blob: 025efda12cb9ab312b16a3e0489dec0070331658 [file] [log] [blame]
/* PR c/47931 - missing -Waddress warning for comparison with NULL
{ dg-do compile }
{ dg-options "-Waddress" } */
#define NULL ((void *) 0)
int i;
int f0 (void)
return &i != 0; /* { dg-warning "the address of .i. will never be NULL" } */
int f1 (void)
return &i != (void *) 0; /* { dg-warning "the address of .i. will never be NULL" } */
int f2 (void)
return &i != NULL; /* { dg-warning "the address of .i. will never be NULL" } */