blob: f9c4adeb71b5b82b8d0a0ad3216380a7d40fa557 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do run }
with Init12; use Init12;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Dump;
procedure S12 is
A11 : Arr11 := My_A11;
A22 : Arr22 := My_A22;
A1 : Arr1;
A2 : Arr2;
C1 : Integer;
C2 : Integer;
C3 : Integer;
Put ("A11 :");
Dump (A11'Address, Arr11'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements);
-- { dg-output "A11 : 12 00 ab 00 34 00 cd 00 12 00 ab 00 34 00 cd 00.*\n" }
Put ("A22 :");
Dump (A22'Address, Arr22'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements);
-- { dg-output "A22 : 00 ab 00 12 00 cd 00 34 00 ab 00 12 00 cd 00 34.*\n" }
A1 := (A11(1,1), A11(1,2), A11(2,1));
C1 := A1(1);
C2 := A1(2);
C3 := A1(3);
Put_Line("C1 :" & C1'Img);
-- { dg-output "C1 : 11206674.*\n" }
Put_Line("C2 :" & C2'Img);
-- { dg-output "C2 : 13434932.*\n" }
Put_Line("C3 :" & C3'Img);
-- { dg-output "C3 : 11206674.*\n" }
A1(1) := C1;
A1(2) := C2;
A1(3) := C3;
A11(1,1) := A1(1); A11(1,2) := A1(2); A11(2,1) := A1(3);
A2 := (A22(1,1), A22(1,2), A22(2,1));
C1 := A2(1);
C2 := A2(2);
C3 := A2(3);
Put_Line("C1 :" & C1'Img);
-- { dg-output "C1 : 11206674.*\n" }
Put_Line("C2 :" & C2'Img);
-- { dg-output "C2 : 13434932.*\n" }
Put_Line("C3 :" & C3'Img);
-- { dg-output "C3 : 11206674.*\n" }
A2(1) := C1;
A2(2) := C2;
A2(3) := C3;
A22(1,1) := A2(1); A22(1,2) := A2(2); A22(2,1) := A2(3);
Put ("A11 :");
Dump (A11'Address, Arr11'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements);
-- { dg-output "A11 : 12 00 ab 00 34 00 cd 00 12 00 ab 00 34 00 cd 00.*\n" }
Put ("A22 :");
Dump (A22'Address, Arr22'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements);
-- { dg-output "A22 : 00 ab 00 12 00 cd 00 34 00 ab 00 12 00 cd 00 34.*\n" }