blob: 356c36f5ff61d5041589dc0a999aa539c30b15a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
// PR78495 failed to propagate pass-by-value struct to base ctor.
static int moves = 0;
struct Ptr {
void *ptr = 0;
Ptr() {}
Ptr(Ptr const&) = delete;
Ptr(Ptr&& other) : ptr (other.ptr) {moves++;}
struct Base {
Ptr val;
Base(Ptr val_);
struct Derived: Base {
using Base::Base;
void *Foo () {
Ptr ptr;
Derived d(static_cast<Ptr&&>(ptr));
return d.val.ptr;
int main () {
if (Foo ())
return 1;
if (moves != 2)
return 2;
return 0;
Base::Base(Ptr val_) : val(static_cast<Ptr&&>(val_)) {}