blob: 24b052092237b30abe4b9bd5edfa6b19d71663a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
// These also represent tests for printing alias declarations and
// their instantiations.
template<class T, class U> struct A0 {};
template<class T, class U> using AA0 = A0<T, U>;
template<class T> struct AA0<int, T> {}; // { dg-error "specialization" }
template <class U> using Ptr = U*;
template<class U> struct Ptr<U*> {}; // { dg-error "specialization" }
struct A {
using A = int; // { dg-error "11:ISO C\\+\\+ forbids nested type .A." }
// { dg-error "11:.using A = int. has the same name as" "" { target c++11 } .-1 }