl.Par_Symbol; |
| end Get_Parent; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Get_Source_Line -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Source_Line (Ref : Reference) return String is |
| begin |
| if Ref.Source_Line /= null then |
| return Ref.Source_Line.all; |
| else |
| return ""; |
| end if; |
| end Get_Source_Line; |
| |
| function Get_Source_Line (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is |
| begin |
| if Decl.Decl.Source_Line /= null then |
| return Decl.Decl.Source_Line.all; |
| else |
| return ""; |
| end if; |
| end Get_Source_Line; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Get_Symbol -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| function Get_Symbol (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return String is |
| begin |
| return Decl.Symbol; |
| end Get_Symbol; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Get_Type -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function Get_Type (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Character is |
| begin |
| return Decl.Decl_Type; |
| end Get_Type; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Sort -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Sort (Arr : in out Reference_Array) is |
| Tmp : Reference; |
| |
| function Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean; |
| procedure Move (From, To : Natural); |
| -- See GNAT.Heap_Sort_G |
| |
| -------- |
| -- Lt -- |
| -------- |
| |
| function Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| if Op1 = 0 then |
| return Is_Less_Than (Tmp, Arr (Op2)); |
| elsif Op2 = 0 then |
| return Is_Less_Than (Arr (Op1), Tmp); |
| else |
| return Is_Less_Than (Arr (Op1), Arr (Op2)); |
| end if; |
| end Lt; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Move -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Move (From, To : Natural) is |
| begin |
| if To = 0 then |
| Tmp := Arr (From); |
| elsif From = 0 then |
| Arr (To) := Tmp; |
| else |
| Arr (To) := Arr (From); |
| end if; |
| end Move; |
| |
| package Ref_Sort is new GNAT.Heap_Sort_G (Move, Lt); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Sort |
| |
| begin |
| Ref_Sort.Sort (Arr'Last); |
| end Sort; |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Grep_Source_Files -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| procedure Grep_Source_Files is |
| Length : Natural := 0; |
| Decl : Declaration_Reference := Entities_HTable.Get_First; |
| Arr : Reference_Array_Access; |
| Index : Natural; |
| End_Index : Natural := 0; |
| Current_File : File_Reference; |
| Current_Line : Cst_String_Access; |
| Buffer : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access; |
| Ref : Reference; |
| Line : Natural := Natural'Last; |
| |
| begin |
| -- Create a temporary array, where all references will be |
| -- sorted by files. This way, we only have to read the source |
| -- files once. |
| |
| while Decl /= null loop |
| |
| -- Add 1 for the declaration itself |
| |
| Length := Length + References_Count (Decl, True, True, True) + 1; |
| Decl := Entities_HTable.Get_Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Arr := new Reference_Array (1 .. Length); |
| Index := Arr'First; |
| |
| Decl := Entities_HTable.Get_First; |
| while Decl /= null loop |
| Store_References (Decl, True, True, True, True, Arr.all, Index); |
| Decl := Entities_HTable.Get_Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Sort (Arr.all); |
| |
| -- Now traverse the whole array and find the appropriate source |
| -- lines. |
| |
| for R in Arr'Range loop |
| Ref := Arr (R); |
| |
| if Ref.File /= Current_File then |
| Free (Buffer); |
| begin |
| Read_File (Get_File (Ref.File, With_Dir => True), Buffer); |
| End_Index := Buffer'First - 1; |
| Line := 0; |
| exception |
| when Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error | Ada.Text_IO.End_Error => |
| Line := Natural'Last; |
| end; |
| Current_File := Ref.File; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Ref.Line > Line then |
| |
| -- Do not free Current_Line, it is referenced by the last |
| -- Ref we processed. |
| |
| loop |
| Index := End_Index + 1; |
| |
| loop |
| End_Index := End_Index + 1; |
| exit when End_Index > Buffer'Last |
| or else Buffer (End_Index) = ASCII.LF; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Skip spaces at beginning of line |
| |
| while Index < End_Index and then |
| (Buffer (Index) = ' ' or else Buffer (Index) = ASCII.HT) |
| loop |
| Index := Index + 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Line := Line + 1; |
| exit when Ref.Line = Line; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Current_Line := new String'(Buffer (Index .. End_Index - 1)); |
| end if; |
| |
| Ref.Source_Line := Current_Line; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Free (Buffer); |
| Free (Arr); |
| end Grep_Source_Files; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Read_File -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| procedure Read_File |
| (File_Name : String; |
| Contents : out GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access) |
| is |
| Name_0 : constant String := File_Name & ASCII.NUL; |
| FD : constant File_Descriptor := Open_Read (Name_0'Address, Binary); |
| Length : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| if FD = Invalid_FD then |
| raise Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Include room for EOF char |
| |
| Length := Natural (File_Length (FD)); |
| |
| declare |
| Buffer : String (1 .. Length + 1); |
| This_Read : Integer; |
| Read_Ptr : Natural := 1; |
| |
| begin |
| loop |
| This_Read := Read (FD, |
| A => Buffer (Read_Ptr)'Address, |
| N => Length + 1 - Read_Ptr); |
| Read_Ptr := Read_Ptr + Integer'Max (This_Read, 0); |
| exit when This_Read <= 0; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Buffer (Read_Ptr) := EOF; |
| Contents := new String'(Buffer (1 .. Read_Ptr)); |
| |
| if Read_Ptr /= Length + 1 then |
| raise Ada.Text_IO.End_Error; |
| end if; |
| |
| Close (FD); |
| end; |
| end Read_File; |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Longest_File_Name -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| function Longest_File_Name return Natural is |
| begin |
| return Longest_File_Name_In_Table; |
| end Longest_File_Name; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Match -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function Match |
| (File : File_Reference; |
| Line : Natural; |
| Column : Natural) |
| return Boolean |
| is |
| Ref : Ref_In_File_Ptr := File.Lines; |
| |
| begin |
| while Ref /= null loop |
| if (Ref.Line = 0 or else Ref.Line = Line) |
| and then (Ref.Column = 0 or else Ref.Column = Column) |
| then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| Ref := Ref.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return False; |
| end Match; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Match -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function Match (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Decl.Match; |
| end Match; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Next -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Next (E : File_Reference) return File_Reference is |
| begin |
| return E.Next; |
| end Next; |
| |
| function Next (E : Declaration_Reference) return Declaration_Reference is |
| begin |
| return E.Next; |
| end Next; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Next_Obj_Dir -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Next_Obj_Dir return String is |
| First : constant Integer := Directories.Obj_Dir_Index; |
| Last : Integer; |
| |
| begin |
| Last := Directories.Obj_Dir_Index; |
| |
| if Last > Directories.Obj_Dir_Length then |
| return String'(1 .. 0 => ' '); |
| end if; |
| |
| while Directories.Obj_Dir (Last) /= Path_Separator loop |
| Last := Last + 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Directories.Obj_Dir_Index := Last + 1; |
| Directories.Last_Obj_Dir_Start := First; |
| return Directories.Obj_Dir (First .. Last - 1); |
| end Next_Obj_Dir; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Next_Unvisited_File -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| function Next_Unvisited_File return File_Reference is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Unvisited_Files_Record, Unvisited_Files_Access); |
| |
| Ref : File_Reference; |
| Tmp : Unvisited_Files_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| if Unvisited_Files = null then |
| return Empty_File; |
| else |
| Tmp := Unvisited_Files; |
| Ref := Unvisited_Files.File; |
| Unvisited_Files := Unvisited_Files.Next; |
| Unchecked_Free (Tmp); |
| return Ref; |
| end if; |
| end Next_Unvisited_File; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Parse_Gnatls_Src -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function Parse_Gnatls_Src return String is |
| Length : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| Length := 0; |
| for J in 1 .. Osint.Nb_Dir_In_Src_Search_Path loop |
| if Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then |
| Length := Length + 2; |
| else |
| Length := Length + Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J)'Length + 1; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| declare |
| Result : String (1 .. Length); |
| L : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| L := Result'First; |
| for J in 1 .. Osint.Nb_Dir_In_Src_Search_Path loop |
| if Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then |
| Result (L .. L + 1) := "." & Path_Separator; |
| L := L + 2; |
| |
| else |
| Result (L .. L + Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J)'Length - 1) := |
| Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J).all; |
| L := L + Osint.Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J)'Length; |
| Result (L) := Path_Separator; |
| L := L + 1; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return Result; |
| end; |
| end Parse_Gnatls_Src; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Parse_Gnatls_Obj -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function Parse_Gnatls_Obj return String is |
| Length : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| Length := 0; |
| for J in 1 .. Osint.Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path loop |
| if Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then |
| Length := Length + 2; |
| else |
| Length := Length + Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J)'Length + 1; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| declare |
| Result : String (1 .. Length); |
| L : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| L := Result'First; |
| for J in 1 .. Osint.Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path loop |
| if Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then |
| Result (L .. L + 1) := "." & Path_Separator; |
| L := L + 2; |
| else |
| Result (L .. L + Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J)'Length - 1) := |
| Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J).all; |
| L := L + Osint.Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J)'Length; |
| Result (L) := Path_Separator; |
| L := L + 1; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return Result; |
| end; |
| end Parse_Gnatls_Obj; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Reset_Obj_Dir -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| procedure Reset_Obj_Dir is |
| begin |
| Directories.Obj_Dir_Index := 1; |
| end Reset_Obj_Dir; |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Set_Default_Match -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Default_Match (Value : Boolean) is |
| begin |
| Default_Match := Value; |
| end Set_Default_Match; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Free -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Free (Str : in out Cst_String_Access) is |
| function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion |
| (Cst_String_Access, GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access); |
| |
| S : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access := Convert (Str); |
| |
| begin |
| Free (S); |
| Str := null; |
| end Free; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Reset_Directory -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| procedure Reset_Directory (File : File_Reference) is |
| begin |
| Free (File.Dir); |
| end Reset_Directory; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Set_Unvisited -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Unvisited (File_Ref : File_Reference) is |
| F : constant String := Get_File (File_Ref, With_Dir => False); |
| |
| begin |
| File_Ref.Visited := False; |
| |
| -- Do not add a source file to the list. This is true for gnatxref |
| -- gnatfind, so good enough. |
| |
| if F'Length > 4 |
| and then F (F'Last - 3 .. F'Last) = "." & Osint.ALI_Suffix.all |
| then |
| Unvisited_Files := new Unvisited_Files_Record' |
| (File => File_Ref, |
| Next => Unvisited_Files); |
| end if; |
| end Set_Unvisited; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Get_Declarations -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Declarations |
| (Sorted : Boolean := True) |
| return Declaration_Array_Access |
| is |
| Arr : constant Declaration_Array_Access := |
| new Declaration_Array (1 .. Entities_Count); |
| Decl : Declaration_Reference := Entities_HTable.Get_First; |
| Index : Natural := Arr'First; |
| Tmp : Declaration_Reference; |
| |
| procedure Move (From : Natural; To : Natural); |
| function Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean; |
| -- See GNAT.Heap_Sort_G |
| |
| -------- |
| -- Lt -- |
| -------- |
| |
| function Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| if Op1 = 0 then |
| return Is_Less_Than (Tmp, Arr (Op2)); |
| elsif Op2 = 0 then |
| return Is_Less_Than (Arr (Op1), Tmp); |
| else |
| return Is_Less_Than (Arr (Op1), Arr (Op2)); |
| end if; |
| end Lt; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Move -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Move (From : Natural; To : Natural) is |
| begin |
| if To = 0 then |
| Tmp := Arr (From); |
| elsif From = 0 then |
| Arr (To) := Tmp; |
| else |
| Arr (To) := Arr (From); |
| end if; |
| end Move; |
| |
| package Decl_Sort is new GNAT.Heap_Sort_G (Move, Lt); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Get_Declarations |
| |
| begin |
| while Decl /= null loop |
| Arr (Index) := Decl; |
| Index := Index + 1; |
| Decl := Entities_HTable.Get_Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Sorted and then Arr'Length /= 0 then |
| Decl_Sort.Sort (Entities_Count); |
| end if; |
| |
| return Arr; |
| end Get_Declarations; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- References_Count -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function References_Count |
| (Decl : Declaration_Reference; |
| Get_Reads : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Writes : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Bodies : Boolean := False) |
| return Natural |
| is |
| function List_Length (E : Reference) return Natural; |
| -- Return the number of references in E |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- List_Length -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| function List_Length (E : Reference) return Natural is |
| L : Natural := 0; |
| E1 : Reference := E; |
| |
| begin |
| while E1 /= null loop |
| L := L + 1; |
| E1 := E1.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return L; |
| end List_Length; |
| |
| Length : Natural := 0; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for References_Count |
| |
| begin |
| if Get_Reads then |
| Length := List_Length (Decl.Ref_Ref); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Get_Writes then |
| Length := Length + List_Length (Decl.Modif_Ref); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Get_Bodies then |
| Length := Length + List_Length (Decl.Body_Ref); |
| end if; |
| |
| return Length; |
| end References_Count; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Store_References -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| procedure Store_References |
| (Decl : Declaration_Reference; |
| Get_Writes : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Reads : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Bodies : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Declaration : Boolean := False; |
| Arr : in out Reference_Array; |
| Index : in out Natural) |
| is |
| procedure Add (List : Reference); |
| -- Add all the references in List to Arr |
| |
| --------- |
| -- Add -- |
| --------- |
| |
| procedure Add (List : Reference) is |
| E : Reference := List; |
| begin |
| while E /= null loop |
| Arr (Index) := E; |
| Index := Index + 1; |
| E := E.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end Add; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Store_References |
| |
| begin |
| if Get_Declaration then |
| Add (Decl.Decl); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Get_Reads then |
| Add (Decl.Ref_Ref); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Get_Writes then |
| Add (Decl.Modif_Ref); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Get_Bodies then |
| Add (Decl.Body_Ref); |
| end if; |
| end Store_References; |
| |
| -------------------- |
| -- Get_References -- |
| -------------------- |
| |
| function Get_References |
| (Decl : Declaration_Reference; |
| Get_Reads : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Writes : Boolean := False; |
| Get_Bodies : Boolean := False) |
| return Reference_Array_Access |
| is |
| Length : constant Natural := |
| References_Count (Decl, Get_Reads, Get_Writes, Get_Bodies); |
| |
| Arr : constant Reference_Array_Access := |
| new Reference_Array (1 .. Length); |
| |
| Index : Natural := Arr'First; |
| |
| begin |
| Store_References |
| (Decl => Decl, |
| Get_Writes => Get_Writes, |
| Get_Reads => Get_Reads, |
| Get_Bodies => Get_Bodies, |
| Get_Declaration => False, |
| Arr => Arr.all, |
| Index => Index); |
| |
| if Arr'Length /= 0 then |
| Sort (Arr.all); |
| end if; |
| |
| return Arr; |
| end Get_References; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Free -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Free (Arr : in out Reference_Array_Access) is |
| procedure Internal is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Reference_Array, Reference_Array_Access); |
| begin |
| Internal (Arr); |
| end Free; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Is_Parameter -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Is_Parameter (Decl : Declaration_Reference) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Decl.Is_Parameter; |
| end Is_Parameter; |
| |
| end Xr_Tabls; |