blob: aec6bca54184fd6be1285d5c4f22e7b4d2264829 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options -Wshadow } */
/* Source: Neil Booth, 3 Nov 2001, and PR 16, 713. -Wshadow was
giving a bunch of warnings we didn't want, and wasn't giving the
location of the shadowed variable. */
struct status // { dg-bogus "shadowed declaration" }
int member;
void foo2 ();
inline static int foo3 (int member) // { dg-bogus "shadows" }
return member;
int decl1; // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
int decl2; // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
void foo (struct status &status,// { dg-bogus "shadows a global decl" }
double decl1) // { dg-warning "shadows a global decl" }
void foo1 (int d)
double d; // { dg-error "shadows a parameter" }
void status::foo2 ()
int member; // { dg-warning "shadows a member" }
int decl2; // { dg-warning "shadows a global decl" }
int local; // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
int local; // { dg-warning "shadows a previous local" }