blob: 0f68643f145e75d763c30f1a55ea4fde98a4d6eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Example from issue 1125 drafting; D() and v were well-formed with the
// wording approved in Rapperswil, now seems they should be ill-formed.
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
struct B {
constexpr B(int x) : i(0) { } // "x" is unused
int i;
int global; // { dg-message "not const" }
struct D : B {
constexpr D() : B(global) { } // { dg-error "global|argument" }
struct A2 {
constexpr A2(bool b, int x) : m(b ? 42 : x) { }
int m;
// ok, constructor call initializes m with the value 42 after substitution
constexpr int v = A2(true, global).m; // { dg-error "global" }
// error: initializer for m is "x", which is non-constant
constexpr int w = A2(false, global).m; // { dg-error "global" }