blob: e784287c00d8829131a1021bba5189272659c338 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
program cont_01_neg
implicit none
real, pointer, contiguous :: r(:)
real, pointer, contiguous :: r2(:,:)
real, target :: x(45)
real, target :: x2(5,9)
integer :: i
integer :: n=1
x = (/ (real(i),i=1,45) /)
x2 = reshape(x,shape(x2))
r => x(::46)
r => x(::3) ! { dg-error "Assignment to contiguous pointer from non-contiguous target" }
r2 => x2(2:,9:)
r2 => x2(2:,:) ! { dg-error "Assignment to contiguous pointer from non-contiguous target" }
r2 => x2(:,2:3)
r => x2(2:3,1)
r => x(::1)
r => x(::n)
end program