blob: 356097af2411ba607d4b4404d2d90070fa00c7e9 [file] [log] [blame]
! PR 92482
! { dg-do execute}
! TS 29113
! 8.7 Interoperability of procedures and procedure interfaces
! If a dummy argument in an interoperable interface is of type
! CHARACTER and is allocatable or a pointer, its character length shall
! be deferred.
program testit
use iso_c_binding
character (kind=C_CHAR, len=:), allocatable :: aa
character (kind=C_CHAR, len=:), pointer :: pp
pp => NULL ()
call frobf (aa, pp)
if (.not. allocated (aa)) stop 101
if (aa .ne. 'foo') stop 102
if (.not. associated (pp)) stop 103
if (pp .ne. 'bar') stop 104
pp => NULL ()
call frobc (aa, pp)
if (.not. allocated (aa)) stop 101
if (aa .ne. 'frog') stop 102
if (.not. associated (pp)) stop 103
if (pp .ne. 'toad') stop 104
subroutine frobf (a, p)
use iso_c_binding
character (kind=C_CHAR, len=:), allocatable :: a
character (kind=C_CHAR, len=:), pointer :: p
allocate (character(len=3) :: p)
a = 'foo'
p = 'bar'
end subroutine
subroutine frobc (a, p) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
character (kind=C_CHAR, len=:), allocatable :: a
character (kind=C_CHAR, len=:), pointer :: p
allocate (character(len=4) :: p)
a = 'frog'
p = 'toad'
end subroutine
end program