blob: f7c6f3b674cc9e587c60d61f34dfbd7867aed4ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Bug c++/83503 - bogus -Wattributes for const and pure on function template
// specialization
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-O -Wall -fdump-tree-optimized" }
int global;
template <class T>
int __attribute__ ((pure))
f (T);
template <>
int __attribute__ ((const)) f<int> (int); // { dg-bogus "ignoring attribute .const." }
void f_pure_primary_elim ();
void f_pure_primary_keep ();
void f_const_spec_elim ();
void call_pure_primary_elim (double x)
// Only the first call to f(x) must be emitted, the second one
// is expected to be eliminated because the primary template
// is pure.
int i0 = f (x);
int i1 = f (x);
if (i0 != i1)
f_pure_primary_elim ();
void call_pure_primary_keep (const char *s)
// Both calls to f(x) must be emitted because the primary is
// pure and may read global.
int i0 = f (s);
global = 123;
int i1 = f (s);
if (i0 != i1)
f_pure_primary_keep ();
void call_const_spec_elim (int i)
// Only the first call to f(x) must be emitted, the second
// one is expected to be eliminated again, this time because
// unlike the pure primary, the specialization is const.
int i0 = f (i);
global = 123;
int i1 = f (i);
if (i0 != i1)
f_const_spec_elim ();
template <class T>
int __attribute__ ((const))
g (T);
template <>
int __attribute__ ((pure)) g<int> (int); // { dg-bogus "ignoring attribute .const." }
template <class T>
int __attribute__ ((const))
h (T);
template <class T>
int __attribute__ ((pure))
h (const T*);
template <>
int h<int> (int);
template <>
int h<int*> (int*);
extern void h_const_primary_elim ();
extern void h_pure_cstptr_elim ();
extern void h_cstptr_keep ();
extern void h_int_keep ();
extern void h_intptr_keep ();
void call_const_primary_elim (double x)
// Only the first call to h(x) must be emitted, the second one
// is expected to be eliminated.
int i0 = h (x);
int i1 = h (x);
if (i0 != i1) // must be folded into false
h_const_primary_elim (); // must be eliminated
void call_pure_cstptr_elim (const void *p)
// Only the first call to h(x) must be emitted, the second one
// is expected to be eliminated. This verifies that h<const
// void*>*() is treated as const in this context.
int i0 = h (p);
int i1 = h (p);
if (i0 != i1) // must be folded into false
h_pure_cstptr_elim (); // must be eliminated
void call_cstptr_keep (const void *p)
// Because of the store to the global, both calls to h(p) must
// be emitted. This verifies that h<const void*>*() is not
// treated as const.
int i0 = h (p);
global = 123;
int i1 = h (p);
if (i0 != i1) // must not be folded
h_cstptr_keep (); // must be emitted
void call_int_keep (int i)
// Both calls to h(i) must be emitted.
int i0 = h (i);
int i1 = h (i);
if (i0 != i1) // must not be folded
h_int_keep (); // must be emitted
void call_intptr_keep (int *ip)
// Both calls to h(ip) must be emitted.
int i0 = h (ip);
int i1 = h (ip);
if (i0 != i1) // must not be folded
h_intptr_keep (); // must be emitted
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "f_pure_primary_elim" "optimized" } }
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "f_const_primary_elim" "optimized" } }
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "f_const_spec_elim" "optimized" } }
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "h_pure_cstptr_elim" "optimized" } }
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "f_pure_primary_keep" 1 "optimized" } }
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "h_cstptr_keep" 1 "optimized" } }
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "h_int_keep" 1 "optimized" } }
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "h_intptr_keep" 1 "optimized" } }