blob: 4e56833162d8204776dc2eeb23f042f251f8d9aa [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-require-iconv "CP850" } */
/* { dg-options "-finput-charset=CP850 -fdiagnostics-show-caret" } */
/* Test that diagnostics are converted to UTF-8; this file is encoded in
CP850. Why CP850? -finput-charset only supports encodings that are a
superset of ASCII. But encodings that look like latin-1 are automatically
converted by expect to UTF-8, and hence by the time dg sees them, it can't
verify they were actually output in UTF-8. So codepage 850 was chosen as one
that is hopefully available and meets the requirements of matching ASCII and
not matching latin-1. */
const char *section = "õ"
/* { dg-error "expected .* at end of input" "" { target *-*-*} .-1 } */
/* { dg-begin-multiline-output "" }
const char *section = "§"
{ dg-end-multiline-output "" } */