blob: ad7cffc6b994741c607ab9e2068b61e3ef59299e [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
struct A {int i;} a [[gnu::aligned(16)]];
struct B {int i;} __attribute__((aligned(16))) b;
constexpr unsigned si = sizeof(int);
constexpr unsigned ai = alignof(int);
main ()
A aa;
B bb;
static_assert (sizeof (a) == si, "sizeof (a) should be 4");
static_assert (sizeof (b) == 16, "sizeof (b) should be 16");
static_assert (sizeof (aa) == si, "sizeof (aa) should be 4");
static_assert (sizeof (bb) == 16, "sizeof (bb) should be 16");
static_assert (__alignof__ (a) == 16, "alignof (a) should be 16");
static_assert (__alignof__ (b) == 16, "alignof (b) should be 16");
static_assert (__alignof__ (aa) == ai, "alignof (aa) should be 4");
static_assert (__alignof__ (bb) == 16, "alignof (bb) should be 16");