blob: c582fbf4f073584687c670178609b9c49f889263 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copy of g++.dg/warn/Winfinite-recursion-2.C */
/* { dg-do compile { target c++11 } } */
namespace std
class type_info {
void k() const;
} // namespace std
using std::type_info;
template <int a> struct f { static constexpr int c = a; };
struct h {
typedef int e;
template <unsigned long, typename...> struct m;
template <unsigned long ab, typename i, typename j, typename... ac>
struct m<ab, i, j, ac...> : m<ab + 1, i, ac...> {};
template <unsigned long ab, typename j, typename... ac>
struct m<ab, j, j, ac...> : f<ab> {};
template <unsigned long, typename...> struct n;
template <unsigned long ab, typename j, typename... ac>
struct n<ab, j, ac...> : n<ab - 1, ac...> {};
template <typename j, typename... ac> struct n<0, j, ac...> : h {};
template <typename... l> class F {
template <typename i> struct I : m<0, i, l...> {};
template <int ab> struct s : n<ab, l...> {};
static const type_info *const b[];
struct G {
template <typename ag>
operator ag() const
return *this; /* { dg-warning "-Wanalyzer-infinite-recursion" } */
unsigned o;
G ah;
long t() const { return o; }
const type_info &m_fn3() const { return *b[o]; }
template <int ab> typename s<ab>::e *m_fn4() const {
if (o != ab)
return nullptr;
return ah;
template <int ab> void m_fn5() const {
const type_info &r = m_fn3();
template <typename i> void u() const { m_fn5<I<i>::c>(); }
template <typename... l> const type_info *const F<l...>::b[] {&typeid(l)...};
using am = unsigned char;
class H {
enum bd : am { be = 2 };
using bf = F<int, int, H>;
bf ah;
template <typename bg> void v() const { ah.u<bg>(); }
void w() const;
void H::w() const {
bd d = bd(ah.t());
switch (d)
case be: