blob: fd15d0687f1fea1fc8e720e728059edfcc56fe76 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! This program checks that passing allocatable and pointer arrays to
! and from Fortran functions with C binding works.
module mm
use iso_c_binding
type, bind (c) :: m
integer(C_INT) :: i, j
end type
end module
program testit
use iso_c_binding
use mm
implicit none
type(m), allocatable :: a(:)
type(m), target :: t(3,10)
type(m), pointer :: p(:,:)
p => NULL()
call testc (a, t, p)
call testf (a, t, p)
! C binding version
subroutine checkc (a, t, p, initp) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), allocatable :: a(:)
type(m), target :: t(3,10)
type(m), pointer :: p(:,:)
logical, value :: initp
integer :: i, j
if (rank (a) .ne. 1) stop 101
if (rank (t) .ne. 2) stop 102
if (rank (p) .ne. 2) stop 103
if (initp) then
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 104
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 105
if (.not. associated (p, t)) stop 106
if (size (a, 1) .ne. 5) stop 107
if (size (p, 1) .ne. 3) stop 108
if (size (p, 2) .ne. 10) stop 109
if (allocated (a)) stop 121
if (associated (p)) stop 122
end if
end subroutine
! Fortran binding version
subroutine checkf (a, t, p, initp)
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), allocatable :: a(:)
type(m), target :: t(3,10)
type(m), pointer :: p(:,:)
logical, value :: initp
integer :: i, j
if (rank (a) .ne. 1) stop 201
if (rank (t) .ne. 2) stop 202
if (rank (p) .ne. 2) stop 203
if (initp) then
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 204
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 205
if (.not. associated (p, t)) stop 206
if (size (a, 1) .ne. 5) stop 207
if (size (p, 1) .ne. 3) stop 208
if (size (p, 2) .ne. 10) stop 209
if (allocated (a)) stop 221
if (associated (p)) stop 222
end if
end subroutine
! C binding version
subroutine allocatec (a, t, p) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), allocatable :: a(:)
type(m), target :: t(3,10)
type(m), pointer :: p(:,:)
allocate (a(10:20))
p => t
end subroutine
! Fortran binding version
subroutine allocatef (a, t, p) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), allocatable :: a(:)
type(m), target :: t(3,10)
type(m), pointer :: p(:,:)
allocate (a(5:15))
p => t
end subroutine
! C binding version
subroutine testc (a, t, p) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), allocatable :: a(:)
type(m), target :: t(3,10)
type(m), pointer :: p(:,:)
! Call both the C and Fortran binding check functions
call checkc (a, t, p, .false.)
call checkf (a, t, p, .false.)
! Allocate/associate and check again.
allocate (a(5))
p => t
call checkc (a, t, p, .true.)
call checkf (a, t, p, .true.)
! Reset and check a third time.
deallocate (a)
p => NULL ()
call checkc (a, t, p, .false.)
call checkf (a, t, p, .false.)
! Allocate/associate inside a function with Fortran binding.
call allocatef (a, t, p)
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 301
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 302
if (lbound (a, 1) .ne. 5) stop 303
if (ubound (a, 1) .ne. 15) stop 304
deallocate (a)
p => NULL ()
! Allocate/associate inside a function with C binding.
call allocatec (a, t, p)
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 311
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 312
if (lbound (a, 1) .ne. 10) stop 313
if (ubound (a, 1) .ne. 20) stop 314
deallocate (a)
p => NULL ()
end subroutine
! Fortran binding version
subroutine testf (a, t, p)
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), allocatable :: a(:)
type(m), target :: t(3,10)
type(m), pointer :: p(:,:)
! Call both the C and Fortran binding check functions
call checkc (a, t, p, .false.)
call checkf (a, t, p, .false.)
! Allocate/associate and check again.
allocate (a(5))
p => t
call checkc (a, t, p, .true.)
call checkf (a, t, p, .true.)
! Reset and check a third time.
deallocate (a)
p => NULL ()
call checkc (a, t, p, .false.)
call checkf (a, t, p, .false.)
! Allocate/associate inside a function with Fortran binding.
call allocatef (a, t, p)
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 401
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 402
if (lbound (a, 1) .ne. 5) stop 403
if (ubound (a, 1) .ne. 15) stop 404
deallocate (a)
p => NULL ()
! Allocate/associate inside a function with C binding.
call allocatec (a, t, p)
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 411
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 412
if (lbound (a, 1) .ne. 10) stop 413
if (ubound (a, 1) .ne. 20) stop 414
deallocate (a)
p => NULL ()
end subroutine
end program