blob: dc745d405911c02023ac32f4e8ea4903760f7ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test atomic_fetch routines for existence and proper execution on
4-byte values with each valid memory model. */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-options "-std=c11 -pedantic-errors" } */
#include <stdatomic.h>
extern void abort (void);
_Atomic int v;
int count, res;
const int init = ~0;
test_fetch_add ()
v = 0;
count = 1;
if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_relaxed) != 0)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_consume) != 1)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_acquire) != 2)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_release) != 3)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_acq_rel) != 4)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_seq_cst) != 5)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_add (&v, 1) != 6)
abort ();
test_fetch_sub ()
v = res = 20;
count = 0;
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, count + 1, memory_order_relaxed) != res--)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_consume) != res--)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, count + 1, memory_order_acquire) != res--)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_release) != res--)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, count + 1, memory_order_acq_rel) != res--)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_seq_cst) != res--)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_sub (&v, 1) != res--)
abort ();
test_fetch_and ()
v = init;
if (atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_relaxed) != init)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, init, memory_order_consume) != 0)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_acquire) != 0)
abort ();
v = ~v;
if (atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, init, memory_order_release) != init)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_acq_rel) != init)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_seq_cst) != 0)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_and (&v, 0) != 0)
abort ();
test_fetch_xor ()
v = init;
count = 0;
if (atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_relaxed) != init)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, ~count, memory_order_consume) != init)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_acquire) != 0)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, ~count, memory_order_release) != 0)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_acq_rel) != init)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, ~count, memory_order_seq_cst) != init)
abort ();
if (atomic_fetch_xor (&v, ~count) != 0)
abort ();
test_fetch_or ()
v = 0;
count = 1;
if (atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_relaxed) != 0)
abort ();
count *= 2;
if (atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, 2, memory_order_consume) != 1)
abort ();
count *= 2;
if (atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_acquire) != 3)
abort ();
count *= 2;
if (atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, 8, memory_order_release) != 7)
abort ();
count *= 2;
if (atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_acq_rel) != 15)
abort ();
count *= 2;
if (atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_seq_cst) != 31)
abort ();
count *= 2;
if (atomic_fetch_or (&v, count) != 63)
abort ();
/* Test the OP routines with a result which isn't used. */
test_add ()
v = 0;
count = 1;
atomic_fetch_add (&v, count);
if (v != 1)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_consume);
if (v != 2)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_add (&v, 1);
if (v != 3)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_release);
if (v != 4)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_add (&v, 1);
if (v != 5)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_add_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_seq_cst);
if (v != 6)
abort ();
test_sub ()
v = res = 20;
count = 0;
atomic_fetch_sub (&v, count + 1);
if (v != --res)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, count + 1, memory_order_consume);
if (v != --res)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_sub (&v, 1);
if (v != --res)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, 1, memory_order_release);
if (v != --res)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_sub (&v, count + 1);
if (v != --res)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (&v, count + 1, memory_order_seq_cst);
if (v != --res)
abort ();
test_and ()
v = init;
atomic_fetch_and (&v, 0);
if (v != 0)
abort ();
v = init;
atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, init, memory_order_consume);
if (v != init)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_and (&v, 0);
if (v != 0)
abort ();
v = ~v;
atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, init, memory_order_release);
if (v != init)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_and (&v, 0);
if (v != 0)
abort ();
v = ~v;
atomic_fetch_and_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_seq_cst);
if (v != 0)
abort ();
test_xor ()
v = init;
count = 0;
atomic_fetch_xor (&v, count);
if (v != init)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, ~count, memory_order_consume);
if (v != 0)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_xor (&v, 0);
if (v != 0)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, ~count, memory_order_release);
if (v != init)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (&v, 0, memory_order_acq_rel);
if (v != init)
abort ();
atomic_fetch_xor (&v, ~count);
if (v != 0)
abort ();
test_or ()
v = 0;
count = 1;
atomic_fetch_or (&v, count);
if (v != 1)
abort ();
count *= 2;
atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_consume);
if (v != 3)
abort ();
count *= 2;
atomic_fetch_or (&v, 4);
if (v != 7)
abort ();
count *= 2;
atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, 8, memory_order_release);
if (v != 15)
abort ();
count *= 2;
atomic_fetch_or (&v, count);
if (v != 31)
abort ();
count *= 2;
atomic_fetch_or_explicit (&v, count, memory_order_seq_cst);
if (v != 63)
abort ();
main ()
test_fetch_add ();
test_fetch_sub ();
test_fetch_and ();
test_fetch_xor ();
test_fetch_or ();
test_add ();
test_sub ();
test_and ();
test_xor ();
test_or ();
return 0;