blob: 5f54c635e643af45bfa2004ac88dff3adb0d4ccb [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
// From N2235
// 4.5.2 semantics
// p 1 constexpr specifier
// objects, static const data
struct A1 { int i; }; // { dg-message "no user-provided default constructor" }
constexpr int i1 = 1024;
constexpr A1 a1 = A1();
// error: not a definition
extern constexpr int i2; // { dg-error "definition" }
// error: missing initializer
constexpr A1 a2; // { dg-error "uninitialized 'const" }
const constexpr A1 a3 = A1();
volatile constexpr A1 a4 = A1(); // { dg-bogus "both .volatile. and .constexpr. cannot" }
// error: on type declaration
constexpr struct pixel // { dg-error "cannot be used for type declarations" }
int x;
int y;