blob: 98fbc660f277504edecccd7425b1cca41a19932f [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef MACROS_H
#define check_size(_t, _size) assert(sizeof(_t) == (_size))
#define check_align(_t, _align) assert(__alignof__(_t) == (_align))
#define check_align_lv(_t, _align) assert(__alignof__(_t) == (_align) \
&& (((unsigned long)&(_t)) & ((_align) - 1) ) == 0)
#define check_basic_struct_size_and_align(_type, _size, _align) { \
struct _str { _type dummy; } _t; \
check_size(_t, _size); \
check_align_lv(_t, _align); \
#define check_array_size_and_align(_type, _size, _align) { \
_type _a[1]; _type _b[2]; _type _c[16]; \
struct _str { _type _a[1]; } _s; \
check_align_lv(_a[0], _align); \
check_size(_a, _size); \
check_size(_b, (_size*2)); \
check_size(_c, (_size*16)); \
check_size(_s, _size); \
check_align_lv(_s._a[0], _align); \
#define check_basic_union_size_and_align(_type, _size, _align) { \
union _union { _type dummy; } _u; \
check_size(_u, _size); \
check_align_lv(_u, _align); \
#define run_signed_tests2(_function, _arg1, _arg2) \
_function(_arg1, _arg2); \
_function(signed _arg1, _arg2); \
_function(unsigned _arg1, _arg2);
#define run_signed_tests3(_function, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3) \
_function(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); \
_function(signed _arg1, _arg2, _arg3); \
_function(unsigned _arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
/* Check size of a struct and a union of three types. */
#define check_struct_and_union3(type1, type2, type3, struct_size, align_size) \
{ \
struct _str { type1 t1; type2 t2; type3 t3; } _t; \
union _uni { type1 t1; type2 t2; type3 t3; } _u; \
check_size(_t, struct_size); \
check_size(_u, align_size); \
#endif // MACROS_H