blob: 11efb4af0ffb9b388f34f518439019680d64bdd7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* test access in methods, auto-generated getter/setter based on property name. */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-xfail-run-if "Needs OBJC2 ABI" { *-*-darwin* && { lp64 && { ! objc2 } } } { "-fnext-runtime" } { "" } } */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern int printf (const char *fmt,...);
extern void abort (void);
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
@interface Bar
Class isa;
int FooBar;
+ (id) initialize;
+ (id) alloc ;
- (id) init;
- (int) lookAtProperty;
- (void) setProperty: (int) v;
@property int FooBar;
@implementation Bar
+initialize { return self;}
+ (id) alloc { return class_createInstance(self, 0);}
- (id) init {return self;}
@synthesize FooBar;
- (int) lookAtProperty { return FooBar; }
- (void) setProperty: (int) v { FooBar = v; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int res;
Bar *f = [[Bar alloc] init];
/* First, establish that the property getter & setter have been synthesized
and operate correctly. */
[f setProperty:11];
if (f.FooBar != 11)
{ printf ("setProperty did not set FooBar\n"); abort ();}
res = [f lookAtProperty];
if (res != 11 )
{ printf ("[f lookAtProperty] = %d\n", res); abort ();}
/* Make sure we haven't messed up the shortcut form. */
/* read ... */
res = f.FooBar;
if (res != 11 )
{ printf ("f.FooBar = %d\n", res); abort ();}
/* ... write. */
f.FooBar = 0;
/* printf ("seems OK\n", res); */
return f.FooBar;