| package body Debug4_Pkg is |
| |
| type Vertex_To_Vertex_T is array (Vertex_Id range <>) of Vertex_Id; |
| |
| function Dominator_Tree_Internal (G : T'Class) return Vertex_To_Vertex_T is |
| subtype V_To_V is Vertex_To_Vertex_T (0 .. G.Vertices.Last_Index); |
| type V_To_VIL is array |
| (Valid_Vertex_Id range 1 .. G.Vertices.Last_Index) |
| of Vertex_Index_List; |
| Bucket : V_To_VIL := (others => VIL.Empty_Vector); |
| Dom : V_To_V := (others => 0); |
| begin |
| return Dom; |
| end; |
| |
| function Dominator_Tree (G : T'Class) return T is |
| Dom : constant Vertex_To_Vertex_T := Dominator_Tree_Internal (G); |
| DT : T := (Vertices => VL.Empty_Vector); |
| begin |
| return DT; |
| end; |
| |
| end Debug4_Pkg; |