blob: 982113bc7ddf92ba3b6084ca55a410bee55427d3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* It is a constraint violation for a static function to be declared
but not defined if it is used except in a sizeof expression whose
result is an integer constant. In GNU C, we need to consider
__typeof__ and __alignof__ as well. __alignof__ always returns a
constant, so static functions can always be used therein.
__typeof__ evaluates its argument iff it has variably modified
type. */
/* Origin: Joseph Myers <> */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-O2 -std=gnu99 -pedantic-errors" } */
/* __alignof__, OK. */
static int f0(void);
void g0(void) { __alignof__(f0()); }
/* __typeof__ not variably modified, OK. */
static int f1(void);
void g1(void) { __typeof__(f1()) x; }
/* __typeof__ variably modified, not OK. */
static int f2(void); /* { dg-error "used but never defined" } */
void g2(void) { __typeof__(int [f2()]) x; }
/* __typeof__ variably modified, not OK. */
static int f3(void); /* { dg-error "used but never defined" } */
void g3(void) { __typeof__(int (*)[f3()]) x; }
/* Integer sizeof of VM typeof, OK. */
static int f4(void);
void g4(void) { sizeof(__typeof__(int (*)[f3()])); }