blob: 333d83ec99b7fbdb11b3f1168bd09b1313dd67a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-Wall -Wdeprecated -Werror" }
module asm3;
void test1() nothrow // { dg-error "nothrow function 'asm3.test1' may throw" }
asm { } // { dg-error "asm statement is assumed to throw - mark it with 'nothrow' if it does not" }
void test2() pure
asm { } // { dg-error "asm statement is assumed to be impure - mark it with 'pure' if it is not" }
void test3() @nogc
asm { } // { dg-error "asm statement is assumed to use the GC - mark it with '@nogc' if it does not" }
void test4() @safe
asm { } // { dg-error "asm statement is assumed to be @system - mark it with '@trusted' if it is not" }