blob: 7a5abee9acbdea9e08a39d11572e83ff6cf3cbdd [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! This tests the "virtual fix" for PR19561, where pointers to derived
! types were not generating correct code. This testcase is based on
! the original PR example. This example not only tests the
! original problem but throughly tests derived types in modules,
! module interfaces and compound derived types.
! Original by Martin Reinecke
! Submitted by Paul Thomas
! Slightly modified by Tobias SchlΓΌter
module func_derived_3
implicit none
type objA
integer :: i
end type objA
interface new
module procedure oaInit
end interface
interface print
module procedure oaPrint
end interface
public objA,new,print
subroutine oaInit(oa,i)
integer :: i
type(objA) :: oa
end subroutine oaInit
subroutine oaPrint (oa)
type (objA) :: oa
write (10, '("simple = ",i5)') oa%i
end subroutine oaPrint
end module func_derived_3
module func_derived_3a
use func_derived_3
implicit none
type objB
integer :: i
type(objA), pointer :: oa
end type objB
interface new
module procedure obInit
end interface
interface print
module procedure obPrint
end interface
public objB, new, print, getOa, getOa2
subroutine obInit (ob,oa,i)
integer :: i
type(objA), target :: oa
type(objB) :: ob
end subroutine obInit
subroutine obPrint (ob)
type (objB) :: ob
write (10, '("derived = ",i5)') ob%i
call print (ob%oa)
end subroutine obPrint
function getOa (ob) result (oa)
type (objB),target :: ob
type (objA), pointer :: oa
end function getOa
! without a result clause
function getOa2 (ob)
type (objB),target :: ob
type (objA), pointer :: getOa2
end function getOa2
end module func_derived_3a
use func_derived_3
use func_derived_3a
implicit none
type (objA),target :: oa
type (objB),target :: ob
character (len=80) :: line
open (10, status='scratch')
call new (oa,1)
call new (ob, oa, 2)
call print (ob)
call print (getOa (ob))
call print (getOa2 (ob))
rewind (10)
read (10, '(80a)') line
if (trim (line).ne."derived = 2") STOP 1
read (10, '(80a)') line
if (trim (line).ne."simple = 1") STOP 2
read (10, '(80a)') line
if (trim (line).ne."simple = 1") STOP 3
read (10, '(80a)') line
if (trim (line).ne."simple = 1") STOP 4
close (10)
end program