blob: 656aacdebe46166794619623f570846882b4db59 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
template <class... Types> class A
template <Types... Values> class X { /* ... */ }; // { dg-error "not a valid type for a template non-type parameter" "" { target c++17_down } }
template<class... Types> class B
template <Types*... Values> class X {
typename A<Types*...>::template X<Values...> foo;
int i;
float f;
A<int*, float*>::X<&i, &f> apple1;
B<int, float>::X<&i, &f> banana1;
A<int*, float*>::X<&i> apple2; // { dg-error "wrong number of template arguments" "wrong number" }
A<int*, float*>::X<&i, &f, &f> apple3; // { dg-error "wrong number of template arguments" "wrong number" }
A<int, float> apple4;
// { dg-prune-output "provided for" }