blob: c80ea38732f5a3db4e71c07692176c7aa33fbc68 [file] [log] [blame]
// P2242R3
// { dg-do compile { target c++14 } }
constexpr int
foo ()
lab: // { dg-error "label definition in 'constexpr' function only available with" "" { target c++20_down } }
return 1;
constexpr int
bar (int x)
if (x)
goto lab; // { dg-error "'goto' in 'constexpr' function only available with" "" { target c++20_down } }
return 1;
return 0;
constexpr int
baz (int x)
if (!x)
return 1;
static int a; // { dg-error "'a' declared 'static' in 'constexpr' function only available with" "" { target c++20_down } }
return ++a; // { dg-error "uninitialized variable 'a' in 'constexpr' function" "" { target c++17_down } .-1 }
constexpr int
qux (int x)
if (!x)
return 1;
thread_local int a; // { dg-error "'a' declared 'thread_local' in 'constexpr' function only available with" "" { target c++20_down } }
return ++a; // { dg-error "uninitialized variable 'a' in 'constexpr' function" "" { target c++17_down } .-1 }
constexpr int
garply (int x)
if (!x)
return 1;
extern thread_local int a; // { dg-error "'a' declared 'thread_local' in 'constexpr' function only available with" "" { target c++20_down } }
return ++a;
struct S { S (); ~S (); int s; }; // { dg-message "'S' is not literal because:" "" { target c++20_down } }
// { dg-message "'S' has a non-trivial destructor" "" { target c++17_down } .-1 }
// { dg-message "'S' does not have 'constexpr' destructor" "" { target { c++20_only } } .-2 }
constexpr int
corge (int x)
if (!x)
return 1;
S s; // { dg-error "variable 's' of non-literal type 'S' in 'constexpr' function only available with" "" { target c++20_down } }
return 0;
#if __cpp_constexpr >= 202110L
static_assert (foo ());
static_assert (bar (0));
static_assert (baz (0));
static_assert (qux (0));
static_assert (garply (0));
static_assert (corge (0));