blob: 2abe543851092c0a97bfa308195f8ee23e4c7ce2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Verify we don't try to allocate the same stack slot for
// buf1 and buf2 in qux. While there is a CLOBBER stmt for buf1
// from inlined destructor, the buf1 variable doesn't go out of scope
// until after the baz call.
// { dg-do run }
#include <new>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
char *p;
struct S { char buf[128]; S () { memset (buf, ' ', 128); }; ~S () {}; };
__attribute__((noipa)) void
foo (char *x)
p = x;
__attribute__((noipa)) int
bar (S *x)
return x->buf[12];
__attribute__((noipa)) void
baz (char *x)
S *a = new (p) (S);
S *b = new (x) (S);
memset (a->buf, '0', 128);
memset (b->buf, '1', 128);
if (bar (a) != '0' || bar (b) != '1')
abort ();
b->~S ();
a->~S ();
__attribute__((noipa)) void
qux ()
char buf1[128];
foo (buf1);
S *p = new (buf1) (S);
bar (p);
p->~S ();
char buf2[128];
baz (buf2);
main ()
qux ();