blob: 0489eb75d9a644233273e3deefce5bd63c19613d [file] [log] [blame]
// PR ipa/92421
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-additional-options "-Wno-return-type" }
// VRP jump threading will create additional __builtin___memcpy_chk calls that
// may be out of bounds.
// { dg-additional-options "-Wno-stringop-overflow" }
typedef long a;
void *b, *c;
template <typename, typename> class d {};
template <typename e, typename f> bool operator!=(d<e, f>, d<e, f>);
struct g {
g(const char *);
struct j {
void h();
void i();
void aj();
struct m {
struct n {
operator a();
struct o {
long am();
struct H {
class p {};
virtual bool accept(const char *, unsigned long, p *, bool);
struct q : H {
struct r {
enum at { au, av, aw };
enum { ax };
virtual void ay(const char *, int, const char *, r::at, const char *);
virtual bool az(const g &, unsigned = ax);
virtual bool ba(const int &, p *, bool);
void bb(char *bc, long bd, char *, long be) {
struct bf : public p {
bf(long) {}
} bg(be);
accept(bc, bd, &bg, true);
struct s {
q *bi;
bool bj();
template <class bk> class t : q {
bool accept(const char *, unsigned long bd, p *bg, bool) {
bool k(bp || bq), cl = false, err = false;
if (br)
ay("", 1, __func__, r::au, "");
if (bs)
ay("", 6, __func__, r::av, "");
char bt[1], cd[1];
long bu = sizeof(int) + bd, ce = sizeof(L) + bd;
char *bw = bu > sizeof(bt) ? new char : bt,
*cf = ce > sizeof(cd) ? new char : cd;
__builtin___memcpy_chk(b, c, bd, 0);
a by[1];
int bz = 0;
u cb = *cc((int *)bw, true, by, &bz);
ay("", 1, __func__, r::aw, "");
if (bw != bt)
delete bw;
__builtin___memcpy_chk(b, c, bd, 0);;
bool ci = cj((L *)cf, bg);
bool atran = bq && bp &&;
if (atran && !ci && cm(&cb))
if (cn > co) {
int cp = cb.cq % 6;
v cs = *(ct + cp);
if (cu(&cs))
cl = true;
if (ci)
if (k)
b = cc((int *)bw, false, by, &bz);
if (b)
if (cw(&cb, by, bz))
if (atran && bp && cx())
if (cl)
if (k)
int cp = cb.cq % 6;
v cs = *(ct + cp);
if (cy())
err = true;
O da = *(db + cp);
if (da.dc->am() > cs.dc->am() + cs.dd->am() + 1 && de(&da))
return !err;
bool ba(const int &, p *, bool) {
d<int, int> kit, df;
while (kit != df)
return false;
bool az(const g &, unsigned) {
t dj;
int cur;
while (cur) {
int dk, dl;
char dbuf;, dl, &dbuf, dk);
struct L {};
struct u {
j ch;
a cq;
bool ck;
struct v {
o *dd;
o *dc;
struct O {
o *dc;
bool cy();
bool cu(v *);
bool cj(L *, p *);
bool de(O *);
u *cc(int *, bool, a *, int *);
bool cw(u *, a *, int);
bool cx() {
bool err = false;
if (dm.l())
err = true;
return !err;
bool cm(u *);
j cv;
int br;
bool bs;
bool bq;
bk dm;
a co;
n cn;
v ct[6];
O db[6];
bool bp;
struct w : q {
void dn();
bool l() {
if (br)
ay("", 1087, __func__, r::au, "");
return false;
int br;
bool s::bj() {
new t<w>;
return false;