blob: 1c1c8f909120274c62df6b994f6a15f6935a6e34 [file] [log] [blame]
! Program to test the COUNT intrinsic
program intrinsic_count
implicit none
logical(kind=4), dimension (3, 5) :: a
integer(kind=4), dimension (3) :: b
integer i
character(len=10) line
a = .false.
if (count(a) .ne. 0) STOP 1
a = .true.
if (count(a) .ne. 15) STOP 2
a(1, 1) = .false.
a(2, 2) = .false.
a(2, 5) = .false.
if (count(a) .ne. 12) STOP 3
write (line, 9000) count(a)
read (line, 9000) i
if (i .ne. 12) STOP 4
b(1:3) = count(a, 2);
if (b(1) .ne. 4) STOP 5
if (b(2) .ne. 3) STOP 6
if (b(3) .ne. 5) STOP 7
b = 0
write (line, 9000) count(a,2)
read (line, 9000) b
if (b(1) .ne. 4) STOP 8
if (b(2) .ne. 3) STOP 9
if (b(3) .ne. 5) STOP 10
9000 format(3I3)
end program