blob: 124bef17c621a7a97fffa6a61390eeb4465b0e01 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test variable number of arguments passed to functions. */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "defines.h"
#define ARG_INT 1
#define ARG_DOUBLE 2
#define ARG_POINTER 3
union types
int ivalue;
double dvalue;
void *pvalue;
struct arg
int type;
union types value;
struct arg *arglist;
/* This tests the argumentlist to see if it matches the format string which
is printf-like. Nothing will be printed of course. It can handle ints,
doubles and void pointers. The given value will be tested against the
values given in arglist.
This test only assures that the variable argument passing is working.
No attempt is made to see if argument passing is done the right way. */
__attribute__ ((noinline))
noprintf (char *format, ...)
va_list va_arglist;
char *c;
int ivalue;
double dvalue;
void *pvalue;
struct arg *argp = arglist;
va_start (va_arglist, format);
for (c = format; *c; c++)
if (*c == '%')
switch (*++c)
case 'd':
assert (argp->type == ARG_INT);
ivalue = va_arg (va_arglist, int);
assert (argp->value.ivalue == ivalue);
case 'f':
assert (argp->type == ARG_DOUBLE);
dvalue = va_arg (va_arglist, double);
assert (argp->value.dvalue == dvalue);
case 'p':
assert (argp->type == ARG_POINTER);
pvalue = va_arg (va_arglist, void *);
assert (argp->value.pvalue == pvalue);
abort ();
extern void iamcu_noprintf (char *, ...);
main (void)
float f = 258.0;
struct arg al[5];
al[0].type = ARG_INT;
al[0].value.ivalue = 256;
al[1].type = ARG_DOUBLE;
al[1].value.dvalue = 257.0;
al[2].type = ARG_POINTER;
al[2].value.pvalue = al;
al[3].type = ARG_DOUBLE;
al[3].value.dvalue = f;
al[4].type = ARG_INT;
al[4].value.ivalue = 259;
arglist = al;
noprintf("%d%f%p%f%d", 256, 257.0, al, f, 259);
iamcu_noprintf ((char *) 0xabadbeef, 256, 257.0,
(void *) 0xbbadbeef, f, 259);
return 0;