blob: 5a36c43b20e4b8b1608bf6da949cf12c575837e1 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR19546 in which an ICE would result from
! setting the parent result in a contained procedure.
! Check that parent alternate entry results can be referenced.
function f()
integer :: f, g
f = 42
call sub1 ()
if (f.eq.1) f = 2
entry g()
g = 99
call sub2 ()
if (g.eq.77) g = 33
subroutine sub1
if (f.eq.42) f = 1
end subroutine sub1
subroutine sub2
if (g.eq.99) g = g - 22
end subroutine sub2
end function f
integer, external :: f, g
if (f ().ne.2) STOP 1
if (g ().ne.33) STOP 2