blob: 6a181b27d3761586d1b65df7b60a2084fee98404 [file] [log] [blame]
// I, Howard Hinnant, hereby place this code in the public domain.
// Test: Implicit cast to rvalue when eliding copy
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
template <bool> struct sa;
template <> struct sa<true> {};
struct one {char x[1];};
struct two {char x[2];};
class move_only
move_only(const move_only&); // { dg-message "private" }
move_only& operator=(const move_only&);
move_only() {}
move_only(move_only&&) {}
move_only& operator=(move_only&&) {return *this;}
static move_only x;
return x; // { dg-error "within this context" }
test2(move_only&& x)
return x; // { dg-error "within this context" "" { target c++17_down } }
int main()
move_only t1 = test1();
move_only t2 = test2(move_only());
return 0;
bool b = true;