blob: 2952d0116749fd8268018ad57f50f7d16e7d877c [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do run }
#include "../coro.h"
struct pt_b
std::suspend_never initial_suspend() const noexcept { return {}; }
std::suspend_never final_suspend() const noexcept { return {}; }
void unhandled_exception() const noexcept {}
int called_rv_op = 0;
struct rv
void operator ()(){
PRINT("call to operator ");
struct pt_c : pt_b
using handle_t = std::coroutine_handle<pt_c>;
auto get_return_object() noexcept { return handle_t::from_promise(*this); }
rv return_void;
int called_lambda = 0;
struct pt_d : pt_b
using handle_t = std::coroutine_handle<pt_d>;
auto get_return_object() noexcept { return handle_t::from_promise(*this); }
static constexpr auto return_void
= []{ PRINT("call to lambda "); called_lambda++; };
template <> struct std::coroutine_traits<pt_c::handle_t>
{ using promise_type = pt_c; };
static pt_c::handle_t foo ()
template <> struct std::coroutine_traits<pt_d::handle_t>
{ using promise_type = pt_d; };
static pt_d::handle_t bar ()
int main ()
foo ();
bar ();
if (called_rv_op != 1 || called_lambda != 1)
PRINT ("Failed to call one of the return_void cases");
abort ();