blob: dd45a0e1f8113d39239316f7d0b3894038274a10 [file] [log] [blame]
struct coro1 {
struct promise_type {
promise_type () : vv(-1) { PRINT ("Promise def. CTOR"); }
promise_type (int __x) : vv(__x) { PRINTF ("promise_type1 with %d\n",__x); }
promise_type (int __x, int& __y, int&& __z)
: vv(__x), v2(__y), v3(__z)
{ PRINTF ("promise_type2 with %d, %d, %d\n", __x, __y, __z); }
promise_type (int __x, int& __y, int& __z)
: vv(__x), v2(__y), v3(__z)
{ PRINTF ("promise_type3 with %d, %d, %d\n", __x, __y, __z); }
~promise_type() { PRINT ("Destroyed Promise"); }
auto get_return_object () {
PRINT ("get_return_object: handle from promise");
return handle_type::from_promise (*this);
auto initial_suspend () {
PRINT ("get initial_suspend (always)");
return suspend_always_prt{};
auto final_suspend () noexcept {
PRINT ("get final_suspend (always)");
return suspend_always_prt{};
auto await_transform (int v) {
PRINTF ("await_transform an int () %d\n",v);
return suspend_always_intprt (v);
auto await_transform (long v) {
PRINTF ("await_transform a long () %ld\n",v);
return suspend_always_longprtsq (v);
auto yield_value (int v) {
PRINTF ("yield_value (%d)\n", v);
vv = v;
return suspend_always_prt{};
void return_value (int v) {
PRINTF ("return_value (%d)\n", v);
vv = v;
void unhandled_exception() { PRINT ("** unhandled exception"); }
int get_value () { return vv; }
int get_v2 () { return v2; }
int get_v3 () { return v3; }
int vv;
int v2;
int v3;
using handle_type = coro::coroutine_handle<coro1::promise_type>;
handle_type handle;
coro1 () : handle(0) {}
coro1 (handle_type _handle)
: handle(_handle) {
PRINT("Created coro1 object from handle");
coro1 (const coro1 &) = delete; // no copying
coro1 (coro1 &&s) : handle(s.handle) {
s.handle = nullptr;
PRINT("coro1 mv ctor ");
coro1 &operator = (coro1 &&s) {
handle = s.handle;
s.handle = nullptr;
PRINT("coro1 op= ");
return *this;
~coro1() {
PRINT("Destroyed coro1");
if ( handle )
// Some awaitables to use in tests.
// With progress printing for debug.
struct suspend_never_prt {
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return true; }
void await_suspend(handle_type) const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-never-susp");}
void await_resume() const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-never-resume");}
struct suspend_always_prt {
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
void await_suspend(handle_type) const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-susp");}
void await_resume() const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-resume");}
~suspend_always_prt() { PRINT ("susp-always-dtor"); }
struct suspend_always_intprt {
int x;
suspend_always_intprt() : x(5) {}
suspend_always_intprt(int __x) : x(__x) {}
~suspend_always_intprt() {}
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
void await_suspend(coro::coroutine_handle<>) const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-susp-intprt");}
int await_resume() const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-resume-intprt"); return x;}
/* This returns the square of the int that it was constructed with. */
struct suspend_always_longprtsq {
long x;
suspend_always_longprtsq() : x(12L) { PRINT ("suspend_always_longprtsq def ctor"); }
suspend_always_longprtsq(long _x) : x(_x) { PRINTF ("suspend_always_longprtsq ctor with %ld\n", x); }
~suspend_always_longprtsq() {}
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
void await_suspend(coro::coroutine_handle<>) const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-susp-longsq");}
long await_resume() const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-resume-longsq"); return x * x;}
struct suspend_always_intrefprt {
int& x;
suspend_always_intrefprt(int& __x) : x(__x) {}
~suspend_always_intrefprt() {}
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
void await_suspend(coro::coroutine_handle<>) const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-susp-intprt");}
int& await_resume() const noexcept { PRINT ("susp-always-resume-intprt"); return x;}
template <typename _AwaitType>
struct suspend_always_tmpl_awaiter {
_AwaitType x;
suspend_always_tmpl_awaiter(_AwaitType __x) : x(__x) {}
~suspend_always_tmpl_awaiter() {}
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
void await_suspend(coro::coroutine_handle<>) const noexcept { PRINT ("suspend_always_tmpl_awaiter");}
_AwaitType await_resume() const noexcept { PRINT ("suspend_always_tmpl_awaiter"); return x;}