| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- S Y S T E M . O S _ I N T E R F A C E -- |
| -- -- |
| -- S p e c -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 1991-1994, Florida State University -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 1995-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- -- |
| -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- |
| -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- |
| -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- |
| -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- |
| -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- |
| -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. It is -- |
| -- now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc. in cooperation with Florida -- |
| -- State University (http://www.gnat.com). -- |
| -- -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| -- This is the DragonFly BSD PTHREADS version of this package |
| |
| -- This package encapsulates all direct interfaces to OS services |
| -- that are needed by the tasking run-time (libgnarl). |
| |
| -- PLEASE DO NOT add any with-clauses to this package or remove the pragma |
| -- Preelaborate. This package is designed to be a bottom-level (leaf) package. |
| |
| with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; |
| |
| with Interfaces.C; |
| |
| with System.Parameters; |
| |
| package System.OS_Interface is |
| pragma Preelaborate; |
| |
| pragma Linker_Options ("-pthread"); |
| |
| subtype int is Interfaces.C.int; |
| subtype short is Interfaces.C.short; |
| subtype long is Interfaces.C.long; |
| subtype unsigned is Interfaces.C.unsigned; |
| subtype unsigned_short is Interfaces.C.unsigned_short; |
| subtype unsigned_long is Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; |
| subtype unsigned_char is Interfaces.C.unsigned_char; |
| subtype plain_char is Interfaces.C.plain_char; |
| subtype size_t is Interfaces.C.size_t; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Errno -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function Errno return int; |
| pragma Inline (Errno); |
| |
| EAGAIN : constant := 35; |
| EINTR : constant := 4; |
| EINVAL : constant := 22; |
| ENOMEM : constant := 12; |
| ETIMEDOUT : constant := 60; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Signals -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| Max_Interrupt : constant := 31; |
| type Signal is new int range 0 .. Max_Interrupt; |
| for Signal'Size use int'Size; |
| |
| SIGHUP : constant := 1; -- hangup |
| SIGINT : constant := 2; -- interrupt (rubout) |
| SIGQUIT : constant := 3; -- quit (ASCD FS) |
| SIGILL : constant := 4; -- illegal instruction (not reset) |
| SIGTRAP : constant := 5; -- trace trap (not reset) |
| SIGIOT : constant := 6; -- IOT instruction |
| SIGABRT : constant := 6; -- used by abort, replace SIGIOT in the future |
| SIGEMT : constant := 7; -- EMT instruction |
| SIGFPE : constant := 8; -- floating point exception |
| SIGKILL : constant := 9; -- kill (cannot be caught or ignored) |
| SIGBUS : constant := 10; -- bus error |
| SIGSEGV : constant := 11; -- segmentation violation |
| SIGSYS : constant := 12; -- bad argument to system call |
| SIGPIPE : constant := 13; -- write on a pipe with no one to read it |
| SIGALRM : constant := 14; -- alarm clock |
| SIGTERM : constant := 15; -- software termination signal from kill |
| SIGURG : constant := 16; -- urgent condition on IO channel |
| SIGSTOP : constant := 17; -- stop (cannot be caught or ignored) |
| SIGTSTP : constant := 18; -- user stop requested from tty |
| SIGCONT : constant := 19; -- stopped process has been continued |
| SIGCLD : constant := 20; -- alias for SIGCHLD |
| SIGCHLD : constant := 20; -- child status change |
| SIGTTIN : constant := 21; -- background tty read attempted |
| SIGTTOU : constant := 22; -- background tty write attempted |
| SIGIO : constant := 23; -- I/O possible (Solaris SIGPOLL alias) |
| SIGXCPU : constant := 24; -- CPU time limit exceeded |
| SIGXFSZ : constant := 25; -- filesize limit exceeded |
| SIGVTALRM : constant := 26; -- virtual timer expired |
| SIGPROF : constant := 27; -- profiling timer expired |
| SIGWINCH : constant := 28; -- window size change |
| SIGINFO : constant := 29; -- information request (BSD) |
| SIGUSR1 : constant := 30; -- user defined signal 1 |
| SIGUSR2 : constant := 31; -- user defined signal 2 |
| |
| SIGADAABORT : constant := SIGABRT; |
| -- Change this if you want to use another signal for task abort. |
| -- SIGTERM might be a good one. |
| |
| type Signal_Set is array (Natural range <>) of Signal; |
| |
| -- Interrupts that must be unmasked at all times. DragonFlyBSD |
| -- pthreads will not allow an application to mask out any |
| -- interrupt needed by the threads library. |
| Unmasked : constant Signal_Set := |
| |
| -- DragonFlyBSD will uses SIGPROF for timing. Do not allow a |
| -- handler to attach to this signal. |
| Reserved : constant Signal_Set := (0 .. 0 => SIGPROF); |
| |
| type sigset_t is private; |
| |
| function sigaddset |
| (set : access sigset_t; |
| sig : Signal) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigaddset, "sigaddset"); |
| |
| function sigdelset |
| (set : access sigset_t; |
| sig : Signal) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigdelset, "sigdelset"); |
| |
| function sigfillset (set : access sigset_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigfillset, "sigfillset"); |
| |
| function sigismember |
| (set : access sigset_t; |
| sig : Signal) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigismember, "sigismember"); |
| |
| function sigemptyset (set : access sigset_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigemptyset, "sigemptyset"); |
| |
| -- sigcontext is architecture dependent, so define it private |
| type struct_sigcontext is private; |
| |
| type old_struct_sigaction is record |
| sa_handler : System.Address; |
| sa_mask : sigset_t; |
| sa_flags : int; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, old_struct_sigaction); |
| |
| type new_struct_sigaction is record |
| sa_handler : System.Address; |
| sa_flags : int; |
| sa_mask : sigset_t; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, new_struct_sigaction); |
| |
| subtype struct_sigaction is new_struct_sigaction; |
| type struct_sigaction_ptr is access all struct_sigaction; |
| |
| SIG_BLOCK : constant := 1; |
| SIG_UNBLOCK : constant := 2; |
| SIG_SETMASK : constant := 3; |
| |
| SIG_DFL : constant := 0; |
| SIG_IGN : constant := 1; |
| |
| SA_SIGINFO : constant := 16#0040#; |
| SA_ONSTACK : constant := 16#0001#; |
| |
| function sigaction |
| (sig : Signal; |
| act : struct_sigaction_ptr; |
| oact : struct_sigaction_ptr) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigaction, "sigaction"); |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Time -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| Time_Slice_Supported : constant Boolean := True; |
| -- Indicates whether time slicing is supported (i.e SCHED_RR is supported) |
| |
| type timespec is private; |
| |
| function nanosleep (rqtp, rmtp : access timespec) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, nanosleep, "nanosleep"); |
| |
| type clockid_t is new unsigned_long; |
| |
| function clock_getres |
| (clock_id : clockid_t; |
| res : access timespec) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, clock_getres, "clock_getres"); |
| |
| function clock_gettime |
| (clock_id : clockid_t; |
| tp : access timespec) |
| return int; |
| pragma Import (C, clock_gettime, "clock_gettime"); |
| |
| function To_Duration (TS : timespec) return Duration; |
| pragma Inline (To_Duration); |
| |
| function To_Timespec (D : Duration) return timespec; |
| pragma Inline (To_Timespec); |
| |
| type struct_timezone is record |
| tz_minuteswest : int; |
| tz_dsttime : int; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, struct_timezone); |
| |
| procedure usleep (useconds : unsigned_long); |
| pragma Import (C, usleep, "usleep"); |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Priority Scheduling -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| SCHED_FIFO : constant := 1; |
| SCHED_OTHER : constant := 2; |
| SCHED_RR : constant := 3; |
| |
| function To_Target_Priority |
| (Prio : System.Any_Priority) return Interfaces.C.int; |
| -- Maps System.Any_Priority to a POSIX priority |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| type pid_t is private; |
| |
| function kill (pid : pid_t; sig : Signal) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, kill, "kill"); |
| |
| function getpid return pid_t; |
| pragma Import (C, getpid, "getpid"); |
| |
| --------- |
| -- LWP -- |
| --------- |
| |
| function lwp_self return System.Address; |
| -- lwp_self does not exist on this thread library, revert to pthread_self |
| -- which is the closest approximation (with getpid). This function is |
| -- needed to share 7staprop.adb across POSIX-like targets. |
| pragma Import (C, lwp_self, "pthread_self"); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Threads -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| type Thread_Body is access |
| function (arg : System.Address) return System.Address; |
| pragma Convention (C, Thread_Body); |
| |
| function Thread_Body_Access is new |
| Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Thread_Body); |
| |
| type pthread_t is private; |
| subtype Thread_Id is pthread_t; |
| |
| type pthread_mutex_t is limited private; |
| type pthread_cond_t is limited private; |
| type pthread_attr_t is limited private; |
| type pthread_mutexattr_t is limited private; |
| type pthread_condattr_t is limited private; |
| type pthread_key_t is private; |
| |
| PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED : constant := 1; |
| PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE : constant := 0; |
| |
| PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS : constant := 0; |
| PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM : constant := 2; |
| |
| -- Read/Write lock not supported on DragonFly. To add support both types |
| -- pthread_rwlock_t and pthread_rwlockattr_t must properly be defined |
| -- with the associated routines pthread_rwlock_[init/destroy] and |
| -- pthread_rwlock_[rdlock/wrlock/unlock]. |
| |
| subtype pthread_rwlock_t is pthread_mutex_t; |
| subtype pthread_rwlockattr_t is pthread_mutexattr_t; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Stack -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| type stack_t is record |
| ss_sp : System.Address; |
| ss_size : size_t; |
| ss_flags : int; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, stack_t); |
| |
| function sigaltstack |
| (ss : not null access stack_t; |
| oss : access stack_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigaltstack, "sigaltstack"); |
| |
| Alternate_Stack : aliased System.Address; |
| -- This is a dummy definition, never used (Alternate_Stack_Size is null) |
| |
| Alternate_Stack_Size : constant := 0; |
| -- No alternate signal stack is used on this platform |
| |
| Stack_Base_Available : constant Boolean := False; |
| -- Indicates whether the stack base is available on this target. This |
| -- allows us to share s-osinte.adb between all the FSU run time. Note that |
| -- this value can only be true if pthread_t has a complete definition that |
| -- corresponds exactly to the C header files. |
| |
| function Get_Stack_Base (thread : pthread_t) return Address; |
| pragma Inline (Get_Stack_Base); |
| -- returns the stack base of the specified thread. Only call this function |
| -- when Stack_Base_Available is True. |
| |
| function Get_Page_Size return int; |
| pragma Import (C, Get_Page_Size, "getpagesize"); |
| -- Returns the size of a page |
| |
| PROT_NONE : constant := 0; |
| PROT_READ : constant := 1; |
| PROT_WRITE : constant := 2; |
| PROT_EXEC : constant := 4; |
| PROT_ON : constant := PROT_NONE; |
| PROT_OFF : constant := PROT_ALL; |
| |
| function mprotect (addr : Address; len : size_t; prot : int) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, mprotect); |
| |
| --------------------------------------- |
| -- Nonstandard Thread Initialization -- |
| --------------------------------------- |
| |
| -- FSU_THREADS requires pthread_init, which is nonstandard and this should |
| -- be invoked during the elaboration of s-taprop.adb. |
| |
| -- DragonFlyBSD does not require this so we provide an empty Ada body |
| |
| procedure pthread_init; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- POSIX.1c Section 3 -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| function sigwait |
| (set : access sigset_t; |
| sig : access Signal) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sigwait, "sigwait"); |
| |
| function pthread_kill |
| (thread : pthread_t; |
| sig : Signal) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_kill, "pthread_kill"); |
| |
| function pthread_sigmask |
| (how : int; |
| set : access sigset_t; |
| oset : access sigset_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_sigmask, "pthread_sigmask"); |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- POSIX.1c Section 11 -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| function pthread_mutexattr_init |
| (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_init, "pthread_mutexattr_init"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutexattr_destroy |
| (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, "pthread_mutexattr_destroy"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutex_init |
| (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t; |
| attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_init, "pthread_mutex_init"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutex_destroy (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_destroy, "pthread_mutex_destroy"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutex_lock (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_lock, "pthread_mutex_lock"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_unlock, "pthread_mutex_unlock"); |
| |
| function pthread_condattr_init |
| (attr : access pthread_condattr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_init, "pthread_condattr_init"); |
| |
| function pthread_condattr_destroy |
| (attr : access pthread_condattr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_destroy, "pthread_condattr_destroy"); |
| |
| function pthread_cond_init |
| (cond : access pthread_cond_t; |
| attr : access pthread_condattr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_init, "pthread_cond_init"); |
| |
| function pthread_cond_destroy (cond : access pthread_cond_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_destroy, "pthread_cond_destroy"); |
| |
| function pthread_cond_signal (cond : access pthread_cond_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_signal, "pthread_cond_signal"); |
| |
| function pthread_cond_wait |
| (cond : access pthread_cond_t; |
| mutex : access pthread_mutex_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_wait, "pthread_cond_wait"); |
| |
| function pthread_cond_timedwait |
| (cond : access pthread_cond_t; |
| mutex : access pthread_mutex_t; |
| abstime : access timespec) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_timedwait, "pthread_cond_timedwait"); |
| |
| Relative_Timed_Wait : constant Boolean := False; |
| -- pthread_cond_timedwait requires an absolute delay time |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- POSIX.1c Section 13 -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE : constant := 0; |
| PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT : constant := 2; |
| PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT : constant := 1; |
| |
| function pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol |
| (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; |
| protocol : int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol, "pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol |
| (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; |
| protocol : access int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol, "pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling |
| (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; |
| prioceiling : int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling, |
| "pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling"); |
| |
| function pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling |
| (attr : access pthread_mutexattr_t; |
| prioceiling : access int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling, |
| "pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling"); |
| |
| type struct_sched_param is record |
| sched_priority : int; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, struct_sched_param); |
| |
| function pthread_getschedparam |
| (thread : pthread_t; |
| policy : access int; |
| param : access struct_sched_param) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_getschedparam, "pthread_getschedparam"); |
| |
| function pthread_setschedparam |
| (thread : pthread_t; |
| policy : int; |
| param : access struct_sched_param) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_setschedparam, "pthread_setschedparam"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_setscope |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| contentionscope : int) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setscope, "pthread_attr_setscope"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_getscope |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| contentionscope : access int) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getscope, "pthread_attr_getscope"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_setinheritsched |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| inheritsched : int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_attr_setinheritsched, "pthread_attr_setinheritsched"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_getinheritsched |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| inheritsched : access int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_attr_getinheritsched, "pthread_attr_getinheritsched"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_setschedpolicy |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| policy : int) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setschedpolicy, |
| "pthread_attr_setschedpolicy"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_getschedpolicy |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| policy : access int) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getschedpolicy, |
| "pthread_attr_getschedpolicy"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_setschedparam |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| sched_param : int) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setschedparam, "pthread_attr_setschedparam"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_getschedparam |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| sched_param : access int) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getschedparam, "pthread_attr_getschedparam"); |
| |
| function sched_yield return int; |
| pragma Import (C, sched_yield, "pthread_yield"); |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- P1003.1c Section 16 -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| function pthread_attr_init (attributes : access pthread_attr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_init, "pthread_attr_init"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_destroy |
| (attributes : access pthread_attr_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_destroy, "pthread_attr_destroy"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_setdetachstate |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| detachstate : int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_attr_setdetachstate, "pthread_attr_setdetachstate"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_getdetachstate |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| detachstate : access int) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_attr_getdetachstate, "pthread_attr_getdetachstate"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_getstacksize |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| stacksize : access size_t) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_attr_getstacksize, "pthread_attr_getstacksize"); |
| |
| function pthread_attr_setstacksize |
| (attr : access pthread_attr_t; |
| stacksize : size_t) return int; |
| pragma Import |
| (C, pthread_attr_setstacksize, "pthread_attr_setstacksize"); |
| |
| function pthread_create |
| (thread : access pthread_t; |
| attributes : access pthread_attr_t; |
| start_routine : Thread_Body; |
| arg : System.Address) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_create, "pthread_create"); |
| |
| function pthread_detach (thread : pthread_t) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_detach, "pthread_detach"); |
| |
| procedure pthread_exit (status : System.Address); |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_exit, "pthread_exit"); |
| |
| function pthread_self return pthread_t; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_self, "pthread_self"); |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- POSIX.1c Section 17 -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| function pthread_setspecific |
| (key : pthread_key_t; |
| value : System.Address) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_setspecific, "pthread_setspecific"); |
| |
| function pthread_getspecific (key : pthread_key_t) return System.Address; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_getspecific, "pthread_getspecific"); |
| |
| type destructor_pointer is access procedure (arg : System.Address); |
| pragma Convention (C, destructor_pointer); |
| |
| function pthread_key_create |
| (key : access pthread_key_t; |
| destructor : destructor_pointer) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_key_create, "pthread_key_create"); |
| |
| ------------------------------------ |
| -- Non-portable Pthread Functions -- |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| function pthread_set_name_np |
| (thread : pthread_t; |
| name : System.Address) return int; |
| pragma Import (C, pthread_set_name_np, "pthread_set_name_np"); |
| |
| private |
| |
| type sigset_t is array (1 .. 4) of unsigned; |
| |
| -- In DragonFlyBSD the component sa_handler turns out to |
| -- be one a union type, and the selector is a macro: |
| -- #define sa_handler __sigaction_u._handler |
| -- #define sa_sigaction __sigaction_u._sigaction |
| |
| -- Should we add a signal_context type here ??? |
| -- How could it be done independent of the CPU architecture ??? |
| -- sigcontext type is opaque, so it is architecturally neutral. |
| -- It is always passed as an access type, so define it as an empty record |
| -- since the contents are not used anywhere. |
| |
| type struct_sigcontext is null record; |
| pragma Convention (C, struct_sigcontext); |
| |
| type pid_t is new int; |
| |
| type time_t is range -2 ** (System.Parameters.time_t_bits - 1) |
| .. 2 ** (System.Parameters.time_t_bits - 1) - 1; |
| |
| type timespec is record |
| ts_sec : time_t; |
| ts_nsec : long; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, timespec); |
| |
| type pthread_t is new System.Address; |
| type pthread_attr_t is new System.Address; |
| type pthread_mutex_t is new System.Address; |
| type pthread_mutexattr_t is new System.Address; |
| type pthread_cond_t is new System.Address; |
| type pthread_condattr_t is new System.Address; |
| type pthread_key_t is new int; |
| |
| end System.OS_Interface; |