| #include <limits.h> |
| #include <stdarg.h> |
| #include <stdbool.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| #include "compat-common.h" |
| |
| #ifndef SKIP_ATTRIBUTE |
| # include "vector-defs.h" |
| #else |
| typedef int qi; |
| typedef int hi; |
| typedef int si; |
| typedef int di; |
| typedef float sf; |
| typedef float df; |
| typedef int v8qi; |
| typedef int v16qi; |
| typedef int v2hi; |
| typedef int v4hi; |
| typedef int v8hi; |
| typedef int v2si; |
| typedef int v4si; |
| typedef int v1di; |
| typedef int v2di; |
| typedef int v2sf; |
| typedef int v4sf; |
| typedef int v16sf; |
| typedef int v2df; |
| typedef int u8qi; |
| typedef int u16qi; |
| typedef int u2hi; |
| typedef int u4hi; |
| typedef int u8hi; |
| typedef int u2si; |
| typedef int u4si; |
| typedef int u1di; |
| typedef int u2di; |
| typedef int u2sf; |
| typedef int u4sf; |
| typedef int u16sf; |
| typedef int u2df; |
| #endif |
| #if (defined __i386__ || defined __x86_64__) && !defined SKIP_ATTRIBUTE |
| # ifdef __MMX__ |
| # include <mmintrin.h> |
| # else |
| typedef int __m64; |
| # endif |
| # ifdef __SSE__ |
| # include <xmmintrin.h> |
| # else |
| typedef int __m128; |
| # endif |
| #else |
| typedef int __m64; |
| typedef int __m128; |
| #endif |
| |
| #define FLDS_MAX 32 |
| extern struct Info |
| { |
| int nfields, nbitfields; |
| void *sp, *a0p, *a3p; |
| void *flds[FLDS_MAX]; |
| size_t sz, sizes[FLDS_MAX]; |
| size_t als, ala0, ala3, aligns[FLDS_MAX]; |
| } info; |
| |
| extern int intarray[256]; |
| extern int fn0 (void), fn1 (void), fn2 (void), fn3 (void), fn4 (void); |
| extern int fn5 (void), fn6 (void), fn7 (void), fn8 (void), fn9 (void); |
| |
| #ifdef DBG |
| #define FAIL(n, m) printf ("fail %d.%d\n", n, m), ++fails |
| #else |
| #define FAIL(n, m) ++fails |
| #endif |
| |
| # define __attribute__(x) |
| #endif |
| #define atal __attribute__((aligned)) |
| #define atpa __attribute__((packed)) |
| #define atalpa __attribute__((aligned, packed)) |
| #define atpaal __attribute__((packed, aligned)) |
| #define atal1 __attribute__((aligned (1))) |
| #define atal2 __attribute__((aligned (2))) |
| #define atal4 __attribute__((aligned (4))) |
| #define atal8 __attribute__((aligned (8))) |
| #define atal16 __attribute__((aligned (16))) |
| #define atal1pa __attribute__((aligned (1), packed)) |
| #define atal2pa __attribute__((aligned (2), packed)) |
| #define atal4pa __attribute__((aligned (4), packed)) |
| #define atal8pa __attribute__((aligned (8), packed)) |
| #define atal16pa __attribute__((aligned (16), packed)) |
| #define atpaal1 __attribute__((packed, aligned (1))) |
| #define atpaal2 __attribute__((packed, aligned (2))) |
| #define atpaal4 __attribute__((packed, aligned (4))) |
| #define atpaal8 __attribute__((packed, aligned (8))) |
| #define atpaal16 __attribute__((packed, aligned (16))) |
| |
| #if UCHAR_MAX == 255 && USHORT_MAX == 65535 && UINT_MAX == 4294967295U \ |
| && ULLONG_MAX == 18446744073709551615ULL |
| /* For ILP32 and LP64 targets, assume float is at least 32-bit |
| and double plus long double at least 64-bit. */ |
| # define atalx1 atal1 |
| # define atalx2 atal2 |
| # define atalx4 atal4 |
| # define atalx8 atal8 |
| # define atalx16 atal16 |
| # define atalx1pa atal1pa |
| # define atalx2pa atal2pa |
| # define atalx4pa atal4pa |
| # define atalx8pa atal8pa |
| # define atalx16pa atal16pa |
| # define atpaalx1 atpaal1 |
| # define atpaalx2 atpaal2 |
| # define atpaalx4 atpaal4 |
| # define atpaalx8 atpaal8 |
| # define atpaalx16 atpaal16 |
| # if ULONG_MAX > 4294967295UL |
| # define ataly8 atal8 |
| # define ataly8pa atal8pa |
| # define atpaaly8 atpaal8 |
| # define ataly16 atal16 |
| # define ataly16pa atal16pa |
| # define atpaaly16 atpaal16 |
| # else |
| # define ataly8 |
| # define ataly8pa |
| # define atpaaly8 |
| # define ataly16 |
| # define ataly16pa |
| # define atpaaly16 |
| # endif |
| #else |
| # define atalx1 |
| # define atalx2 |
| # define atalx4 |
| # define atalx8 |
| # define atalx16 |
| # define atalx1pa |
| # define atalx2pa |
| # define atalx4pa |
| # define atalx8pa |
| # define atalx16pa |
| # define atpaalx1 |
| # define atpaalx2 |
| # define atpaalx4 |
| # define atpaalx8 |
| # define atpaalx16 |
| # define ataly8 |
| # define ataly8pa |
| # define atpaaly8 |
| # define ataly16 |
| # define ataly16pa |
| # define atpaaly16 |
| #endif |
| |
| #define atQI __attribute__((mode (QI))) |
| #define atHI __attribute__((mode (HI))) |
| #define atSI __attribute__((mode (SI))) |
| #define atDI __attribute__((mode (DI))) |
| |
| enum E0 { e0_0 }; |
| enum E1 { e1_0, e1_1 }; |
| enum E2 { e2_m3 = -3, e2_m2, e2_m1, e2_0, e2_1, e2_2, e2_3 }; |
| enum E3 { e3_m127 = -127, e3_m126, e3_m125, e3_0 = 0, e3_125 = 125, e3_126, e3_127 }; |
| enum E4 { e4_0, e4_1, e4_2, e4_3, e4_253 = 253, e4_254, e4_255 }; |
| enum E5 { e5_m32767 = -32767, e5_m32766, e5_m32765, e5_0 = 0, e5_32765 = 32765, e5_32766, e5_32767 }; |
| enum E6 { e6_0, e6_1, e6_2, e6_3, e6_65533 = 65533, e6_65534, e6_65535 }; |
| enum E7 { e7_m2147483647 = -2147483647, e7_m2147483646, e7_m2147483645, |
| e7_0, e7_2147483645 = 2147483645, e7_2147483646, e7_2147483647 }; |
| enum E8 { e8_0, e8_1, e8_2, e8_3, e8_4294967293 = 4294967293U, e8_4294967294, e8_4294967295 }; |
| enum E9 { e9_m1099511627775 = -1099511627775LL, e9_m1099511627774, e9_m1099511627773, |
| e9_0, e9_1099511627773 = 1099511627773LL, e9_1099511627774, e9_1099511627775 }; |
| |
| typedef char Tchar; |
| typedef signed char Tschar; |
| typedef unsigned char Tuchar; |
| typedef short int Tshort; |
| typedef unsigned short int Tushort; |
| typedef int Tint; |
| typedef unsigned int Tuint; |
| typedef long int Tlong; |
| typedef unsigned long int Tulong; |
| typedef long long int Tllong; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Tullong; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Tcchar; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Tcschar; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Tcuchar; |
| typedef _Complex short int Tcshort; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Tcushort; |
| typedef _Complex int Tcint; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Tcuint; |
| typedef _Complex long int Tclong; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Tculong; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Tcllong; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Tcullong; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Tfloat; |
| typedef double Tdouble; |
| typedef long double Tldouble; |
| typedef _Complex float Tcfloat; |
| typedef _Complex double Tcdouble; |
| typedef _Complex long double Tcldouble; |
| typedef bool Tbool; |
| typedef enum E0 TE0; |
| typedef enum E1 TE1; |
| typedef enum E2 TE2; |
| typedef enum E3 TE3; |
| typedef enum E4 TE4; |
| typedef enum E5 TE5; |
| typedef enum E6 TE6; |
| typedef enum E7 TE7; |
| typedef enum E8 TE8; |
| typedef enum E9 TE9; |
| typedef void *Tptr; |
| typedef char *Tcptr; |
| typedef int *Tiptr; |
| typedef char Talchar atal; |
| typedef signed char Talschar atal; |
| typedef unsigned char Taluchar atal; |
| typedef short int Talshort atal; |
| typedef unsigned short int Talushort atal; |
| typedef int Talint atal; |
| typedef unsigned int Taluint atal; |
| typedef long int Tallong atal; |
| typedef unsigned long int Talulong atal; |
| typedef long long int Talllong atal; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Talullong atal; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Talcchar atal; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Talcschar atal; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Talcuchar atal; |
| typedef _Complex short int Talcshort atal; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Talcushort atal; |
| typedef _Complex int Talcint atal; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Talcuint atal; |
| typedef _Complex long int Talclong atal; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Talculong atal; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Talcllong atal; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Talcullong atal; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Talfloat atal; |
| typedef double Taldouble atal; |
| typedef long double Talldouble atal; |
| typedef _Complex float Talcfloat atal; |
| typedef _Complex double Talcdouble atal; |
| typedef _Complex long double Talcldouble atal; |
| typedef bool Talbool atal; |
| typedef enum E0 TalE0 atal; |
| typedef enum E1 TalE1 atal; |
| typedef enum E2 TalE2 atal; |
| typedef enum E3 TalE3 atal; |
| typedef enum E4 TalE4 atal; |
| typedef enum E5 TalE5 atal; |
| typedef enum E6 TalE6 atal; |
| typedef enum E7 TalE7 atal; |
| typedef enum E8 TalE8 atal; |
| typedef enum E9 TalE9 atal; |
| typedef void *Talptr atal; |
| typedef char *Talcptr atal; |
| typedef int *Taliptr atal; |
| typedef char Tal1char atal1; |
| typedef signed char Tal1schar atal1; |
| typedef unsigned char Tal1uchar atal1; |
| typedef short int Tal1short atal1; |
| typedef unsigned short int Tal1ushort atal1; |
| typedef int Tal1int atal1; |
| typedef unsigned int Tal1uint atal1; |
| typedef long int Tal1long atal1; |
| typedef unsigned long int Tal1ulong atal1; |
| typedef long long int Tal1llong atal1; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Tal1ullong atal1; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Tal1cchar atal1; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Tal1cschar atal1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Tal1cuchar atal1; |
| typedef _Complex short int Tal1cshort atal1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Tal1cushort atal1; |
| typedef _Complex int Tal1cint atal1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Tal1cuint atal1; |
| typedef _Complex long int Tal1clong atal1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Tal1culong atal1; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Tal1cllong atal1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Tal1cullong atal1; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Tal1float atal1; |
| typedef double Tal1double atal1; |
| typedef long double Tal1ldouble atal1; |
| typedef _Complex float Tal1cfloat atal1; |
| typedef _Complex double Tal1cdouble atal1; |
| typedef _Complex long double Tal1cldouble atal1; |
| typedef bool Tal1bool atal1; |
| typedef enum E0 Tal1E0 atal1; |
| typedef enum E1 Tal1E1 atal1; |
| typedef enum E2 Tal1E2 atal1; |
| typedef enum E3 Tal1E3 atal1; |
| typedef enum E4 Tal1E4 atal1; |
| typedef enum E5 Tal1E5 atal1; |
| typedef enum E6 Tal1E6 atal1; |
| typedef enum E7 Tal1E7 atal1; |
| typedef enum E8 Tal1E8 atal1; |
| typedef enum E9 Tal1E9 atal1; |
| typedef void *Tal1ptr atal1; |
| typedef char *Tal1cptr atal1; |
| typedef int *Tal1iptr atal1; |
| typedef char Tal2char atal2; |
| typedef signed char Tal2schar atal2; |
| typedef unsigned char Tal2uchar atal2; |
| typedef short int Tal2short atal2; |
| typedef unsigned short int Tal2ushort atal2; |
| typedef int Tal2int atal2; |
| typedef unsigned int Tal2uint atal2; |
| typedef long int Tal2long atal2; |
| typedef unsigned long int Tal2ulong atal2; |
| typedef long long int Tal2llong atal2; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Tal2ullong atal2; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Tal2cchar atal2; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Tal2cschar atal2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Tal2cuchar atal2; |
| typedef _Complex short int Tal2cshort atal2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Tal2cushort atal2; |
| typedef _Complex int Tal2cint atal2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Tal2cuint atal2; |
| typedef _Complex long int Tal2clong atal2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Tal2culong atal2; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Tal2cllong atal2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Tal2cullong atal2; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Tal2float atal2; |
| typedef double Tal2double atal2; |
| typedef long double Tal2ldouble atal2; |
| typedef _Complex float Tal2cfloat atal2; |
| typedef _Complex double Tal2cdouble atal2; |
| typedef _Complex long double Tal2cldouble atal2; |
| typedef bool Tal2bool atal2; |
| typedef enum E0 Tal2E0 atal2; |
| typedef enum E1 Tal2E1 atal2; |
| typedef enum E2 Tal2E2 atal2; |
| typedef enum E3 Tal2E3 atal2; |
| typedef enum E4 Tal2E4 atal2; |
| typedef enum E5 Tal2E5 atal2; |
| typedef enum E6 Tal2E6 atal2; |
| typedef enum E7 Tal2E7 atal2; |
| typedef enum E8 Tal2E8 atal2; |
| typedef enum E9 Tal2E9 atal2; |
| typedef void *Tal2ptr atal2; |
| typedef char *Tal2cptr atal2; |
| typedef int *Tal2iptr atal2; |
| typedef char Tal4char atal4; |
| typedef signed char Tal4schar atal4; |
| typedef unsigned char Tal4uchar atal4; |
| typedef short int Tal4short atal4; |
| typedef unsigned short int Tal4ushort atal4; |
| typedef int Tal4int atal4; |
| typedef unsigned int Tal4uint atal4; |
| typedef long int Tal4long atal4; |
| typedef unsigned long int Tal4ulong atal4; |
| typedef long long int Tal4llong atal4; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Tal4ullong atal4; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Tal4cchar atal4; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Tal4cschar atal4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Tal4cuchar atal4; |
| typedef _Complex short int Tal4cshort atal4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Tal4cushort atal4; |
| typedef _Complex int Tal4cint atal4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Tal4cuint atal4; |
| typedef _Complex long int Tal4clong atal4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Tal4culong atal4; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Tal4cllong atal4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Tal4cullong atal4; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Tal4float atal4; |
| typedef double Tal4double atal4; |
| typedef long double Tal4ldouble atal4; |
| typedef _Complex float Tal4cfloat atal4; |
| typedef _Complex double Tal4cdouble atal4; |
| typedef _Complex long double Tal4cldouble atal4; |
| typedef bool Tal4bool atal4; |
| typedef enum E0 Tal4E0 atal4; |
| typedef enum E1 Tal4E1 atal4; |
| typedef enum E2 Tal4E2 atal4; |
| typedef enum E3 Tal4E3 atal4; |
| typedef enum E4 Tal4E4 atal4; |
| typedef enum E5 Tal4E5 atal4; |
| typedef enum E6 Tal4E6 atal4; |
| typedef enum E7 Tal4E7 atal4; |
| typedef enum E8 Tal4E8 atal4; |
| typedef enum E9 Tal4E9 atal4; |
| typedef void *Tal4ptr atal4; |
| typedef char *Tal4cptr atal4; |
| typedef int *Tal4iptr atal4; |
| typedef char Tal8char atal8; |
| typedef signed char Tal8schar atal8; |
| typedef unsigned char Tal8uchar atal8; |
| typedef short int Tal8short atal8; |
| typedef unsigned short int Tal8ushort atal8; |
| typedef int Tal8int atal8; |
| typedef unsigned int Tal8uint atal8; |
| typedef long int Tal8long atal8; |
| typedef unsigned long int Tal8ulong atal8; |
| typedef long long int Tal8llong atal8; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Tal8ullong atal8; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Tal8cchar atal8; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Tal8cschar atal8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Tal8cuchar atal8; |
| typedef _Complex short int Tal8cshort atal8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Tal8cushort atal8; |
| typedef _Complex int Tal8cint atal8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Tal8cuint atal8; |
| typedef _Complex long int Tal8clong atal8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Tal8culong atal8; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Tal8cllong atal8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Tal8cullong atal8; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Tal8float atal8; |
| typedef double Tal8double atal8; |
| typedef long double Tal8ldouble atal8; |
| typedef _Complex float Tal8cfloat atal8; |
| typedef _Complex double Tal8cdouble atal8; |
| typedef _Complex long double Tal8cldouble atal8; |
| typedef bool Tal8bool atal8; |
| typedef enum E0 Tal8E0 atal8; |
| typedef enum E1 Tal8E1 atal8; |
| typedef enum E2 Tal8E2 atal8; |
| typedef enum E3 Tal8E3 atal8; |
| typedef enum E4 Tal8E4 atal8; |
| typedef enum E5 Tal8E5 atal8; |
| typedef enum E6 Tal8E6 atal8; |
| typedef enum E7 Tal8E7 atal8; |
| typedef enum E8 Tal8E8 atal8; |
| typedef enum E9 Tal8E9 atal8; |
| typedef void *Tal8ptr atal8; |
| typedef char *Tal8cptr atal8; |
| typedef int *Tal8iptr atal8; |
| typedef char Tal16char atal16; |
| typedef signed char Tal16schar atal16; |
| typedef unsigned char Tal16uchar atal16; |
| typedef short int Tal16short atal16; |
| typedef unsigned short int Tal16ushort atal16; |
| typedef int Tal16int atal16; |
| typedef unsigned int Tal16uint atal16; |
| typedef long int Tal16long atal16; |
| typedef unsigned long int Tal16ulong atal16; |
| typedef long long int Tal16llong atal16; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Tal16ullong atal16; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Tal16cchar atal16; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Tal16cschar atal16; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Tal16cuchar atal16; |
| typedef _Complex short int Tal16cshort atal16; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Tal16cushort atal16; |
| typedef _Complex int Tal16cint atal16; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Tal16cuint atal16; |
| typedef _Complex long int Tal16clong atal16; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Tal16culong atal16; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Tal16cllong atal16; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Tal16cullong atal16; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Tal16float atal16; |
| typedef double Tal16double atal16; |
| typedef long double Tal16ldouble atal16; |
| typedef _Complex float Tal16cfloat atal16; |
| typedef _Complex double Tal16cdouble atal16; |
| typedef _Complex long double Tal16cldouble atal16; |
| typedef bool Tal16bool atal16; |
| typedef enum E0 Tal16E0 atal16; |
| typedef enum E1 Tal16E1 atal16; |
| typedef enum E2 Tal16E2 atal16; |
| typedef enum E3 Tal16E3 atal16; |
| typedef enum E4 Tal16E4 atal16; |
| typedef enum E5 Tal16E5 atal16; |
| typedef enum E6 Tal16E6 atal16; |
| typedef enum E7 Tal16E7 atal16; |
| typedef enum E8 Tal16E8 atal16; |
| typedef enum E9 Tal16E9 atal16; |
| typedef void *Tal16ptr atal16; |
| typedef char *Tal16cptr atal16; |
| typedef int *Tal16iptr atal16; |
| typedef char Talx1char atalx1; |
| typedef signed char Talx1schar atalx1; |
| typedef unsigned char Talx1uchar atalx1; |
| typedef short int Talx1short atalx1; |
| typedef unsigned short int Talx1ushort atalx1; |
| typedef int Talx1int atalx1; |
| typedef unsigned int Talx1uint atalx1; |
| typedef long int Talx1long atalx1; |
| typedef unsigned long int Talx1ulong atalx1; |
| typedef long long int Talx1llong atalx1; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Talx1ullong atalx1; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Talx1cchar atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Talx1cschar atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Talx1cuchar atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex short int Talx1cshort atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Talx1cushort atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex int Talx1cint atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Talx1cuint atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex long int Talx1clong atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Talx1culong atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Talx1cllong atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Talx1cullong atalx1; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Talx1float atalx1; |
| typedef double Talx1double atalx1; |
| typedef long double Talx1ldouble atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex float Talx1cfloat atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex double Talx1cdouble atalx1; |
| typedef _Complex long double Talx1cldouble atalx1; |
| typedef bool Talx1bool atalx1; |
| typedef enum E0 Talx1E0 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E1 Talx1E1 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E2 Talx1E2 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E3 Talx1E3 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E4 Talx1E4 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E5 Talx1E5 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E6 Talx1E6 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E7 Talx1E7 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E8 Talx1E8 atalx1; |
| typedef enum E9 Talx1E9 atalx1; |
| typedef void *Talx1ptr atalx1; |
| typedef char *Talx1cptr atalx1; |
| typedef int *Talx1iptr atalx1; |
| typedef short int Talx2short atalx2; |
| typedef unsigned short int Talx2ushort atalx2; |
| typedef int Talx2int atalx2; |
| typedef unsigned int Talx2uint atalx2; |
| typedef long int Talx2long atalx2; |
| typedef unsigned long int Talx2ulong atalx2; |
| typedef long long int Talx2llong atalx2; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Talx2ullong atalx2; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex char Talx2cchar atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex signed char Talx2cschar atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned char Talx2cuchar atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex short int Talx2cshort atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Talx2cushort atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex int Talx2cint atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Talx2cuint atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex long int Talx2clong atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Talx2culong atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Talx2cllong atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Talx2cullong atalx2; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Talx2float atalx2; |
| typedef double Talx2double atalx2; |
| typedef long double Talx2ldouble atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex float Talx2cfloat atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex double Talx2cdouble atalx2; |
| typedef _Complex long double Talx2cldouble atalx2; |
| typedef enum E0 Talx2E0 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E1 Talx2E1 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E2 Talx2E2 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E3 Talx2E3 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E4 Talx2E4 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E5 Talx2E5 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E6 Talx2E6 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E7 Talx2E7 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E8 Talx2E8 atalx2; |
| typedef enum E9 Talx2E9 atalx2; |
| typedef void *Talx2ptr atalx2; |
| typedef char *Talx2cptr atalx2; |
| typedef int *Talx2iptr atalx2; |
| typedef int Talx4int atalx4; |
| typedef unsigned int Talx4uint atalx4; |
| typedef long int Talx4long atalx4; |
| typedef unsigned long int Talx4ulong atalx4; |
| typedef long long int Talx4llong atalx4; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Talx4ullong atalx4; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex short int Talx4cshort atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned short int Talx4cushort atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex int Talx4cint atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Talx4cuint atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex long int Talx4clong atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Talx4culong atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Talx4cllong atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Talx4cullong atalx4; |
| #endif |
| typedef float Talx4float atalx4; |
| typedef double Talx4double atalx4; |
| typedef long double Talx4ldouble atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex float Talx4cfloat atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex double Talx4cdouble atalx4; |
| typedef _Complex long double Talx4cldouble atalx4; |
| typedef enum E0 Talx4E0 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E1 Talx4E1 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E2 Talx4E2 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E3 Talx4E3 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E4 Talx4E4 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E5 Talx4E5 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E6 Talx4E6 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E7 Talx4E7 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E8 Talx4E8 atalx4; |
| typedef enum E9 Talx4E9 atalx4; |
| typedef void *Talx4ptr atalx4; |
| typedef char *Talx4cptr atalx4; |
| typedef int *Talx4iptr atalx4; |
| typedef long int Taly8long ataly8; |
| typedef unsigned long int Taly8ulong ataly8; |
| typedef long long int Talx8llong atalx8; |
| typedef unsigned long long int Talx8ullong atalx8; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex int Talx8cint atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned int Talx8cuint atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex long int Talx8clong atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Talx8culong atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Talx8cllong atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Talx8cullong atalx8; |
| #endif |
| typedef double Talx8double atalx8; |
| typedef long double Talx8ldouble atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex float Talx8cfloat atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex double Talx8cdouble atalx8; |
| typedef _Complex long double Talx8cldouble atalx8; |
| typedef void *Taly8ptr ataly8; |
| typedef char *Taly8cptr ataly8; |
| typedef int *Taly8iptr ataly8; |
| #ifndef SKIP_COMPLEX_INT |
| typedef _Complex long int Taly16clong ataly16; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long int Taly16culong ataly16; |
| typedef _Complex long long int Talx16cllong atalx16; |
| typedef _Complex unsigned long long int Talx16cullong atalx16; |
| #endif |
| typedef _Complex double Talx16cdouble atalx16; |
| typedef _Complex long double Talx16cldouble atalx16; |
| typedef int (*Tfnptr) (void); |
| |
| /* Bitfield macros. In C, it is invalid to use numbers larger |
| than type's bitsize, but we don't know the size when generating |
| the testcases. */ |
| #define BN8(n) ((((n) - 1) & 7) + 1) |
| #define BN16(n) ((((n) - 1) & 15) + 1) |
| #define BN32(n) ((((n) - 1) & 31) + 1) |
| #define BN64(n) ((((n) - 1) & 63) + 1) |
| #define BCN(n) BN8 (n) |
| #if USHRT_MAX == 255 |
| # define BSN(n) BN8 (n) |
| #elif USHRT_MAX == 65535 |
| # define BSN(n) BN16 (n) |
| #elif USHRT_MAX == 4294967295U |
| # define BSN(n) BN32 (n) |
| #elif USHRT_MAX == 18446744073709551615ULL |
| # define BSN(n) BN64 (n) |
| #endif |
| #if UINT_MAX == 255 |
| # define BIN(n) BN8 (n) |
| #elif UINT_MAX == 65535 |
| # define BIN(n) BN16 (n) |
| #elif UINT_MAX == 4294967295U |
| # define BIN(n) BN32 (n) |
| #elif UINT_MAX == 18446744073709551615ULL |
| # define BIN(n) BN64 (n) |
| #endif |
| #if ULONG_MAX == 255 |
| # define BLN(n) BN8 (n) |
| #elif ULONG_MAX == 65535 |
| # define BLN(n) BN16 (n) |
| #elif ULONG_MAX == 4294967295U |
| # define BLN(n) BN32 (n) |
| #elif ULONG_MAX == 18446744073709551615ULL |
| # define BLN(n) BN64 (n) |
| #endif |
| #if ULONG_MAX == 255 |
| # define BLN(n) BN8 (n) |
| #elif ULONG_MAX == 65535 |
| # define BLN(n) BN16 (n) |
| #elif ULONG_MAX == 4294967295U |
| # define BLN(n) BN32 (n) |
| #elif ULONG_MAX == 18446744073709551615ULL |
| # define BLN(n) BN64 (n) |
| #endif |
| #if !defined ULLONG_MAX && defined __LONG_LONG_MAX__ |
| # define ULLONG_MAX (__LONG_LONG_MAX__ * 2ULL + 1ULL) |
| #endif |
| #if ULLONG_MAX == 255 |
| # define BQN(n) BN8 (n) |
| #elif ULLONG_MAX == 65535 |
| # define BQN(n) BN16 (n) |
| #elif ULLONG_MAX == 4294967295U |
| # define BQN(n) BN32 (n) |
| #elif ULLONG_MAX == 18446744073709551615ULL |
| # define BQN(n) BN64 (n) |
| #endif |
| |
| #define T(n, fields, ops) TX(n, struct, , fields, ({ ops });) |
| #define U(n, fields, ops) TX(n, union, , fields, ({ ops });) |
| #define TXCI(n, type, attrs, fields, ops) |
| #define TCI(n, fields, ops) |
| #define UCI(n, fields, ops) |
| #else |
| #define TXCI(n, type, attrs, fields, ops) TX(n, type, attrs, fields, ({ ops });) |
| #define TCI(n, fields, ops) TX(n, struct, , fields, ({ ops });) |
| #define UCI(n, fields, ops) TX(n, union, , fields, ({ ops });) |
| #endif |