blob: 1d8d21b9b6f17925c5180faf042eb31b497365c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test the declaration of nested lambda function shadows
// a parameter or previous local.
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
// { dg-options "-Wshadow" }
struct S {};
int f1(int x) // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
int t = 0;
int m = 0; // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
[&t] (int x) { // { dg-warning "shadows a parameter" }
int m = 1; // { dg-warning "shadows a previous local" }
t = t + x + m;
return t;
void f2(struct S i, int j) {
struct A {
struct S x;
void g(struct S i) { // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
struct S x; // { dg-warning "shadows a member of" }
struct S y; // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
int t;
[&t](struct S i){ // { dg-warning "shadows a parameter" }
int j = 1; // { dg-bogus "shadows" }
struct S y; // { dg-warning "shadows a previous local" }
t = j;
void f3(int i) {
int j = i; // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
int i; // { dg-warning "shadows a lambda capture" }
i = 1;
template <class T>
void f4(int i) {
int j = i; // { dg-message "shadowed declaration" }
int i; // { dg-warning "shadows a " }
i = 1;
template void f4<int>(int);