blob: 1fa71a27b2bd3e16e51136fec17d42bf61b81b3c [file] [log] [blame]
// LWG2296 - addressof should be constexpr
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
template <typename T>
constexpr inline T *
addressof (T &x) noexcept
return __builtin_addressof (x);
auto a = __builtin_addressof (1); // { dg-error "31:lvalue required as unary" }
auto b = addressof (1); // { dg-error "21:cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type" }
struct S { int s : 5; int t; void foo (); } s;
auto c = __builtin_addressof (s);
auto d = addressof (s);
auto e = __builtin_addressof (s.s); // { dg-error "33:attempt to take address of bit-field" }
auto f = addressof (s.s); // { dg-error "23:cannot bind bit-field" }
auto g = __builtin_addressof (S{}); // { dg-error "31:taking address of rvalue" }
auto h = addressof (S{}); // { dg-error "21:cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type" }
auto i = __builtin_addressof (S::t); // { dg-error "34:invalid use of non-static data member" }
auto j = __builtin_addressof (S::foo); // { dg-error "34:invalid use of non-static member function" }
foo (bool b)
char c;
long long int d;
auto k = __builtin_addressof (lab); // { dg-error "33:.lab. was not declared in this scope" }
auto l = __builtin_addressof (b ? c : d); // { dg-error "35:lvalue required as unary" }