blob: 893e68cb994da24f32cbde0f6b22edae1acecf3b [file] [log] [blame]
.global dumpregs
.global myfunc
.type dumpregs,%function
.type myfunc,%function
#ifdef __LP64__
#define PTR_REG(n) x##n
#define PTR_REG(n) w##n
mov x16, sp
mov x17, sp
sub sp, sp, 368 // 352 for registers and 16 for old sp and lr
sub x17, x17, 8
st4 { v4.h, v5.h, v6.h, v7.h }[0], [x17] //344
sub x17, x17, 8
st4 { v0.h, v1.h, v2.h, v3.h }[0], [x17] //336
stp x8, x9, [x17, #-16]! //320
stp q6, q7, [x17, #-32]! //288
stp q4, q5, [x17, #-32]! //256
stp q2, q3, [x17, #-32]! //224
stp q0, q1, [x17, #-32]! //192
stp x6, x7, [x17, #-16]! //176
stp x4, x5, [x17, #-16]! //160
stp x2, x3, [x17, #-16]! //144
stp x0, x1, [x17, #-16]! //128
stp w6, w7, [x17, #-8]! //120
stp w4, w5, [x17, #-8]! //112
stp w2, w3, [x17, #-8]! //104
stp w0, w1, [x17, #-8]! // 96
stp s6, s7, [x17, #-8]! // 88
stp s4, s5, [x17, #-8]! // 80
stp s2, s3, [x17, #-8]! // 72
stp s0, s1, [x17, #-8]! // 64
stp d6, d7, [x17, #-16]! // 48
stp d4, d5, [x17, #-16]! // 32
stp d2, d3, [x17, #-16]! // 16
stp d0, d1, [x17, #-16]! // 0
add x0, sp, #16
stp x16, x30, [x17, #-16]!
adrp x9, which_kind_of_test // determine the type of test
add x9, x9, :lo12:which_kind_of_test
ldr w9, [x9, #0]
cmp w9, #1
bl testfunc // parameter passing test or va_arg code gen test
adrp x9, testfunc_ptr
add x9, x9, :lo12:testfunc_ptr
ldr PTR_REG(9), [x9, #0]
blr x9 // function return value test
adrp x9, saved_return_address
add x9, x9, :lo12:saved_return_address
ldr x9, [x9, #0]
str x9, [sp, #8] // Update the copy of LR reg saved on stack
ldp x0, x30, [sp]
mov sp, x0
.weak testfunc
.weak testfunc_ptr
.weak saved_return_address