blob: 622ab97b0f39380e6a7d4dfcd12f330ec90b522d [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-require-effective-target stdint_types }
! { dg-additional-sources c_kinds.c }
! { dg-options "-w -std=c99" }
! the -w option is needed to make f951 not report a warning for
! the -std=c99 option that the C file needs.
module c_kind_params
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
subroutine param_test(my_short, my_int, my_long, my_long_long, &
my_int8_t, my_int_least8_t, my_int_fast8_t, &
my_int16_t, my_int_least16_t, my_int_fast16_t, &
my_int32_t, my_int_least32_t, my_int_fast32_t, &
my_int64_t, my_int_least64_t, my_int_fast64_t, &
my_intmax_t, my_intptr_t, my_float, my_double, my_long_double, &
my_char, my_bool) bind(c)
integer(c_short), value :: my_short
integer(c_int), value :: my_int
integer(c_long), value :: my_long
integer(c_long_long), value :: my_long_long
integer(c_int8_t), value :: my_int8_t
integer(c_int_least8_t), value :: my_int_least8_t
integer(c_int_fast8_t), value :: my_int_fast8_t
integer(c_int16_t), value :: my_int16_t
integer(c_int_least16_t), value :: my_int_least16_t
integer(c_int_fast16_t), value :: my_int_fast16_t
integer(c_int32_t), value :: my_int32_t
integer(c_int_least32_t), value :: my_int_least32_t
integer(c_int_fast32_t), value :: my_int_fast32_t
integer(c_int64_t), value :: my_int64_t
integer(c_int_least64_t), value :: my_int_least64_t
integer(c_int_fast64_t), value :: my_int_fast64_t
integer(c_intmax_t), value :: my_intmax_t
integer(c_intptr_t), value :: my_intptr_t
real(c_float), value :: my_float
real(c_double), value :: my_double
real(c_long_double), value :: my_long_double
character(c_char), value :: my_char
logical(c_bool), value :: my_bool
if(my_short /= 1_c_short) STOP 1
if(my_int /= 2_c_int) STOP 2
if(my_long /= 3_c_long) STOP 3
if(my_long_long /= 4_c_long_long) STOP 4
if(my_int8_t /= 1_c_int8_t) STOP 5
if(my_int_least8_t /= 2_c_int_least8_t ) STOP 6
if(my_int_fast8_t /= 3_c_int_fast8_t ) STOP 7
if(my_int16_t /= 1_c_int16_t) STOP 8
if(my_int_least16_t /= 2_c_int_least16_t) STOP 9
if(my_int_fast16_t /= 3_c_int_fast16_t ) STOP 10
if(my_int32_t /= 1_c_int32_t) STOP 11
if(my_int_least32_t /= 2_c_int_least32_t) STOP 12
if(my_int_fast32_t /= 3_c_int_fast32_t ) STOP 13
if(my_int64_t /= 1_c_int64_t) STOP 14
if(my_int_least64_t /= 2_c_int_least64_t) STOP 15
if(my_int_fast64_t /= 3_c_int_fast64_t ) STOP 16
if(my_intmax_t /= 1_c_intmax_t) STOP 17
if(my_intptr_t /= 0_c_intptr_t) STOP 18
if(my_float /= 1.0_c_float) STOP 19
if(my_double /= 2.0_c_double) STOP 20
if(my_long_double /= 3.0_c_long_double) STOP 21
if(my_char /= c_char_'y') STOP 22
if(my_bool .neqv. .true._c_bool) STOP 23
end subroutine param_test
end module c_kind_params