blob: a7eda825758f36077c739c181357be85fab3cdfe [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! TS 29113
! 6.2 Explicit interface
! Additionally to the rules of subclause of ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010,
! a procedure shall have an explicit interface if it has a dummy argument
! that is assumed-rank.
! NOTE 6.1
! An explicit interface is also required for a procedure if it has a
! dummy argument that is assumed-type because an assumed-type dummy
! argument is polymorphic.
! This file contains code that is expected to produce errors.
module m1
subroutine s1 (a)
integer :: a(..)
end subroutine
subroutine s2 (b)
type(*) :: b
end subroutine
end interface
end module
module m2
! This subroutine has an explicit interface, and so do the things
! it calls.
subroutine good (a, b)
use m1
integer :: a(..)
type (*) :: b
call s1 (a)
call s2 (b)
end subroutine
! This subroutine has an explicit interface, but the things it calls don't.
subroutine bad (a, b)
use m1
integer :: a(..)
type (*) :: b
external :: s3, s4
call s3 (a) ! { dg-error "Assumed-rank argument" }
call s4 (b) ! { dg-error "Assumed-type argument" }
end subroutine
end module