blob: e5e58bddab0b2fa8a37cd0395cb853a957250518 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
// From N2235
// 4.1 constant-expression functions
// 1 examples
// 2 defined before first use
// NOTE: this is only needed in contexts that require a constant-expression
struct S {
constexpr int twice() const;
constexpr int t() const; // { dg-message "used but never defined" }
static constexpr int val = 7; // constexpr variable
constexpr int S::twice() const { return val + val; }
constexpr S s = { };
int x1 = s.twice(); // ok
int x2 = s.t(); // error: S::t() not defined
constexpr int x2a = s.t(); // { dg-error "S::t" } error: S::t() not defined
constexpr int ff(); // ok
constexpr int gg(); // ok
int x3 = ff(); // error: ff() not defined
constexpr int x3a = ff(); // { dg-error "ff" } error: ff() not defined
constexpr int ff() { return 1; } // too late
constexpr int gg() { return 2; }
int x4 = gg(); // ok
// 4.2 const-expression data
// 2
// storage not allocated untill address taken
constexpr double x = 9484.748;
const double* p = &x; // the &x forces x into memory
// 4.3 constant-expression constructors
// 1
struct complex {
constexpr complex(double r, double i) : re(r), im(i) { }
constexpr double real() const { return re; }
constexpr double imag() const { return im; }
double re;
double im;
constexpr complex I(0, 1); // OK -- literal complex
// 2 invoked with non-const args
double x5 = 1.0; // { dg-message "not declared .constexpr." }
constexpr complex unit(x5, 0); // { dg-error "x5|argument" } error: x5 non-constant
const complex one(x5, 0); // OK, ‘‘ordinary const’’ -- dynamic
// initialization
constexpr double xx = I.real(); // OK
complex z(2, 4); // OK -- ordinary variable
// 3
constexpr complex v[] = {
complex(0, 0), complex(1, 1), complex(2, 2)
constexpr double x6 = v[2].real(); // OK
// 4
constexpr int i = 98;
typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ intptr_t;
constexpr intptr_t ip = (intptr_t) &i; // { dg-error "constant" }
// 4.3.2 copy-constructor
constexpr complex operator+(complex z, complex w)
return complex(z.real() + w.real(), z.imag() + w.imag()); // fine
constexpr complex I2 = I + I; // OK
struct resource {
int id;
constexpr resource(int i) : id(i) { } // fine
resource(const resource& r) : id( // oops, not constexpr
//cout << id << " copied" << endl;
constexpr resource f(resource d)
{ return d; } // { dg-error "non-.constexpr." }
constexpr resource d = f(9); // { dg-message ".constexpr." }
// 4.4 floating-point constant expressions