blob: 699f75f614265395efb181aef3feea3e032505e5 [file] [log] [blame]
! PR101333
! { dg-do compile}
! TS 29113
! C407c An assumed-type actual argument that corresponds to an
! assumed-rank dummy argument shall be assumed-shape or assumed-rank.
! This constraint is renumbered C711 in the 2018 Fortran standard.
module m
subroutine g (a, b)
implicit none
type(*) :: a(..)
integer :: b
end subroutine
end interface
end module
! Check that assumed-shape works.
subroutine s0 (x)
use m
implicit none
type(*) :: x(:)
call g (x, 1)
end subroutine
! Check that assumed-rank works.
subroutine s1 (x)
use m
implicit none
type(*) :: x(..)
call g (x, 1)
end subroutine
! Check that assumed-size gives an error.
subroutine s2 (x)
use m
implicit none
type(*) :: x(*)
call g (x, 1) ! { dg-error "Assumed-type actual argument at .1. corresponding to assumed-rank dummy argument 'a' must be assumed-shape or assumed-rank" }
end subroutine
! Check that a scalar gives an error.
subroutine s3 (x)
use m
implicit none
type(*) :: x
call g (x, 1) ! { dg-error "Assumed.type" }
end subroutine
! Explicit-shape assumed-type actual arguments are forbidden implicitly
! by c407a (C709 in the 2018 standard). They're not allowed as dummy
! arguments, and assumed-type entities can only be declared as dummy
! arguments, so there is no other way to construct one to pass as an
! actual argument.