blob: cc6f8538dbfb1a9bef4b392973ef87cef8e2c950 [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-do run { target c++11 } } */
/* { dg-options "-O1 -fipa-cp -fipa-cp-clone" } */
struct R {} RGood;
struct L {} LBad;
volatile int vi;
static void __attribute__((noipa)) L_run(void) { vi = 0; __builtin_abort (); }
static void callback_fn_L(void) { vi = 1; L_run(); }
static void callback_fn_R(void) { vi = 2; }
struct function_ref {
void (*callback)(void) = nullptr;
function_ref(L * pl) { callback = callback_fn_L; }
function_ref(R * pr) { callback = callback_fn_R; }
// allow one level of recursion to call callback twice
static int is_recur(void) {
static int n = 0;
switch (n++) {
case 0: return 1;
default: return 0;
static void do3(volatile int * punused, function_ref Expired) {
if (is_recur())
do3(punused, Expired);
static void do1(function_ref Expired) {
volatile int unused = 42;
do3(&unused, Expired);
int main(int, const char **) { do1(&RGood); return 0; }
void seemingly_unused_foo(void) { do1(&LBad); }
void (*fnptr)(void) = seemingly_unused_foo;