blob: 8bdb2b5d0f780933b32d44b1ab19ae129852d048 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do run }
// Test that we can manage a constructed param reference
#include "../coro.h"
// boiler-plate for tests of codegen
#include "../coro1-ret-int-yield-int.h"
// Require a ctor.
struct nontriv {
int a, b, c;
nontriv (int _a, int _b, int _c) : a(_a), b(_b), c(_c) {}
virtual int getA () { return a; }
struct coro1
f (nontriv &t) noexcept
if (t.a > 30)
PRINTF ("coro1: about to return %d", t.b);
co_return t.b;
else if (t.a > 20)
PRINTF ("coro1: about to co-return %d", t.c);
co_return t.c;
PRINT ("coro1: about to return 0");
co_return 0;
int main ()
PRINT ("main: create coro1");
nontriv test (25, 6174, 42);
struct coro1 x = f (test);
PRINT ("main: got coro1 - resuming");
if (x.handle.done())
PRINT ("main: after resume");
int y = x.handle.promise().get_value();
if ( y != 42 )
abort ();
if (!x.handle.done())
PRINT ("main: apparently not done...");
abort ();
PRINT ("main: returning");
return 0;